Thank youI wanted to say a massive thank you for Eunices quilt, it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Eunice is non verbal, but the smile on her face says it all, she loved it, and spent time looking at all the princesses, and was touching the stitches.
And to top it off she fell asleep next to it, even if it was 3:30pm!!
BiographyEunice's dad noticed something was wrong with Eunice back December 2019, her left rib cage was sticking out. Eunice was assessed at our local hospital and was sent for an MRI which showed the tumour in her spinal cord. After a lengthy operation for the biopsy Eunice was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma in March 2020 and started chemo.
Chemo was 72 weeks in length which Eunice finished in August 2021. Her tumour is inoperable but every MRI since diagnosis has been stable.
The cancer has caused Eunice lifelong disabilities. She has severe progressive scoliosis which has just been operated on by inserting metal rods along her spine. She’s got a twisted pelvis, right hip dysplasia, has focal seizures, a permanent catheter and is non-verbal