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LoveQuiltsUK - Antony P's quilt

Antony P's quilt   (Quilt Coming Soon)

Illness: Autism

Theme: Pixar selected

Quilt will open soon, keep checking back!
Photo of Antony P

Theme details

Pixar selected - Disney cars, Monsters Inc and Toy Story. A selection of emergency vehicles on the label would be nice :)

Child Interests

Antony loves pink.

He loves anything with wheels like diggers and emergency vehicles.
He also loves a programme called Geckos Garage from YouTube as well as Disney Cars & Monsters Inc.


When Antony was born he showed signs from early on that he was on the spectrum including stimming, not speaking, avoiding eye contact, slow milestones etc.
We spent 3 years fighting to get him seen by the ASD team going to countless paediatric, SALT and portage appointments. We were told we were wrong and forced off the ASD pathway but were thankfully seen by the Accrington ASD team who were so amazing with Antony & gave lots of support including sleep therapy and courses.

Watching him all this time struggling with his speech and trying to engage and express himself has been heartbreaking. Antony is now nearly 5 and just started school where he is doing so well and has been accepted with his EHCP.
He is our loving and cheeky happy little boy and we love him dearly.
We want to say a massive thank you for making him a blanket that will be unique to him and one he will love!

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