BiographyLogan was born in early 2012: by the end of the year he'd had 3 asthma episodes and been hospitalised twice. He was permanently on inhalers which he resisted at first but quickly got used to them. During the course of his early years he constantly suffered with asthma episodes and caught every bug going. His asthma did start to get easier as he reached his tenth birthday.
In September 2021 he got Covid but he never quite recovered from it. At first they thought it was long covid but with his symptoms and the fact that his mum has it, he was given a diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in June 2023. The main symptom of ME is fatigue which has caused him to miss lots of school, especially at first. He used to break down in tears in the morning saying he didn't have the energy for school and he wasn't feeling well.
He catches bugs very easily and due to his ME they absolutely floor him and it takes him a long time to recover. We have now got an agreement with the school for a reduced timetable and he comes home and sleeps. That has reduced the amount of morning breakdowns but there are still days where he just can't manage. ME comes with more symptoms such as stomach issues and pain. Logan will need painkillers in the middle of the night because his legs hurt from using them during the day.
When at home we do low energy activities such as board games, puzzles, video games, Lego and he likes to read.
He manages the best he can. Everything we do day to day involves planning and using the energy he does have in the best way possible. Unfortunately he does miss out on a lot but we try to make best of what we can and Logan tries to keep smiling.