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LoveQuiltsUK - Latest News

LoveQuilts UK News

News 26 May 2024 - 28 Jul 2024

After a lot of rain and unsettled weather, it's quite warm in Swansea today - Mrs T and Gaynor have been cutting up and washing fabric. Here is Mrs T in action!:

Gaynor is going to visit Kat in Lincolnshire later this week and has been getting a lot of "quilt packs" together to take with her to transfer to Kat. Gaynor and Kat have also been working on "backfill" quilt packs to use up some of our "Any Child" squares, some categories are getting quite numerous!

Quilt News
21 quilts have been delivered since our last update (and there are 13 further in the post or waiting for photos to arrive):

Alex M's quilt (Formula 1 and Football) - quilted by Heather:

Photo of Alex M's quilt

Bella P's quilt (Rainbows) - quilted by Leanda:

Photo of Bella P's quilt

Christian A's quilt (Marvel characters) - quilted by Leanda:

Photo of Christian A's quilt

Ellis B's quilt (Toy Story) - quilted by Heather:

Photo of Ellis B's quilt

Eric L's quilt (Planets, Space and Astronauts) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

Photo of Eric L's quilt

Everly's quilt (Farm animals) - quilted by Leanda:

Photo of Everly's quilt

Faith A's quilt (Fairies, Horses, Princesses, Mermaids) - quilted by Jill:

Photo of Faith A's quilt

Finley A's quilt (Mr Tumble) - quilted by Mary:

Photo of Finley A's quilt

Leighton A's quilt (Thomas the tank and friends) - quilted by Leanda:

Photo of Leighton A's quilt

Liam's quilt (Sea life) - quilted by Ann:

Photo of Liam's quilt

Logan W's quilt (Star Wars) - quilted by Tracey E:

Photo of Logan W's quilt

Louie J's quilt (Football) - quilted by Pat:

Photo of Louie J's quilt

Max W's quilt (Soft animals) - quilted by Mary:

Photo of Max W's quilt

Molly S's quilt (Mermaids) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

Photo of Molly S's quilt

Morgan A's quilt (Space) - quilted by Ann:

Photo of Morgan A's quilt

Nathan M's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Katie:

Photo of Nathan M's quilt

Oakley C's quilt (Space) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

Photo of Oakley C's quilt

Ryan H's quilt (Jungle animals) - quilted by Heather:

Photo of Ryan H's quilt

Vivie-Sienna's quilt (Female Disney Characters) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

Photo of Vivie-Sienna's quilt

Zøren's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Gaynor:

Photo of Zøren's quilt

Yvonne Q has also completed a Space emergency quilt - thank you very much Yvonne Q!

Photo of Emergency Space quilt

Thank you very much to all those who have contributed towards the creation of these quilts!

Thank you to all who have been taking part in the EasyFundraising "Summer of Sport" competition over the last month or so. Don't forget that you can use Easyfundraising all year round to raise money for us for free, just by clicking through before you make an online purchase. We have raised thousands of pounds over the years in this way. Please see here for further details:

Fundrasising Items
Jan, Leanda and Heather continues to do fab fundraising for us through making high quality bags, lap quilts and other items - check these out on our Fundraising for LQUK page:

Also a big thank you to Janet Trimby and Faye Howard's mum for their recent donation of a large amount cross-stitched panels which are being used to make fundraising items.

Sign-ups of copyrighted characters
As you know, we have several agreements with copyright holders such as Disney to charts our own patterns, and of course it is fine to use legally-published magazines or books containing such patterns. Please could you make sure that the source of your pattern appears on your signups so we can check they are from a legitimate source - just note the book or magazine or LQ pattern it is from. We need to avoid sources such as Etsy or Pinterest for copyrighted characters as they are almost invariably not from legal sources.

High Priority Squares
The "high priority" list for the Any Child Squares has been updated - Unicorns appear to have run their course! and we are getting fewer request for those now. Please check out the needed categories at:

Don't worry if you've already started a square that was previously listed as "high priority" - do finish and send it in. We have to change the categories sometimes and it is inevitable that some will be mid-square when we do :)

Square News
We have received 263 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alison, Market Drayton, UK
    Alison, Ormskirk, UK (3)
    Angela, New Zealand
    Ann, Billericay, UK (9)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (4)
    Brenda Hunter, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, UK (3)
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (5)
    Christine Mennie, Aberdeen, UK
    Claire Dickie, Aldershot, England
    Diana Lettice, Spalding, UK (7)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (5)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (4)
    Elaine Dixon, Athens, Greece (3)
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK
    Elizabeth, Shipley, UK (2)
    Emma Robson, Doncaster, England (6)
    Erin, Neath, Wales
    Fiona B, Grangemouth, uK (2)
    Fiona Lema, Greenlaw, UK
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland
    Gemma McKnight, Southampton , England (3)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (11)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK
    Jackie, York, England
    Jan G, Hull, UK (10)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (2)
    Jane Netting, Plymouth, United Kingdom (2)
    Jannine Hall, Stourbridge, England
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England
    Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England (10)
    Johanna Inch, Bideford, England (2)
    Juju, London, UK
    Julia, Cardiff, United Kingdom (3)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (3)
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK (4)
    Katherine, Oxford, UK
    Kay, Doncaster, UK (4)
    Kaz Bowen, Wakefield, UK (5)
    Kerry, Aldershot, UK (2)
    Laura, Thetford, UK
    Laura Brown, Reading, UK (3)
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (6)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (5)
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (2)
    Linda Owen, Milton Keynes, UK
    Lindsay, Northwich, UK (2)
    Louise Owen, Ampthill, UK
    Marie, Yeovil, UK (2)
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (3)
    Marion, Coventry, UK (3)
    Maz Spruce, Abingdon, UK (3)
    Merete, Allerød, Denmark (2)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (6)
    Nicky, Mytchett, UK (3)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (7)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (5)
    Nicola Hargreaves, Barnsley , UK (5)
    Pat Brown, Warminster, England (6)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (3)
    Pauline, Broughton, UK (4)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK
    Rebecca Golding, Crawley, UK (5)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (2)
    Ruth Horn, Co Durham, UK (2)
    Sally, Hull, UK (3)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (9)
    Sarah, Grantham, UK (2)
    Sarah, St. Albans, UK (3)
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (5)
    Sharon, Doncaster, UK (2)
    Sharon Hill, Billinge, Wigan, UK (2)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (2)
    test, test, test (9)
    Tina, Warboys, UK
    Tina Brown, Tylers Green, UK (2)
    Tracey McVey, Horwich, United Kingdom
    Unknown, Unknown
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK (3)
    Verity, Manchester, England (3)
    Vicky, Solihull, England

    Thank you so much to everyone who has sent donations, it is really appreciated and we could not keep going without you!

    News 24 Feb 2024 - 26 May 2024

    Quilt News
    Hello everyone It's been quite a long time without an update - Gaynor has been busy with her father-in-law being in hospital and sadly he passed away in April with the funeral just this week, so it's been a sad time.

    Rest assured we are still working away on squares and quilts and here is a list of the ones that have gone out since our last update:

    38 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Addison F's quilt (Princesses) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Addison F's quilt

    Allan T's quilt (Various characters) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Allan T's quilt

    Arran R's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Arran R's quilt

    Ava H's quilt (Tigers) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ava H's quilt

    Bethany P's quilt (Dinosaurs) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Bethany P's quilt

    Charlotte R's quilt (Disney Princesses (a horse and a rainbow on the label?)) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Charlotte R's quilt

    Dylan I's quilt (Superheroes (particularly Batman)) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Dylan I's quilt

    Eitan's quilt (Chess and Maths) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Eitan's quilt

    Ella-May's quilt (Pirates) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Ella-May's quilt

    Elsie M's quilt (Roses and Hearts) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Elsie M's quilt

    Esmae W's quilt (Dogs) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Esmae W's quilt

    Evan P's quilt (Space) - quilted by Gaynor:

    Photo of Evan P's quilt

    Freddie's quilt (Mr Men) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Freddie's quilt

    Gabby H's quilt (Pandas) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Gabby H's quilt

    Harrison C's quilt (Cars Trucks And Trains/Paw Patrol) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Harrison C's quilt

    Harvey D's quilt (Mixture) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Harvey D's quilt

    Henry M's quilt (Specific book characters) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Henry M's quilt

    Ivan B's quilt (Monkeys) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ivan B's quilt

    Jack S's quilt (Games and Technology) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Jack S's quilt

    Jacob W's quilt (Paw Patrol/Number or letter blocks) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Jacob W's quilt

    Jaxon K's quilt (Rockets) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Jaxon K's quilt

    Jayden S's quilt (Football) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Jayden S's quilt

    Katie B's quilt (Butterflies, hearts, dogs and kittens) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Katie B's quilt

    Kiki B's quilt (Encanto and Frozen Characters) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Kiki B's quilt

    Layla H's quilt (Daisies and Hearts and other ) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Layla H's quilt

    Liberty P's quilt (Dogs/puppies) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Liberty P's quilt

    Lucan B's quilt (Disney Cars and Finding Nemo) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Lucan B's quilt

    Lucas G's quilt (Princesses and Frozen characters) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Lucas G's quilt

    Oscar H's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Oscar H's quilt

    Poppy P's quilt (Various pink (Poppy on the label?)) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Poppy P's quilt

    Riley-James's quilt (Dinosaur And Boats And Cars and Trains) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Riley-James's quilt

    Ronnie W's quilt (Penguins and fish) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Ronnie W's quilt

    Salahudin J's quilt (Space) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Salahudin J's quilt

    Samuel M's quilt (Trains) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Samuel M's quilt

    Shaurya's quilt (Cars and rockets) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Shaurya's quilt

    Teddie K's quilt (Mickey Mouse) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Teddie K's quilt

    Thomas F's quilt (Koalas) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Thomas F's quilt

    Vinny W's quilt (Safari animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Vinny W's quilt

    Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed towards these quilts.

    If anyone would like to changeover from doing cross stitch to quilting, please do get in touch - without quilters we cannot get any quilts finished and out to the children. If you can competently use a sewing machine, there is no reason you can't learn the techniques we use :)

    Legal patterns
    We have recently posted on our Facebook group about the use of legal patterns - it is important not to use illegal patterns. Increasingly we're receiving squares from illegal patterns as AC squares which we have no way of verifying in advance. Please double check the pattern you are using, and ask if in any doubt. Remember, just because a pattern is on sale, it doesn't mean that it is a being sold legally. See our Ethical Statement for further details.

    We've had a number of packages of squares held hostage by the post office recently due to underpaid postage - please make sure that your packages are weighed and measured to be certain that the postage is correct. Unfortunately, the Post Office also charges quite a hefty admin fee on top of the underpaid postage and won't release your squares until we pay it.

    Square News
    We have received 441 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alison, Ormskirk, UK (5)
    Alison, Market Drayton, UK (2)
    Alison Forsyth, Aberdeen , UK (2)
    Amelia Heaford, London, UK (2)
    Angela, New Zealand (4)
    Ann, Billericay, UK (6)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (3)
    Anne Hanley, Edinburgh, Scotland
    Becky M, Warrington, UK
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK
    CGH, Edinburgh, Scotland (2)
    Clair Adelaide Bradley, Boroughbridge, England
    Claire Dickie, Aldershot, England (2)
    Claire Tobias, Staines Upon Thames, UK
    Clare Brunyee, Rotherham, S.Yorks, UK
    Deborah Found-Bloodworth, Uxbridge, Middx, UK (2)
    Diana, Sussex, UK
    Diana Lettice, Spalding, UK (5)
    Doris, Aberdeen, UK (4)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (6)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (4)
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK (3)
    Ellie, London, UK (4)
    Emma, Crediton, UK (2)
    Emma, Stevenage, UK (2)
    Emma Bottrell, Par, UK (4)
    Emma Robson, Doncaster, England (8)
    Emma Swift, Aberdeen, UK
    Erics Family, United Kingdom and Brazil (4)
    Erin, Neath, Wales (2)
    Fiona B, Grangemouth, uK (2)
    Frankie, Nottingham, UK
    Gabriele Pearson, Cromarty, UK (4)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland (5)
    Gemma McKnight, Southampton , England
    Gemma.H, Glos, UK (5)
    Gwen, Kent, UK
    Hannah P, Poole, UK (5)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (11)
    Heather C, London, UK (2)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK (2)
    Helen Irwin, Hull, UK (2)
    Jackie, York, England
    Jan G, Hull, UK (13)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (4)
    Jane Netting, Plymouth, United Kingdom (4)
    Janet T, South Wales, UK
    Jannine Hall, Stourbridge, England (3)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (3)
    Jeanne, Pennsylvania, USA (7)
    Jennie, Worcester, United Kingdom
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland
    Jenny, Rushden, UK (2)
    Jenny White, Staffs, England (9)
    Jessica, Cambridge, ON, Canada (2)
    Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England (10)
    Johanna Inch, Bideford, England
    Judith Chamberlain, Welwyn Garden City, UK (2)
    Juju, London, UK (2)
    Julia, Cardiff, United Kingdom (6)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (7)
    Julie Robbins, Bromsgrove , UK (6)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (2)
    Karen Mossman, Anglesey, Wales
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK
    Kate, Berkshire, UK
    Kay, Doncaster, UK (4)
    Kaz Bowen, Wakefield, UK (4)
    Kerry Brabbs, Rotherham, UK (3)
    Laura, Thetford, UK (3)
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (4)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (4)
    Linda, Penrith, Cumbria, UK
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (4)
    Lorna Simpson, Southampton, UK (8)
    Lucy, London, United Kingdom
    Luisa Evans, Gateshead, England
    Lyn, Doncaster, UK (2)
    Margaret, Wolverhampton, UK (2)
    Margery, Needham Market, UK (2)
    Maria, Bristol, UK
    Marie, Yeovil, UK (5)
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (6)
    Martha O, Frome, UK
    Maxine Almond, Ferndown, UK
    Merete, Allerød, Denmark (6)
    Michelle Beckett, W,Sussex, UK
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (12)
    Nicky, Mytchett, UK (7)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (4)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (15)
    Nicola Hargreaves, Barnsley , UK (5)
    Pat Brown, Warminster, England (10)
    Pauline, Broughton, UK (4)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK (4)
    Rachel, London, UK
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants, UK (3)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (6)
    Ruth Horn, Co Durham, UK
    Sally, Hull, UK (4)
    Sam, Leicestershire, UK (2)
    Samantha, Bournemouth, England (5)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (11)
    Sandra Thomas, Sheffield, South Yorkshire England
    Sarah, St. Albans, UK (7)
    Sarah, Grantham, UK (2)
    Sarah, Barton on sea, Hampshire
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (6)
    Sharon, Doncaster, UK (6)
    Sharon, Kenilworth, UK (3)
    Sharon Hill, Billinge, Wigan, UK
    Shirley, United Kingdom
    Sid, Edinburgh, Scotland
    Sue, Cambridge, UK (3)
    Sue Torode, Long Buckby, UK (4)
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (5)
    test, test, test (4)
    Tina, Warboys, UK (6)
    Tina, Tylers Green, UK (5)
    Tracey Elsam, Cardiff, Wales
    Tracy D, Bristol, UK
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK (8)

    Thank you so much for everyone who has donated or created items to sell to raise funds, it is really appreciated.

    News 01 Jan 2024 - 24 Feb 2024

    Hello everyone! We are already 7 weeks into 2024. It's been a wet and windy year so far, perfect for a bit of stitching and quilting!

    Gaynor will be away on a work trip to France from 3rd March - 17th March but may still be online now and again for LQ queries :)

    Quilt News
    25 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Ariella's quilt (Space) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ariella's quilt

    Ashton B's quilt (Space) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Ashton B's quilt

    B's quilt (Sloths) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of B's quilt

    Bailey K's quilt (Soft animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Bailey K's quilt

    Brandon's quilt (Cats and Kittens) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Brandon's quilt

    Cara-Grace's quilt (Bees and Sunflowers) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Cara-Grace's quilt

    Cole S's quilt (Disney (see detail)) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Cole S's quilt

    Dale S's quilt (Trains) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Dale S's quilt

    Daniel W's quilt (Emergency Vehicles) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Daniel W's quilt

    G's quilt (Space) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of G's quilt

    Gunabalan's quilt (Cars) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Gunabalan's quilt

    Harley S's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Harley S's quilt

    Heidi C's quilt (Zoo animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Heidi C's quilt

    Henry C's quilt (Sausage dog, white duck, pigs and penguins) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Henry C's quilt

    Jack W's quilt (Specific) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Jack W's quilt

    Jacob-Peter's quilt (Sea Life) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Jacob-Peter's quilt

    Jaiden S's quilt (Star Wars) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Jaiden S's quilt

    Javeria's quilt (Unicorns) - quilted by Pat:

    Photo of Javeria's quilt

    Kahlan N's quilt (Harry Potter) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Kahlan N's quilt

    Lacey-Louise's quilt (Paw Patrol and Butterflies) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Lacey-Louise's quilt

    Max L's quilt (Harry Potter) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Max L's quilt

    Rubi P's quilt (Rainbows and stars) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Rubi P's quilt

    Saniyah S's quilt (Mr Tumble, ITNG and specific animals) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Saniyah S's quilt

    Sienna A's quilt (Various characters) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Sienna A's quilt

    Sienna L's quilt (Giraffes) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Sienna L's quilt

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the creation of all these quilts!

    Easyfundraising feature
    We recently won a £50 donation in an and we have also been featured by EasyFundraising recently on their blog and social media: LoveQuiltsUK feature. Fame at last!

    Don't forget to sign up for EasyFundraising if you haven't already to raise funds for free while you shop for things you would buy anyway. Our cause page is here: Click here

    Children in the lottery system
    The number of kids in our lottery system dropped to below 30 recently which we haven't seen in over 10 years! These days social media algorithms are different so not as many people see our posts as they used to. If you know a family with a child with a lifelong or life limited illness who might appreciate a quilt, please do let them know about us. After appealing on our Facebook group we have already got quite a few new kids enrolled into the lottery.

    Lap quilts
    The sale of occasional lap quilts for fundraising continues, there are a couple currently for sale on our Facebook Fundraising Facebook page

    Square News
    You have all been very busy lately we have received 263 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alexia, Minnesota, USA
    Alison, Market Drayton, UK (2)
    Alison, Ormskirk, UK (3)
    Alison Forsyth, Aberdeen , UK
    Angela, New Zealand
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (3)
    Anne Hanley, Edinburgh, Scotland (3)
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (5)
    Cairine, Grantown on Spey, UK
    Charlotte, Nottingham, UK (2)
    Claire Dickie, Aldershot, England
    Claire Tobias, Staines Upon Thames, UK
    Clare Brunyee, Rotherham, S.Yorks, UK (4)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (6)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (6)
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK (3)
    Elenore, Aberdeen, UK
    Elisabeth Waycott, Melbourne,
    Ellie, London, UK (2)
    Emma, Crediton, UK
    Erin, Neath, Wales (2)
    Gabriele Pearson, Cromarty, UK (2)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland
    Gemma McKnight, Southampton , England (4)
    Gemma.H, Glos, UK (2)
    Georgina, Chertsey, UK (3)
    Gill, Aylesbury, UK
    Ginny D, Canterbury, UK (4)
    Gwen, Kent, UK
    Hannah P, Poole, UK (3)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (9)
    Heather C, London, UK (2)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK
    Jackie, Corby, UK (3)
    Jan G, Hull, UK (11)
    Jane Ashley, Littleborough, UK
    Janet T, South Wales, UK
    Jeanne, Pennsylvania, USA (5)
    Jill Smith, Taunton, England (2)
    Joanna Ebert, East Grinstead, England
    Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England (10)
    Judith Chamberlain, Welwyn Garden City, UK
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (4)
    Julie Robbins, Bromsgrove , UK (10)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (2)
    Kelli, Neath, Wales
    Kerry, Aldershot, UK (2)
    Kerry Brabbs, Rotherham, UK (3)
    Laura Brown, Reading, UK (4)
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (5)
    Lesley, Rothwell, UK (3)
    Linda, Penrith, Cumbria, UK
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (2)
    Lindsay, Northwich, UK (2)
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (3)
    Marjory, Huntly, Scotland (12)
    Merrilie, Geddington, UK
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (7)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (6)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (9)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (4)
    Pauline, Broughton, UK (3)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK (8)
    Rachel, London, UK
    Rachel, Newcastle, UK
    Rachel Tubby, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
    Roisin, Amersham, England (4)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (4)
    Ruth Horn, Co Durham, UK
    Sally, Hull, UK (4)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (11)
    Sharon, Kenilworth, UK (4)
    Sharon, Doncaster, UK (2)
    Sharon Hill, Billinge, Wigan, UK (2)
    Sid, Edinburgh, Scotland (2)
    Sue Dickie, Aldershot, England
    Sue Torode, Long Buckby, UK (2)
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (6)
    Teresa Cobb, Coningsby, UK
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK (4)
    Vicky, Solihull, England
    Wendy Tobin, Ringwood, UK

    Thank you so much to you all for your donations, it is really appreciate! Don't forget to sign up for EasyFundraising (details on our website or Facebook group)

  •  <<Newer   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82  Older>>

    Showing results 4 to 6 of 246

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