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LoveQuiltsUK - Beth M's quilt

Beth M's quilt   (Quilt Coming Soon)

Illness: Polymicrogyria

Theme: Rabbits/Guinea Pigs/Puppies

Quilt will open soon, keep checking back!
Photo of Beth M

Theme details

Rabbits/Guinea Pigs/Puppies (Cute or Realistic style) - Cute or realistic style please

Child Interests

Any animal, rabbits, dogs, guinea pigs, horses chickens
Colours purple pink and orange


Beth has had seizures since birth which went undiagnosed for 7 years. Constant trips to the doctors being told different things were causing them led to the seizures getting longer and longer. They finally did a MRI and MRA scan and discovered that she had a rare brain abnormality called polymicrogyria which means many extra folds to the surface of her brain. This affects her speech and comprehension and we are very lucky it isn't more severe. This has caused other issues including right hand side weakness, autism epilepsy and selective mutism.

Beth has always been a happy little girl however when she started attending school it became apparent that she was different to her peers. In year 2 the bullying started. She endured this for 5 years until her mental health declined to the poinybthat she could attend school and she hasn't spoken for 2 years now. She had been out of education for 64 weeks and wouldn't to leave the house.

She has just been accepted into a specialist setting where she will get the support and nurturing she needs. Maybe she will start to talk again. She starts the next steps of her journey on in March 2025

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