BiographyCurtis had his first seizure at 4 and a half months old we were told this was probably a one off. Looking back at it now to have a seizure for 40 minutes isn't normal but being new parents we trusted the doctors and didn't know any different.
Fast forward to 8 months old and he had another seizure on our first family holiday in the pool at Centre Parcs, we knew then something wasn't right, we were losing our little boy as we knew him.
This seizure changed everything - when I look back now I can't remember those first few months with Curtis and the feeling of not having a care in the world.
Between Oct - Jan he had 9 prolonged seizures that all required hospital admissions and on one occasion we nearly lost him when he contracted pneumonia.
He is such a happy boy putting up with all he has to, a right little character now and beautiful - he is loved beyond measure and we'd be heartbroken if we lost him.
We give Curtis 5 medications three times a day and he still has daily little seizures, head drops, arm jerks, absences and then big ones because this is incurable.
He is such a loving fun boy he loves his toy dog, listening to nursery rhymes going for drives in the car and playing with his toy animals and watching Mr Tumble and he couldn't be more loved.