BiographyLlion was born in March 2011 a healthy, happy baby. During the first year of Llion's life we had no concerns about him - he was happy and smiley and he enjoyed attention from everybody. We first had concerns when he was 15 months old. His speech wasn't developing like other children his age and he was becoming extremely frustrated and not wanting to be with people. He was referred to the paediatricians to assess him, and referred to speech and language therapy to help him talk. After a year of speech therapy, Llion started talking at 3 years old. Due to his autism, Llion struggles with everyday life. Any little change in his routine results in meltdowns. This means as a family we have to plan ahead for everything. We never quite know what will trigger him off. It's heartbreaking seeing him struggle in everyday life and watching people judge him when we're out in public. He hates anyone touching him and anything different or new. He doesn't like talking to new people and gets really upset when people talk to him first. Llion also doesn't understand when he has done wrong.
His obsession is Thomas the Tank and trains, he loves all the engines. These are the only toys he will play with, he does get very obsessed with them and doesn't like anyone else touching his trains. We have been told by speech and language and the paediatricians that he is on the autism spectrum but unfortunately, the area we live in has one of the worst waiting times for diagnosis. We have been waiting 18 months so far to be seen by the autism team and have been told it will be at least another 2 years until he is seen by them.