BiographyMaisie was born in 2013 and was absolutely perfect and met all her first milestones fairly quickly. She walked at 10 months old and had begun to babble a few words. However, at around 14 months old this development all stopped, she stopped babbling and became very vacant and withdrawn into her own little world and seemingly impossible to reach.
Initially our GP and the Paediatrician thought she had some issues with her hearing and believed that was causing her speech to stop developing. However, after several hearing tests including one under sedation, it was clear that Maisie's hearing was in fact perfect and so the process began to establish what was going on.
Fortunately our GP was fantastic and has experience of autism personally and referred Maisie quickly to the community team. Due to her age and being a girl she was diagnosed with autism in September 2016, a little over a year since concerns and referrals were made.
Maisie attends a fantastic special needs school and has done since nursery, she is now in Year 2 and progressing so well. Whilst speech still alludes her she is perfecting using the PECS system so can express some needs and wants which makes life much easier indeed.
Maisie will face challenges throughout her life due to her autism, and the unknown in regards to whether she will speak or not but she is truly amazing and so happy with the world.