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LoveQuiltsUK - Teri-Ann W's quilt

Teri-Ann W's quilt    (Quilt Completed)

Illness: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Theme: Zebras

Quilt delivered: 18th Sep 2016
Photo of Teri-Ann W

Thank you

Thank you for this beautiful quilt it will travel with me to hospital stays but the rest of the time will live on my bed. Each and every piece of this quilt is beautiful. (Teri Ann)

As her mother and father we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who had a hand in producing this beautiful quilt it was lovely to see the look an her face when she opened it and I am sure it will bring lots more comfort on the hospital visits to come. Many thanks

Finished photos

Photo of Teri-Ann Ws quilt

Photo of Teri-Ann Ws quilt

Photo of Teri-Ann Ws quilt

Quilted by: Mary

Individual squares

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Beth Cotton (+)
Submitted: May 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Cheryl Naisbitt (+)
Submitted: May 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Debbie May (+)
Submitted: Jul 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Diana Lettice (+)
Submitted: Jun 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Donna Trett (+)
Submitted: Apr 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Hannah Garner (+)
Submitted: Jul 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Heather (+)
Submitted: Jun 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Joanne (+)
Submitted: May 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Julie (+)
Submitted: May 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Karen (+)
Submitted: May 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Kate (+)
Submitted: May 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Kay (+)
Submitted: Jun 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Leanda Vickers (+)
Submitted: Apr 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Sandra (+)
Submitted: Apr 2016

Cross stitch square for Teri-Ann W's quilt
Stitched by: Thorgunnur Anna Ingimundardottir (+)
Submitted: Jun 2016


Fabric for Teri-Ann W
Fabric for Teri-Ann W


Card for Teri-Ann W
Stitched by: Kelly Hatton


Teri-Ann always had problems with her feet from, we were told she would grow out of it by Age 4. Later we were told she had a twisted thigh bone and wouldgrow out of it by 8. Then we were told it was her feet again she would definitely grow out of it by age 12.

When she was 11 they discovered she had Osgood–Schlatter disease. She ended up at physiotherapy who diagnosed hypermobility and referred her to podiatry. Now she has as ortho insoles, wears ankle braces and we have just found out after first Xray a few weeks ago that she has deformed bones in her feet as well as a club foot.

She has had a bilateral release on both knees and an MPFL on her right knee. She is now in a wheelchair as she can't walk properly and is in pain. She has subluxations every day due to her Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and dislocates her knees ankles wrists and hips.

The most recent thing to happen is that she could not have anything to eat or drink and is now on two2 antisickness tablets per day. She can now tolerate fluids of only 700ml on a good day and 400ml on a bad day so she is too weak to attend college at the moment.

She is going to see gastrointerologist on April 19th as she has had scans and blood tests which ruled out infections blockages and nothing wrong with gallbladder, kidneys or liver so they think it might be gastroperisis. She suffers from Postural Orthostatic Tachicardio Syndrome which causes her blood pressure to drop low which causes her to go dizzy or pass out. So she h to be careful and take her time when she changes positions from sitting to standing.

Despite all this, she raised £480 for EDS by having 26 inch of her hair cut for the Little Princess Trust back in December. She smiles every day and just gets on with life. She is also on the Advisory Board for National Childrens' Bureau and was an active board member for getting financial education into schools which took them five years to achieve. She is my money advisor.

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