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LoveQuiltsUK - Ethical Statement

Ethical Statement


LoveQuiltsUK does not condone the use of illegal or illegally-created cross-stitch patterns. We ask that our stitchers use legally-sourced patterns. This applies to all squares whether Any Child squares or signups.

Good sources for legal patterns are: magazines, books, library books, official cross-stitch chart books (sometimes available to purchase on eBay). These are all legal.

It can be difficult to find legal patterns of licensed characters (eg Disney, Marvel, Minions, London Underground etc). As a rule of thumb, if you find a pattern of a licensed character posted on a website that does not belong to the licence-holder it is almost certainly an illegal pattern. This includes patterns of licensed characters being sold on Etsy, Pinterest etc.

Luckily, LoveQuiltsUK has negotiated a limited agreement with various copyright licence-holders to chart our own patterns for LQUK use only. These can be found here: LQ patterns and can be freely used for our squares. (Please note that you need to be a member and signed in to our Facebook group on a desktop/laptop computer for the links on the pattern page to work - we cannot have them publicly available on the web by agreement with the copyright holders).

A few additional patterns to the above are available but only on request (Harry Potter and DC Superheroes - please ask on our Facebook group about these).

We have been specifically refused permission by the copyright holders of the following: Minions, Peppa Pig and Pokemon. Please do not stitch or do your own designs of these characters, unless from a licensed source for signups only (as they are not requested very much).

Designs to avoid in case of offence:

  • No clowns please - it is a very common phobia
  • In line with the Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019, please do not stitch designs depicting trained animals being used for human entertainment (eg lions jumping through fire)
  • No scenes depicting "Cowboys and Indians" (they allude to genocide in the Americas)
  • Army equipment such as tanks etc are acceptable, but please avoid any battlefield scenes
  • Religious symbols, except when specifically requested

    If you are in any doubt, please ask before starting to stitch!

    Last updated: 18th May 2024

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