BiographyLucy was a surprise baby as we felt our family was complete after her older brother Jack was diagnosed with autism, learning difficulties and extremely challenging behaviour. Jack was 8 when Lucy was born and life at home was difficult.
Lucy was a ray of sunshine and Jack adored her, having never appeared to have liked anyone else ever previously. She was a perfect baby, happy, content and very interactive. At around her first birthday she lost all of her skills and could no longer smile, laugh, clap, wave or talk.
Around her second birthday she was diagnosed with autism and global development delay. Her developmental age was said to be between 6 and 12 months.
We began an early intervention programme at home using techniques that had been successful with her brother Jack.
Lucy made good progress, her first word was dog and her interest in dogs has never waned and on her 11th birthday she was thrilled to be given her own dog Eric a poodle shih tzu cross.
Lucy is 12 now she attends a mainstream secondary with full time TA support. Lucy finds the academics the easiest thing about school to be honest but suffers extreme anxiety and sensory overload regularly which sadly results in her self harming.
Lucy remains our ray of sunshine though she has a happy and loving disposition and a kind and sensitive nature and her bond with Jack remains as strong as ever.