Alice-Mai's quilt   (Quilt Completed) |
Born: | 2015 |
Illness: | Spina bifida and Hydrocepluas
Theme: Fairies, Unicorns and Magic
Quilt delivered: 23rd May 2017 |
Thank youThank you so so much for Alice's quilt. She absolutely loves it. X
Its so beautiful and you can see the hard work that goes into them x
From the bottom of our hearts thank you
Finished photos

Quilted by:
Alison and Janine
Individual squares

Stitched by:
Submitted: Sep 2016

Stitched by:
Submitted: Jan 2017

Stitched by:
Submitted: Sep 2016

Stitched by:
Jane Senior
Submitted: Aug 2016

Stitched by:
Submitted: Oct 2016

Stitched by:
Kayleigh Oldfield
Submitted: May 2016

Stitched by:
Kim Lawrence
Submitted: May 2016

Stitched by:
Submitted: Jun 2014

Stitched by:
Submitted: Aug 2016

Stitched by:
Pat Brown
Submitted: Aug 2016

Stitched by:
Submitted: Feb 2017

Stitched by:
Submitted: Jan 2017

Stitched by: Krystie |
BiographyAt 20 weeks pregnant we found out our little girl had something wrong with her spine, and further scans showed us she had spina bifida and fluid on the brain. She was born and whisked away to have spine surgery. At 2 weeks old she caught a infection and had to have more surgery on her spine, she also had a shunt fitted in her brain. When Alice was 10 months old she had an operation to bring her bladder forward and to have it open as her bladder wasn't emptying and she was refluxing onto her kidneys. Alice has had several hospital stays with utis, celuitus and sepsis.
Alice is paralysed from waist down which is a result of the spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. She will never walk or be able to use the toilet but she amazes us everyday as she is the happiest little girl I know xxx