Emily's quilt   (Quilt Completed) |
Born: | 2013 |
Illness: | Indiognosed Interstitial Lung Disease
Theme: Space
Quilt delivered: 31st Dec 2018 |
Thank youEmily absolutely loves it as does her little sister. It's going to be the perfect finish to her space bedroom xx
Finished photos

Quilted by:
Individual squares

Stitched by:
Clare Brunyee
Submitted: Sep 2018

Stitched by:
Submitted: Sep 2018

Stitched by:
Submitted: Sep 2018

Stitched by:
Submitted: Oct 2018

Stitched by:
Submitted: Sep 2018

Stitched by:
Jan G
Submitted: Aug 2018

Stitched by:
Karen Stephenson
Submitted: Aug 2018

Stitched by:
Submitted: Sep 2018

Stitched by:
Submitted: Aug 2018

Stitched by:
Pat Brown
Submitted: Oct 2018

Stitched by:
Paula Dewar
Submitted: Oct 2018

Stitched by:
Sarah Kerry
Submitted: Sep 2018

Stitched by: Debbie Elkington |
BiographyEmily was born by emergency c-section and she was extremely poorly from the get go. We were transferred to NICU and she was on maximum ventilation and oxygen. She had a lot of tests and the drs could not give us an answer as to how this had happened. Her lungs were covered in scar tissue and could not work on their own.
We eventually agreed to try a tracheostomy and portable ventilator so we could at some point get her home, somewhere she had never been. It took 19 months, touch and go moments, a lot of tears and a lot of hope but we eventually made it home!
She now goes to nursery when able to and currently planning school in September. We still don't know how her future will go but she is our real life superhero and we couldn't be more proud.