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LoveQuiltsUK - Seren's quilt

Seren's quilt   (Quilt Coming Soon)

Illness: Sturge Weber Syndrome.

Theme: High contrast colours

Quilt will open soon, keep checking back!
Photo of Seren

Theme details

High contrast colours - Colours with high contrast eg black/white/ red as Seren is visually impaired.

Perhaps some music notes on one square, animals, general "girly"-type designs.

Child Interests

Due to CVI high contrast colours work best for Seren such as red black and white.
She loves music and light up toys.
She loves looking at faces!


Seren was born with a large port wine stain on her face which immediately raised concerns. After a swift referral to Great Ormond Street, she was diagnosed with the rare congential disease of sturge weber syndrome. Like all syndromes there is a broad spectrum and we were told we need to wait and see although her disease is bilateral and on the whole, children dont fare as well.

Seren was developing as normal until she had her first seizure aged 6 months; she was in constant seizure state for 6 hours. This resulted in irreversisble brain damage skills regression which she has to this day not managed to regain.

She has in her short life experienced intensive care a number of times that I count on both my hands, and is now significantly effected. She is aged 3 and 100% dependant on a care giver to do absolutely everything including grasping a toy.

Our world has become so small but we try to do our best ensuring that she has opportunity and access to equipment that will improve her quality of life.

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