BiographyMyles was born on the 4th August 1999 at the City Hospital in Nottingham.
He was a breech birth with complications, as soon as he was born he had a fit and was transferred to the Neonatal intensive care department, where we were told there were no beds available. After a couple of hours he was transferred to the Derby City Hospital, he spent a week in the neonatal department and had various tests and had a EEG. He was sent home with us as a healthy baby.
After a couple of hours of being at home things started to go wrong. He had some sort of convulsion and his lips were blue, he was rushed to the City Hospital High Dependency unit.
Again he had various tests and scans, he was on the unit until October 1999, he was over 2 months old by this stage. He had a fantastic Consultant ~ Dr Shisth who arranged for him to see different consultants and therapy staff.
He was given a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. We saw the genetics consultant who did various tests - they could not come up with a proper diagnosis or why it had happened to me! The nearest diagnosis was schizencephally.