BiographyKylian is 3 years old from Southport. His journey for a diagnosis started in January 2020 when we noticed that things were not quite right. Fast forward to 6 months, many Alder Hey Hospital appointments for different tests and an MRI scan. We received the news in the middle of lockdown 2020 from the consultant, words that haunt us to this day, that Kylian has brain damage from birth which has affected every area of his brain. There is nothing we can do and we will be guided by Kylian.
Shortly after this it was confirmed that Kylian has cerebral palsy level 4, developmental global delay, non-verbal, hearing loss and cerebral visual impairment.
Kylian needs one to one adult support 24/7. Since the day he was born Kylian has always been a fighter and continues to amaze us all.
Kylian's future is currently unknown which is very daunting to us but one thing for sure Kylian is the most determined 3 year old who fights battles most of us can't even imagine.