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LoveQuiltsUK - Latest News

LoveQuilts UK News

News 02 Oct 2011 - 09 Oct 2011

Quilt News
We have had two lovely quilts delivered this week!

Firstly, Lennon's quilt with a Space theme was delivered.

Secondly, Tia-Rose's quilt was delivered:

Tia-Rose is currently in hospital, so the quilt arrived at a particularly good time for her. She now has it on her hospital bed and has shown it to all the nurses!

Both gorgeous quilts - thank you so much to quilters Yvonne and Carol and all you stitchers, also those who send in donations which allow us to buy materials such as fabric, wadding, thread etc. We think smiles like Tia-Rose's really do make it all worthwhile!

We have also heard from our quilters Sue + Margaret that Joshua D's quilt is complete and was posted on Friday, so we hope to bring you news about his quilt very soon :)

Gaynor has completed Niamh's quilt but it has not been posted yet. We have had permission off Niamh's mum for Gaynor's mum to use her quilt at an Arts and Crafts Exhibition next weekend to raise funds for LQUK. Gaynor will post the quilt off immediately after this, on Monday 17th October.

We have now completed 30 quilts this year which is more than we ever imagined at the beginning of the year when we only had a rather burnt-out Katherine and Gaynor doing all the quilting! Thanks so much to all the new quilters who are helping LQUK go from strength to strength :)

Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine
Katherine and Gaynor have been approached by Cross Stitch Crazy magazine to run an article about LoveQuiltsUK which we are told will appear in their Issue 159 which will be on sale the week of November 24th. Thanks to the parents of Freya, Evan and Brendan who have furnished us with high-quality copies of the children with their quilts. We don't yet know which photos will be used, but we are really grateful for your help.

Square News
We have received a magnificent 38 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Beth Robinson, Dunkirk, USA (for Stitch-a-long: Disney Pixar Cars)
    Elaine, Peterborough, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Elaine, Peterborough, UK (for Brandon)
    Elaine, Peterborough, UK (for Jennifer M)
    Erica, Doncaster, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Georgina, Chandlers Ford, UK (for Lewis C )
    Ginny Pledger, Earls Barton, UK (for Jack K)
    Ginny Pledger, Earls Barton, UK (for Aaron F)
    Ginny Pledger, Earls Barton, UK (for Shona G)
    Ginny Pledger, Earls Barton, UK (for Shona G)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Jack K)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Jack K)
    Jo, Swansea, UK (for Evie H)
    Jo, Swansea, UK (for Evie H)
    Julie Moody, Newark, UK (for Aaron F)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, United Kingdom (for Theo S)
    Kate, Leics, UK (for Blisse)
    Kate, Leics, UK (for Daniel C)
    Kate, Leics, UK (for Theo S)
    Katherine, Lincolnshire, England (for Emergency Quilt: Winnie The Pooh And Friends)
    Kay, Doncaster, Uk (for Daniel C)
    Kay, Doncaster, Uk (for Iona)
    Kay, Doncaster, Uk (for Harlum L)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England (for Blisse)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England (for Stitch-a-long: Lickle Ted)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Sue, BC, Canada (for Stitch-a-long: Cakes)
    Sue, BC, Canada (for Jayden K)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Ann, Abbots Langley, Herts, for the Dogs and Cats category
    Ann, Abbots Langley, Herts, for the Dogs and Cats category
    Heather, Littleborough, England for the Cartoon Characters category
    Kay, Doncaster, Uk for the Teddies category
    Kay, Doncaster, Uk for the Boys category
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK for the Teddies category

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Bridget, Witney
    Shirley, Worthing
    Steph, Loughborough

    (See Fabric page for details) Thank you very much, girls!

    Also thanks to everyone who has sent in donation big or small this week, every penny counts! Also to Pascale who has been running a small auction on our Facebook page to raise funds - thank you Pascale! :)

    News 25 Sep 2011 - 02 Oct 2011

    Quilt News
    Gaynor is still working on Niamh's quilt. Yvonne has finished Lennon's quilt and we hope to bring you news on that quilt next week!

    Shortly after posting last week's news, we received this lovely picture of Evan with his quilt:

    Quilts opened/closed
    We are now re-open to new applications for children.

    Square News
    We have received 11 squares this week. Many thanks to all those who stitched them and to Katherine for uploading them.

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Cristina, Majorca, Spain (for Stitch-a-long: Mr Men and Little Miss)
    Cucki, Johannesburg, Krugersdorp, South Africa (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Jenny, Staffs, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Jenny, Staffs, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Jenny, Staffs, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Jessica, Majorca, Spain (for Lewis C )
    Karen, Majorca, Spain (for Stitch-a-long: Mr Men and Little Miss)
    Pascale, Gravesend, Kent, UK (for Iona)
    Pascale, Gravesend, Kent, UK (for Iona)
    Pascale, Gravesend, Kent, UK (for Lewis C )
    Teresa , Gerrards Cross, England (for McKenzie M)

    Thank you to everyone who has sent cash donations in with their squares this week, it is really appreciated.

    News 17 Sep 2011 - 25 Sep 2011

    Quilt News
    This week, Evan's quilt has been received which was quilted beautifully by Joan. Unfortunately Evan is rather poorly at the moment, so we don't have a photo of him, however here is a photo of the quilt:

    Photo of Evans quilt

    Thanks to all you fab stitchers!

    Gaynor has started work on Niamh's quilt although her progress is slower than usual as she is very busy in work at the moment. There are several other quilts being assembled too. All the squares are now in for Lilly Mae S's quilt so hers will be next to go for assembly :)

    Quilts opened/closed
    We have accepted Jessica S (Princesses), Dean B's (Space) and Samuel W quilt (Cartoon characters and particularly Mario brothers) on to our Coming Soon list. Their quilts will open in October for an April completion.

    Square News
    We have received 17 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Ellie, London, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, United Kingdom (for Aaron F)
    Kaye, Oklahoma, USA (for Ollie K)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Bradley)
    Maggie E, (for Stitch-a-long: Disney Characters)
    Michele, Derby, Connecticut , USA (for Jennifer M)
    Michele, Derby, Connecticut , USA (for Harlum L)
    Monika, Bedford, UK (for Lilly Mae S)
    Monika, Bedford, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Valerie Parnell, Dundee, United Kingdom (for Evie H)
    Valerie Parnell, Dundee, United Kingdom (for Michael-Owen)
    Valerie Parnell, Dundee, United Kingdom (for Alice B)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Ann, Sheffield, for the Vehicles category
    Ellie, London, UK for the Cartoon Characters category
    Ellie, London, UK for the Cartoon Characters category
    Mary, Plymouth, for the Teddies category
    Michele, Derby, Connecticut , USA for the Angels/Fairies category

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Ann West, Sheffield

    (See Fabric page for details) Thank you Ann!

    We also thank all those who donated cash this week, we have had a couple of very generous amounts this week. We have also received our first monthly standing order donation!

    Gaynor continues to file Gift Aid declarations so thanks to all you who have sent them in :)

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    Showing results 205 to 207 of 246

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