Rylei's quilt   (Quilt Completed) |
Born: | 2007 |
Illness: | Idic 15 a rare chromosome disorder
Theme: Superheroes
Quilt delivered: 2nd May 2022 |
Thank youI have attached a picture of Rylei with his gorgeous quilt can't thank you enough x
Finished photos
Quilted by:
Individual squares

Stitched by: Kaz Bowen |
BiographyRylei was born 2 weeks early and was floppy at birth and rushed to the special baby unit. He only spent a night in there, never cried as a young baby and had to be woken for feeds. He had really poor muscle tone and would lay and just stare upwards with no eye contact. He didn't reach any milestones.
I knew from birth something was wrong and after brain scans and blood tests had a call from genetics at GOSH that he had a rare chromosome disorder. Rylei didn’t walk until he was 3 with lots of physio input. He also has poor vision and is registered partially sighted with uncontrollable epilepsy. He attends a special school, has lots of hospital visits and has had a peg tube fitted to help with feeding and medication. He is now 14 and is doing ok.