BiographyJack was born at 38 weeks weighing 6lb 2oz. He wasn't breathing properly and was rushed to the special care baby unit. He was on there for 10 weeks where he was be on and off the ventilators. Jack would constantly stop breathing and needed help. When Jack was 10 weeks old he suffered his first cardiac arrest and was rushed to Sheffield Childrens intensive care unit. Jack was on and off the unit for the first year of his life and came home with the help of our local children's hospice just before his first birthday.
Jack has an unknown neurological condition with multiple complex medical needs and life limiting illness. He requires 24-7 care between specially trained carers and mum. Jack has supra nuclear Palsy, Balbar palsy, no swallow, a tracheostomy, gastrostomy, fundoplication, hiatus hernia, global developmental delay, recurrent chest infections and pneumonia, scoliosis (curved spine). He can't walk unaided, he can't eat orally and so requires a pump feed. He requires constant humidification. He is doubly incontinant, He is connected to a machine over night that monitors his breathing and heart rate as his oxygen levels dip and his heart rate slows right down. Jack has suffered 3 x cardiac arrests in his life and is in and out of hospital throughout his short life. Jack suffers pain from his scoliosis sometimes. We have had to say our goodbyes to Jack on numerous occasions. Jack is such a fighter and happy little boy despite every thing he goes through every day. He is an inspiration to everyone he comes across.