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LoveQuiltsUK - Latest News

LoveQuilts UK News

News 10 Sep 2011 - 17 Sep 2011

Quilt News
There are still several quilts under construction. We have heard from Joan that Evan's quilt is nearing completion, so we hope to have news for you about his quilt next week :)

Quilts opened/closed
Thanks to everyone who signed up for Theo S (Seaside), Amelia F (Hearts), Harlum L (Enchanted World) and Tahlia-Annikki (Pink) quilts. These quilts were closed within hours - sorry if you missed out :( However, we will be opening more quilts next month :)

Square News
We have received 21 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Audrey, Fife, Scotland (for Iona)
    Joanne Faulkner, Doncaster, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Green Theme)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for McKenzie M)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for Leroy G)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Disney Characters)
    Pam, Arboleas, Spain (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Sammie, Bournemouth, England (for Stitch-a-long: Purple Theme)
    Sandy, USA (for Stitch-a-long: Disney Pixar Cars)
    Sandy, USA (for Stitch-a-long: Hello Kitty)
    Sandy, USA (for Daniel C)
    Sylvia, Germany (for Stitch-a-long: Cakes)
    Sylvia, Germany (for Stitch-a-long: Mr Men and Little Miss)
    Sylvia, Germany (for Stitch-a-long: Mr Men and Little Miss)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Rossana, Bologna, for the Teddies category
    Rossana, Bologne, Italy for the Girls category
    Rossana, Bologne, Italy for the Dogs and Cats category
    Rossana, Bologne, Italy for the Girls category
    Rossana, Bologne, Italy for the Flowers/Bugs category

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Tracey Elsam

    (See Fabric page for details)

    Also thanks to those who have sent money donations and stamps this week, it is as always very much appreciated.

    Gift Aid
    Thanks to all for returning their Gift Aid declaration forms so promptly. Anyone wishing to make a Gift Aid declaration, just email us for details :)

    News 30 Aug 2011 - 10 Sep 2011

    Charity for Tax Purposes
    We are very pleased to announce that LoveQuiltsUK has been recognised as a Charity for Tax Purposes by HMRC. This means that amongst other things, we can claim Gift Aid on donations from UK Tax Payers. As we can backdate our claims to March 2011, Gaynor has started contacting everyone who has so kindly donated since that time.

    Quilt News
    We currently have no fewer than 8 quilts under construction!

    New quilts will open to signups very soon for Theo S (Seaside), Amelia F (Hearts), Harlum L (Enchanted World) and Tahlia-Annikki (Pink)

    Square News
    We have received 36 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Amanda, Antrim, Northern Ireland (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Amanda, Antrim, Northern Ireland (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (for Iona)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Charlotte , Sheffield, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Charlotte , Sheffield, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Charlotte , Sheffield, UK (for Jennifer M)
    Georgina, Chandlers Ford, UK (for Joshua D )
    Hannah , Wirral, UK (for Jennifer M)
    Julia, Chandlers Ford, UK (for Lewis C )
    Karen, Majorca, Spain (for Lennon S)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Lennon S)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Blisse)
    Pam, Arboleas, Spain (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Pam Codman, Tunbridge Wells, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Poppie Taylor, Solihull, England (for Alice B)
    Poppie Taylor, Solihull, England (for Alfred O)
    Sarah Binns, Lancaster, United Kingdom (for Stitch-a-long: Disney Characters)
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (for Iona)
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (for Jack K)
    Siobhan Bearder, London, United Kingdom (for Iona)
    Steph, Loughborough, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Valerie Payne, Peterborough, UK (for Lilly Mae S)
    Valerie Payne, Peterborough, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hello Kitty)
    Valerie Payne, Peterborough, UK (for Jayden K)
    Valerie Payne, Peterborough, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hello Kitty)
    Victoria, Sleaford, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hello Kitty)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Georgina, Chandlers Ford, UK for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Heidi Pemberton, Leven, Fife for the Boys category
    Heidi Pemberton, Leven, Fife for the Boys category
    Jenny, Staffs, England for the Cartoon Characters category
    Jenny, Staffs, England for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Jenny, Staffs, England for the Cartoon Characters category
    Jenny, Staffs, England for the Cartoon Characters category
    Pam Codman, Tunbridge Wells, UK for the Cartoon Characters category
    Susan, Ontario, Canada for the Cartoon Characters category

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Anne, Norway

    (See Fabric page for details)

    Thank you, Anne!

    Also, many thanks to those who have sent money donations, it is very much appreciated :)

    News 20 Aug 2011 - 30 Aug 2011

    Quilt News
    Gaynor made the long trek to Katherine's house in Lincolnshire over the Bank Holiday (it is about a five hour drive - Gaynor lives in Swansea). Katherine and Gaynor spent two days sorting out fabrics for the next 30 quilts or so.

    Here we are sorting out fabric!

    Not all of this fabric has been paid for yet, but as donations come in we will slowly pay Gaynor back for the fabric she purchased on our behalf in the USA recently.

    The border fabrics provisionally chosen for each child's quilt has been put on their page for you to see. The fabric *may* change as a few of the quilters have offered to provide their own fabric. If this happens, we will transfer the currently allocated fabric to a future quilt of the same theme.

    The next quilts to be worked on will be Evan (by Joan), Niamh (by Gaynor) and Kelli G (by Mary). Gaynor is currently communicating with quilters about Tia-Rose's quilt, Lennon S's quilt and Joshua D's quilt whose deadlines are on August 31st.

    We are also pulling together a "Winnie-The-Pooh and Friends" quilt which will be held for emergency purposes. We had some donated Winnie-The-Pooh fabric and realised we had enough Pooh-related squares from the Disney Characters Stitch-a-long and from our Any Child Square stash. Katherine will be putting this quilt together and she is looking forward to quilting without a deadline for once!

    Quilts opened/closed
    We anticipate that four new quilts will open on Saturday 10th September at 5pm (British time)

    Square News
    We have received 25 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Amanda, Salford, Manchester, UK (for Iona)
    Bridget, Witney, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Denise Stansbury, Nottinghamshire, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Denise Stansbury, Nottinghamshire, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Denise Stansbury, Nottinghamshire, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Denise Stansbury, Nottinghamshire, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Lennon S)
    Gilly, Ellesmore Port, England (for Stitch-a-long: Purple Theme)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Leroy G)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Hannah P)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Jennifer M)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Iona)
    Julie Moody, Newark, UK (for Blisse)
    Pam, Arboleas, Spain (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Sandra, England (for Alice B)
    Sandra, England (for Leroy G)
    Sandra, England (for Brandon)
    Sandra, England (for Jennifer M)
    Sandra, England (for Daniel C)
    Sandra, England (for Iona)
    Sandra, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Heather, Littleborough, England for the Dogs and Cats category
    Nicola, Cardiff, for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Sue, Hailsham, for the Cartoon Characters category
    Yvonne, New Bradwell, MK, for the Cute animals category

    Thanks so much to those who have sent cash/Paypal/cheque donations since our last update, it is really appreciated and sorely needed!

    Also thank you to those who have sent stamps recently, Vic is looking into using a stamp dealer for the old/rare stamps we have received. Any stamps are fine however, international or domestic, normal or fancy, old or new!

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    Showing results 208 to 210 of 246

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