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LoveQuilts UK News

2020 Review of the Year

Welcome to our review of 2020! This was the 12th year for LoveQuiltsUK and with the Covid pandemic it has been a bit different to usual, so during lockdown we were very quiet, followed by very high activity in the second half of the year!

Total squares received in 2020: 2574 squares

We also passed the 20,000 square milestone this year!

Total quilts delivered in 2020: 203 quilts (6 of these were emergency quilts and 45 were backfilled quilts)

This brings our overall total to 1543 quilts since 2008. 2020 was (against all odds!) another record year, with 203 quilts against last year's total of 201 :)

A massive THANK YOU to every one of you who have sent in your lovely squares, quilted them together into fab quilts, or fundraised for us this year!.

This year was very different with LoveQuiltsUK going on pause during the national UK lockdown in March/April/May and all stitchers holding their squares until safe to go out to post them. The stitchers were still stitching away busily though and interacting via our Facebook group more than ever.

When the lockdown lifted sufficiently in June, we received literally hundreds of squares! The quilters had a large backlog of quilting, but every single one of them rose to the challenge and caught up the backlog. Due to the uncertainty during lockdown we had no quilts planned for September, but the quilters picked up backfilled quilts (made with excess squares from our Any Child stash) and made up the difference. We are ending the year on a 203 quilt total with at least another dozen quilts completed over the Christmas period for delivery in early 2021.

Thank you again to everyone for your unstinting support throughout these difficult times.

We have a few people that we would like to mention specifically for their efforts this year:

Kat has dealt with a record number of squares this year, despite still being in full-time caring job with very long hours. Well done Kat for keeping everything in order!

Gaynor has continued her efforts in sourcing fabric, doing the administration and maintaining the website. Well done, Gaynor.

Mrs T
All fabric is pre-washed prior to going out to quilters to account for colour runs and cotton shrinkage. Mrs T (Gaynor's Mum) has washed a lot of the fabric and duvet covers used for LQUK once again this year. Thank you Mrs T!

Thank you Sandra (Wright) for organising the cards we send out with the quilts via our Facebook group, and chased them up so that they all come in on time! She also has organised sufficient cards for the many backfilled quilts we have done this year (see below)

Backfilled quilts
A big thank you to those who have undertaken labels for backfilled quilts at short notice this year - this made an extra 45 quilts possible. A special mention to Jan Garton who has an amazing ability to conjure up labels at very short notice on a wide variety of themes!

Also, thank you to those who sent in cards to be held in reserve for backfilled quilts, it is really appreciated.

Leanda and Heather
For generally for helping with "back-room" admin bits - for example tracking down duplicate uploads of squares, locating squares that have jumped on to the wrong quilt page on the website, tidying up the contents of the kids' webpages and more!

Pattern creators
Thank you so much for those who created patterns for our Pattern listing this year. We have a large collection of legal charts now which makes themes such as Disney and Harry Potter possible

Chart permission
A massive thank you to Clare Bray for her high success rate in approaching companies for permission to chart our own patterns of their copyrighted characters - Transport for London gave us permission to use their symbols this year which made a London Underground quilt possible!

Emergency Quilts
Many thanks to Leanda and Heather for continuing to store the emergency quilt stash and sending them out quickly, sometimes at extremely short notice. Also thanks to the others who are storing emergency quilts they have made.

Stitch-a-long with Merete
Merete Langseth is one of our stitchers and also a fantastic pattern creator. Merete ran two stitch-a-long events for us this year on themes which are popular with children (Superheroes and Princesses) The patterns produced are really fantastic - easily equalling any official Disney pattern in our opinion!

25-30 stitchers took part in each event and many squares were produced. These will be placed on Superhero and Princess quilts in the future.

Many thanks to Merete for this original idea and thank you to everyone who stitched!


Fundraising looked like it might take a battering this year with normal events being impossible due to social distancing. The OneFamily Community Grants grant of £5000 in December 2019 (thank you again, Pat!) could not have come at a better time for us, and also many rose to the challenge to keep funds going despite the pandemic. We have managed to keep funds at comfortable levels! Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to funds this year, it is really appreciated.

A special mention to the below who organised specific fundraising events (Please let us know if we've left anyone out so we can add you!)

  • Krystie D sold Christmas cards for us once again on eBay - thank you to Krystie!

  • Mary Davies our quilter raised £350 selling quilts locally - we are sure the new owners are enjoying her creations! Mary also sold "miniature landscape" cards. Many thanks Mary.

  • With the help of Heather, Mary also raised £115 through raffling a quilt - thank you both!

  • Nessa and her amazing team of fundraisers held a Zumba Strong sponsored event for us in November. Undaunted by social distancing, some participated via Zoom! They raised an amazing £1901.50 for us! Here is a photo of the Zoom event:

  • We raised £279.04 from Easyfundraising in 2020 so far with Quarter 4 still to come - thanks so much to everyone who remembered to visit them before shopping on the Internet, it really does mount up! There are currently 175 people supporting us in this way - do not underestimate the positive effect this has on LQUK - it really does help keep funds on an even keel!

  • Many of our supporters entered an "Enter to Win" Easyfundraising competition at the beginning of the year and Sandra was successful winner with £500 to LQUK funds!

  • Scottish Enterprise who donated £100

  • Leanda and Heather, who usually raise a lot of money through their Patchwork Parade Fayre were unable to have a stall this year due to the pandemic. Undaunted, they took to Facebook to sell their items online and raised a terrific £818.30 ! Thank you ladies! Also grateful thanks to those who donated items (Leanda, Heather, Jan S and Janet T) and bought items!

  • Nicola Hargreaves has been selling masks made from left-over quilt fabric pieces

  • Marie Firth who raised £50 through the sale of microwave bowl holders.

  • Everyone who has quietly sent in cash, cheques, Paypal donations, etc. this year it has been very gratefully received!

    Thank you so much once again to you all!!

    Support from Businesses
    A big thank you to Morton Post Office for their continuing support in 2020 - always a pleasant chat and £1 off every parcel for LQUK - open on Sundays too!. Thank you very much!

    Thank you Katzstitch who have catered to LQUK stitchers by selling Aida in our required size (13 x 13 inches) and offering a discount on top.

    Thank you to Kim Hubble who has offered discount Zweigart Aida via our Facebook group.

    Also thank you to Kate of Lakeside Needlecraft who also sells suitable Aida.

    In Memoriam
    We would like to pay tribute to the following children who sadly passed away in 2020: Holly S

    Many LQ supporters joined people around the UK and indeed around the World in "Wear Pink For Hol" day as a tribute to Holly.

    We fondly remember Anne-Louise our stitcher and long-time supporter who very sadly passed away at the beginning of this year.

    We also remember Frank Osborne who was also an avid supporter and stitched beautiful squares for us and passed away in 2019. A selection of his works were received in 2020 and will be use in future fundraising items.

    We send their families our very best wishes and hope that 2021 will bring them happier times.

    And finally...
    No year review would be complete without taking a look back at the 203 quilts that were delivered this year. A vast amount of time and effort has gone into the following 203 quilts, thank you so much to everyone who contributed to them:

    January 2020

    Emre G's quilt
    Emre G's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Phoebie T's quilt
    Phoebie T's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Hunter's quilt
    Hunter's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Brodie F's quilt
    Brodie F's quilt
    (Superheroes and Dumbo)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Faith F's quilt
    Faith F's quilt
    (Winnie-the-Pooh and Friends)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Rowan C's quilt
    Rowan C's quilt
    (Postman Pat and buses/trains/cars)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Maddie G's quilt
    Maddie G's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Jacob S's quilt
    Jacob S's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Abbie-Leigh S's quilt
    Abbie-Leigh S's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Lucas's quilt
    Lucas's quilt
    (Soft Animals)
    Quilted by Carol
    Evelyn's quilt
    Evelyn's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Freddie's quilt
    Freddie's quilt
    (Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Heather
    Stefan B's quilt
    Stefan B's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Felicity G's quilt
    Felicity G's quilt
    (Minnie Mouse and Friends)
    Quilted by Heather
    Jayden T's quilt
    Jayden T's quilt
    (World Landmarks)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Jessie C's quilt
    Jessie C's quilt
    (Dogs and Puppies)
    Quilted by Mary
    Kobi B's quilt
    Kobi B's quilt
    Quilted by Julie E
    William C's quilt
    William C's quilt
    (Emergency Services and People)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Henry N's quilt
    Henry N's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Matthew B's quilt
    Matthew B's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Lucie B's quilt
    Lucie B's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Connor C's quilt
    Connor C's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Chloe A's quilt
    Chloe A's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Aniello D's quilt
    Aniello D's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Grace's quilt
    Grace's quilt
    (Flowers and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Heather

    February 2020

    Micah C's quilt
    Micah C's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Charlie G's quilt
    Charlie G's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Jaine S's quilt
    Jaine S's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lillie-Ann A's quilt
    Lillie-Ann A's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Esmé L's quilt
    Esmé L's quilt
    (Pink cute animals)
    Quilted by Heather
    Kian S's quilt
    Kian S's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Victor's quilt
    Victor's quilt
    (Vehicles with wheels)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Liam S's quilt
    Liam S's quilt
    (Specific male characters)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Ted's quilt
    Ted's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Milan's quilt
    Milan's quilt
    (Cartoon Characters)
    Quilted by Ann
    Jacob M's quilt
    Jacob M's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Freya B's quilt
    Freya B's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Loraya H's quilt
    Loraya H's quilt
    Quilted by Judith
    Tayler C's quilt
    Tayler C's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Savannah's quilt
    Savannah's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    Archie W's quilt
    Archie W's quilt
    (Pixar Characters)
    Quilted by Heather
    Tom B's quilt
    Tom B's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)

    March 2020

    Morgan L's quilt
    Morgan L's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Aiden K's quilt
    Aiden K's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Ollie P's quilt
    Ollie P's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Margaret B's quilt
    Margaret B's quilt
    (Hearts (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Bernadette
    Evelyn K's quilt
    Evelyn K's quilt
    (Flowers and Fairies)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lacey-May B's quilt
    Lacey-May B's quilt
    (Fairies and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Charlie C's quilt
    Charlie C's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Jack D's quilt
    Jack D's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Massine K's quilt
    Massine K's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Flo M's quilt
    Flo M's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Noah D's quilt
    Noah D's quilt
    (Zoo/Safari Animals)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Chloe S's quilt
    Chloe S's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Willow G's quilt
    Willow G's quilt
    (Baby Dolls and Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)

    June 2020

    Aaron P's quilt
    Aaron P's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Jamie J's quilt
    Jamie J's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Remiah C's quilt
    Remiah C's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Madeleine A's quilt
    Madeleine A's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Jaxon's quilt
    Jaxon's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Jack M's quilt
    Jack M's quilt
    (Green patterned)
    Quilted by Heather
    Taniesha's quilt
    Taniesha's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Autumn-Lily's quilt
    Autumn-Lily's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Bella B's quilt
    Bella B's quilt
    (Butterflies and Fairies)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)

    July 2020

    Prashna K's quilt
    Prashna K's quilt
    (Angels and Fairies)
    Quilted by Jill
    Jack C's quilt
    Jack C's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Lewis S's quilt
    Lewis S's quilt
    (Star Wars and Space)
    Quilted by Carol
    Phoebe C's quilt
    Phoebe C's quilt
    (Hearts and stars)
    Quilted by Heather
    Joshua D's quilt
    Joshua D's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Zak Y's quilt
    Zak Y's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Albie T's quilt
    Albie T's quilt
    (Vehicles/Henry the Hoover)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Bonnie-Rose's quilt
    Bonnie-Rose's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Oscar H's quilt
    Oscar H's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    John Joseph A's quilt
    John Joseph A's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Gracie-Lilly's quilt
    Gracie-Lilly's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Olivia's quilt
    Olivia's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Amina M's quilt
    Amina M's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Leo S's quilt
    Leo S's quilt
    (Fire engines, Lightning McQueen and Superheroes)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Toby D's quilt
    Toby D's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Tiegan G's quilt
    Tiegan G's quilt
    (Soft furry animals)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Tommy P's quilt
    Tommy P's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Daniel P's quilt
    Daniel P's quilt
    (Mickey, Elmo, Tigger, Rudolph)
    Quilted by Jill
    Gareth M's quilt
    Gareth M's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Jayda J's quilt
    Jayda J's quilt
    (Butterflies, birds and Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Heather
    Oliver W's quilt
    Oliver W's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)

    August 2020

    Natalia M's quilt
    Natalia M's quilt
    (Specific animals/butterflies/dragonflies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Anaya Z's quilt
    Anaya Z's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Ayesha Z's quilt
    Ayesha Z's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Arthur's quilt
    Arthur's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Carmen S's quilt
    Carmen S's quilt
    (Specific Disney)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Jayden G's quilt
    Jayden G's quilt
    (Sports and Superheroes)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Destiny M's quilt
    Destiny M's quilt
    (Pink various (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Pat
    Maci W's quilt
    Maci W's quilt
    (Unicorns and llamas)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Halle D's quilt
    Halle D's quilt
    (Disney Princesses and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Emily S's quilt
    Emily S's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Kai John W's quilt
    Kai John W's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters and Paw Patrol)
    Quilted by Pat
    Alfie G's quilt
    Alfie G's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Isobelle W's quilt
    Isobelle W's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    A's quilt
    A's quilt
    (Butterflies & Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lydia G's quilt
    Lydia G's quilt
    (Animal Disney characters)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Betsie E's quilt
    Betsie E's quilt
    (Toy Story)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Ella-Rose E's quilt
    Ella-Rose E's quilt
    (Unicorns and Fairies)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Ellis S's quilt
    Ellis S's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Jessie G's quilt
    Jessie G's quilt
    (Winnie the Pooh and Friends)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Cameron's quilt
    Cameron's quilt
    (Space and Star Wars)
    Quilted by Ann
    Theo W's quilt
    Theo W's quilt
    (Tropical Fish)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Mia F's quilt
    Mia F's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Scarlet W's quilt
    Scarlet W's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Belle J's quilt
    Belle J's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Blake M's quilt
    Blake M's quilt
    (Ice Hockey)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Olivia C's quilt
    Olivia C's quilt
    (Hearts and Bunnies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    G's quilt
    G's quilt
    (Sea turtles)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Aimee L's quilt
    Aimee L's quilt
    (Sugar skulls, Unicorns and fairies)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Isla L's quilt
    Isla L's quilt
    (Dogs / Puppies)
    Quilted by Jill
    Leah-Marie's quilt
    Leah-Marie's quilt
    (Teddies/cuddly animals)
    Quilted by Jill
    Keaton W's quilt
    Keaton W's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Ashton W's quilt
    Ashton W's quilt
    (Cooking and dining)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Mason W's quilt
    Mason W's quilt
    (Superheroes, vehicles and dinosaurs)
    Quilted by Ann

    September 2020

    Freddie F's quilt
    Freddie F's quilt
    (Disney Cars and Superheroes)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Amber P's quilt
    Amber P's quilt
    (Music, seals/sea lions, koalas and art items)
    Quilted by Heather
    Samuel G's quilt
    Samuel G's quilt
    (Super cars, monster trucks and motorbikes)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Elsie B's quilt
    Elsie B's quilt
    (Disney Princesses, Butterflies and Superheroes)
    Quilted by Heather
    Kian D's quilt
    Kian D's quilt
    (Animals wild/jungle)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Archey B's quilt
    Archey B's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Devon G's quilt
    Devon G's quilt
    (Sea life, mermaids and shells)
    Quilted by Jill
    Freddie M's quilt
    Freddie M's quilt
    (Disney characters)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Koda Q's quilt
    Koda Q's quilt
    (Disney animals)
    Quilted by Mary
    Jayden A's quilt
    Jayden A's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Jill
    Martha-Rose's quilt
    Martha-Rose's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Evie-Lilly G's quilt
    Evie-Lilly G's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    McKenzie B's quilt
    McKenzie B's quilt
    (Sea Life/Pirates)
    Quilted by Heather
    Ibby B's quilt
    Ibby B's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Thomas F's quilt
    Thomas F's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    James M's quilt
    James M's quilt
    (Buses and Trains)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Iris C's quilt
    Iris C's quilt
    (Unicorns and Rainbows)
    Quilted by Linda
    Layla's quilt
    Layla's quilt
    (Fairies and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Riley M's quilt
    Riley M's quilt
    Quilted by Katie
    Riley T's quilt
    Riley T's quilt
    (Fun foods)
    Quilted by Heather
    Luc T's quilt
    Luc T's quilt
    (World Landmarks)
    Quilted by Heather
    Cameron F's quilt
    Cameron F's quilt
    (Nursery Rhymes)
    Quilted by Heather
    Peter M's quilt
    Peter M's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Liam C's quilt
    Liam C's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Madison P's quilt
    Madison P's quilt
    (Fairies/flowers roses)
    Quilted by Heather

    October 2020

    Spencer R's quilt
    Spencer R's quilt
    (Big cats)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Oliver B's quilt
    Oliver B's quilt
    (Fish and Fishing)
    Quilted by Heather
    Lenny H's quilt
    Lenny H's quilt
    (Star Wars)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Amana J's quilt
    Amana J's quilt
    (Flowers and Hearts)
    Quilted by Jill
    Elijah W's quilt
    Elijah W's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Summer's quilt
    Summer's quilt
    (Fairies and Rainbows)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Katelyn's quilt
    Katelyn's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Sebastian's quilt
    Sebastian's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Olivia P's quilt
    Olivia P's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Naomi W's quilt
    Naomi W's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Abbie W's quilt
    Abbie W's quilt
    (Cats (Emergency quilt))
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Ella-Mae's quilt
    Ella-Mae's quilt
    Quilted by Linda
    Hannah R's quilt
    Hannah R's quilt
    (Spiderman and Toy Story)
    Quilted by Carol
    Reece M's quilt
    Reece M's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Tyler S's quilt
    Tyler S's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Grayson's quilt
    Grayson's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Phoebe C's quilt
    Phoebe C's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Christopher H's quilt
    Christopher H's quilt
    (Football and Emergency Vehicles)
    Quilted by Carol
    Josselin T's quilt
    Josselin T's quilt
    (Unicorns and Flamingoes)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Oscar-Ray's quilt
    Oscar-Ray's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Annabelle S's quilt
    Annabelle S's quilt
    (Unicorns and Fairies)
    Quilted by Jill
    Sophia's quilt
    Sophia's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Sophie S's quilt
    Sophie S's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Addison B's quilt
    Addison B's quilt
    (Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Carol
    Tai-Omi S's quilt
    Tai-Omi S's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Lauryce S's quilt
    Lauryce S's quilt
    (Aeroplanes and RAF)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Callie S's quilt
    Callie S's quilt
    (Farm animals)
    Quilted by Carol
    Mya H's quilt
    Mya H's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    AJ's quilt
    AJ's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda

    November 2020

    Tiffany D's quilt
    Tiffany D's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Isabella's quilt
    Isabella's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Joe R's quilt
    Joe R's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Elsie C's quilt
    Elsie C's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Carol
    Francesca P's quilt
    Francesca P's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Logan H's quilt
    Logan H's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Finley R's quilt
    Finley R's quilt
    (Orcas and other whales (realistic))
    Quilted by Leanda
    Hayden C's quilt
    Hayden C's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    William S's quilt
    William S's quilt
    Quilted by Linda
    Jacob A's quilt
    Jacob A's quilt
    (Nursery Rhymes)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Faye S's quilt
    Faye S's quilt
    (Cats (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Patchwork Parade Quilting Group

    December 2020

    Joelle C's quilt
    Joelle C's quilt
    (Cats and Dogs)
    Quilted by Jill
    Jodi C's quilt
    Jodi C's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Keane's quilt
    Keane's quilt
    (Superhero + specific)
    Quilted by Seren
    Ben M's quilt
    Ben M's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Heather
    Lorcan M's quilt
    Lorcan M's quilt
    (Sky, weather and seasons)
    Quilted by Mary
    Freya T's quilt
    Freya T's quilt
    (Unicorns, butterflies and mermaids)
    Quilted by Carol
    Thea-Rose's quilt
    Thea-Rose's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Thomas G's quilt
    Thomas G's quilt
    (Tigers and lions)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Ellis O's quilt
    Ellis O's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Ann
    Jack H's quilt
    Jack H's quilt
    (Alphabet and Numbers/Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Phoenix T's quilt
    Phoenix T's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Finley M's quilt
    Finley M's quilt
    Quilted by Linda
    Lennie E's quilt
    Lennie E's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Bethany's quilt
    Bethany's quilt
    (Disney characters)
    Quilted by Katie
    Amelia R's quilt
    Amelia R's quilt
    (Mr Men and Little Miss)
    Quilted by Heather
    Felix C's quilt
    Felix C's quilt
    (Thomas and Fun Vehicles)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Eleanor N's quilt
    Eleanor N's quilt
    (Moons, stars, planet, rainbow, shooting stars)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Molly-Mae's quilt
    Molly-Mae's quilt
    Quilted by Katie

    Once again, a very big thank you to you all. We look forward to continuing the LQUK work into 2021 and hopefully there are better times ahead! A Happy New Year to you all!

    Katherine and Gaynor x

    News 13 Dec 2020 - 30 Dec 2020

    Quilt News
    Just a quick update ahead of our Review of the Year tomorrow :)

    7 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Amelia R's quilt (Mr Men and Little Miss) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Amelia R's quilt

    Bethany's quilt (Disney characters) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Bethany's quilt

    Eleanor N's quilt (Moons, stars, planet, rainbow, shooting stars) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Eleanor N's quilt

    Felix C's quilt (Thomas and Fun Vehicles) - quilted by Sarah:

    Photo of Felix C's quilt

    Finley M's quilt (Space) - quilted by Linda:

    Photo of Finley M's quilt

    Lennie E's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Lennie E's quilt

    Molly-Mae's quilt (Princesses) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Molly-Mae's quilt

    Thank you so much to everyone involved in these quilts! :)

    Square News
    We have received 45 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Comfort Pillow Group, Poland (6)
    Emma, Bedford, UK (2)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland
    Helen, Swindon, UK (4)
    Jan G, Hull, UK
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA
    Jen king, Worcester, UK
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland
    Jodi Maple, Niagara Park, Australia
    Julie Moody, Newark, UK
    Kerry, Aldershot, UK (4)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK
    Nancy Lowe, Tamworth, UK
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (2)
    Nicola Hargreaves, Barnsley , UK (4)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (2)
    Sam, Leicester , UK
    Sandra, Shefford, England (3)
    Sandra Buck, Bedford, UK
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England (6)

    Many thanks for those who have sent us donations, it is very much appreciated :)

    News 25 Oct 2020 - 13 Dec 2020

    Well, we have made it to December in this crazy year! We have a lot of news to post this time, there has been a lot going on for LQUK in November and December, particularly in fundraising. Let's start off with quilts delivered!

    Quilt News

    23 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Amelia R's quilt (Mr Men and Little Miss) - quilted by Heather:

    - we have not yet received a photo, but we will post it to Amelia R's page when we do.

    Ben M's quilt (Harry Potter) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ben M's quilt

    Ellis O's quilt (Male Disney Characters) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Ellis O's quilt

    Elsie C's quilt (Female Disney Characters) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Elsie C's quilt

    Faye S's quilt (Cats (Emergency Quilt)) - quilted by Patchwork Parade Quilting Group:

    Photo of Faye S's quilt

    Finley R's quilt (Orcas and other whales (realistic)) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Finley R's quilt

    Francesca P's quilt (Hearts) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Francesca P's quilt

    Freya T's quilt (Unicorns, butterflies and mermaids) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Freya T's quilt

    Hayden C's quilt (Space) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Hayden C's quilt

    Isabella's quilt (Princesses) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Isabella's quilt

    Jack H's quilt (Alphabet and Numbers/Farm Animals) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Jack H's quilt

    Jacob A's quilt (Nursery Rhymes) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Jacob A's quilt

    Jodi C's quilt (Hearts) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Jodi C's quilt

    Joe R's quilt (Space) - quilted by Kita:

    Photo of Joe R's quilt

    Joelle C's quilt (Cats and Dogs) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Joelle C's quilt

    Keane's quilt (Superhero + specific) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Keane's quilt

    Logan H's quilt (Mixture) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Logan H's quilt

    Lorcan M's quilt (Sky, weather and seasons) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Lorcan M's quilt

    Molly-Mae's quilt (Princesses) - quilted by Katie:

    - we have not yet received a photo, but we will post it to Molly-Mae's page when we do.

    Thea-Rose's quilt (Unicorns) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Thea-Rose's quilt

    Thomas G's quilt (Tigers and lions) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Thomas G's quilt

    Tiffany D's quilt (Butterflies) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Tiffany D's quilt

    William S's quilt (Space) - quilted by Linda:

    Photo of William S's quilt

    Thank you very much to everyone who was involved in these quilts - all the children look so pleased!

    Zumba Strong Fundraising
    An amazing group of ladies, led by Nessa Simpson, have done some absolutely fantastic fundraising for us! The "Fitness Strong" group did two sponsored "Zumba Strong" events - one as a group and the other on Zoom due to Covid restrictions.

    We really cannot thank these ladies enough, they raised an incredible £1901.50 for us! That will go towards a lot of quilts. Special thanks to Nessa for organising the events - she ended up doing it twice herself - once with the group and again with the Zoom-based ladies!

    Below are some photos of them all in action!

    Leanda and Heather's sales
    Leanda and Heather run a fundraising stall at a craft fayre every year to raise money for LQUK. This was, of course, cancelled for 2020 and has now been cancelled permanently as the main fayre organiser has retired. However, many items had already been made for the stall, so Leanda and Heather have recently been selling them via our Facebook groups.

    A massive thank you to Leanda, Heather, Jan S and Janet T who created the items for sale, and to everyone who bought items - a fantastic £815 has been raised! Thank you so much to Leanda and Heather for your fab efforts, it is very much appreciated.

    Here is a selection of some of the sold items:

    Mary's Quilt raffle
    Mary Davies, one of our quilters, very kindly donated a quilt to LQUK which was recently raffled - thank you, Mary!

    Thank you to all those who supported the raffle by buying ticket and also to Heather for running the raffle! An excellent £115 was raised. The winner was Angela Jones - congratulations Angela and we hope you enjoy your new quilt!

    Krystie's Christmas cards
    Krystie is once again selling Christmas cards for us with all profits to LoveQuiltsUK.

    If you would like to buy some cards, the link is here: Krystie's cards

    Thank you very much Krystie!

    Mary's cards
    Mary is selling her “miniature landscape” blank greetings cards for LQ funds. The cards are £2 each and can be sold in batches. Postage will be £1.50 to send 3 cards in a hard backed envelope. If you would like to buy some of these lovely cards, please contact Mary directly via our Facebook group, or email us at and we'll put you in touch.

    20,000 squares!
    We passed an amazing milestone lately - 20,000 squares donated to LQUK since its inception in 2008. It is mind-boggling to think about how many volunteer hours have been put into those squares, and also how many of them are out all over the UK (and a few in Republic of Ireland), making children happy on quilts! Thank you so much to everyone who has stitched squares for us over the years!

    EasyFundaising are doing their yearly advent charity prize giving. You can click every day for the chance to win money for LQUK and a prize for yourself too! Please see here for details.

    Square News
    We have received a terrific 438 squares since our last update! You have all been very busy - many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Ailsa Kingdon, Romiley, UK
    Ali, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (3)
    Alice Bloodworth, Uxbridge, UK (2)
    Alisha, Birmingham, UK
    Alison, Oldham, UK
    Alison, Ormskirk, UK (5)
    Alison Forsyth, Aberdeen , UK
    Alison Jeff, Worcester, UK
    Alysa, Warwick, UK (4)
    Angie, Belper, UK (5)
    Ann, Billericay, UK (7)
    Ann Woods, Crimplesham, England (3)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (3)
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (3)
    Caitlin, Swansea, UK (4)
    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK (3)
    Carol West, Thetford, Norfolk, UK (4)
    Christie, Washington, USA (2)
    Christine Donaghy, Belfast , UK
    Christine Mennie, Aberdeen, UK (2)
    Claire Dickie, Aldershot, England (2)
    Claire Pink, Loughborough , UK
    Clare Brunyee, Rotherham, S.Yorks, UK (3)
    Comfort Pillow Group, Poland (3)
    Deborah, Leeds, UK (7)
    Deborah Found-Bloodworth, Uxbridge, Middx, UK (2)
    Diana, Sussex, UK (4)
    Diane, Middlesex, UK (4)
    Donna Sharpe, Chesterfield, UK (3)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (7)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (2)
    Elaina, Sutton Coldfield, England (4)
    Elaine Dixon, Athens, Greece (4)
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK (3)
    Eleanor DB, Croydon, UK (3)
    Elenore, Aberdeen, UK
    Elizabeth, Shipley, UK
    Ellie, Leicester, UK
    Ellie, London, UK
    Emily Jones, Swansea, UK (2)
    Emma, Stevenage, UK (2)
    Emma, Bedford, UK (2)
    Emma Robson, Doncaster, England (6)
    Emma Swift, Aberdeen, UK (4)
    Erica Turner, Penarth, Wales (2)
    Faye Williams, High Wycombe, UK (2)
    Gabriele Pearson, Cromarty, UK (2)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland
    Gill, Taunton, UK (2)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (5)
    Heather C, London, UK (3)
    Helen Irwin, Hull, UK (7)
    Ilana, Oxford, UK (7)
    Isabel, Cumbria, UK (7)
    Jackie, York, England (2)
    Jackie Billington, Birmingham , UK (5)
    Jan G, Hull, UK (12)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (4)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England
    Jeanne, Pennsylvania, USA (4)
    Jennie, Dundee, UK (3)
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland (4)
    Jenny Elkington, Boston, UK (6)
    Jessica, Cambridge, ON, Canada (2)
    Jill Smith, Taunton, England (4)
    Joanne, Bathgate, Scotland (7)
    Joanne M, Oxford, England (3)
    Jodi Maple, Niagara Park, Australia (3)
    Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England (45)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (2)
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK (4)
    Kathryn, Wellington , New Zealand (3)
    Kathryn B, London, UK (6)
    Katie, York, England (3)
    Kay R, Pennsylvania, USA (2)
    Kaye S, Bangor, Northern Ireland (2)
    Kaz Bowen, Wakefield, UK (5)
    Kerry, Aldershot, UK (3)
    Laura, Thetford, UK (2)
    Laura Sedgebeer, Bridgend, Wales
    Lauren Tandy, Havant, UK (3)
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (4)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (9)
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (3)
    Lynda Ashcroft, Weston-super-Mare, England
    Marie, Yeovil, UK
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (2)
    Marion, Coventry, UK (2)
    Martha O, London, UK (4)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (5)
    Moira Anne Jeffcoat, Birmingham, England (3)
    Nicky, Mytchett, UK (4)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (7)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (9)
    Nicola Dove, Barnsley, UK (4)
    Olivia, Bromham, Beds
    Pat Brown, Warminster, England (8)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (5)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK (5)
    Roberta H, King's Lynn, England (2)
    Roisin, Amersham, England (3)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (3)
    Ruth Horn, Co Durham, UK (5)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (5)
    Sarah, Gosport, UK
    Sarah, Wagga Wagga, Australia (3)
    Sarah B, Essex, UK (2)
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (4)
    Sharon, Kenilworth, UK (3)
    Shelli Rippetoe, USA
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (9)
    test, test, test (3)
    Tracy Simpson, Beverley, UK
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK (4)
    Verity, Manchester, England (2)
    Yvonne, Devon, UK (2)

    Thank you to everyone who has sent donations since our last update - very much appreciated :)

  •  <<Newer   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82  Older>>

    Showing results 28 to 30 of 246

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