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LoveQuiltsUK - Reid S's quilt

Reid S's quilt   (Quilt Coming Soon)

Illness: Bilateral wilms tumor

Theme: Superheroes

Quilt will open soon, keep checking back!
Photo of Reid S

Child Interests

Riding his bike.. playing with his friends


Reid was born early he was a big baby and was amazing and content. He was actually born on Mother's day.

Reid has always been energetic and lives to play football and rugby and be with his friends. Reid was with a friend and Reid being Reid decided to throw himself down the banking and roll! This is typical of Reid! When he`d done it he got up and said his belly hurt. With that he come home and was OK in the night. Until woke me up at 4am saying his belly hurt. I gave him Calpol and rang the doctor`s first thing to be given an appointment later that morning.

I then had a phone call to take him over the hospital just in case they wanted to scan him as he was complaining about his stomach. With that I took him straight to A&E where he was scanned. Next thing I knew we were being rushed to resus where we had doctors and nurses all around us. We were told Reid had a 10cm mass on his left kidney! He was then blue lighted to Noah`s Ark Children's Hospital where once again were rushed to resus.

In the space of a few hours our whole lives were turned upside down!
Reid was diagnosed with bilateral Wilms tumour, this is cancer of the kidneys.

With this type of cancer there are no symptoms until it starts growing out of the stomach. With taking that fall it saved his life as it was already 10cm and there were no symptoms at all.

Reid underwent several months of chemotherapy to shrink the mass to give a better chance of the tumours being removed. Reid underwent major surgery in Great Ormond Street hospital and had his left kidney removed as well as 5%, of his right kidney where the tumours were.

Reid has now been 5 weeks in remission and is thriving

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