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LoveQuilts UK News

2019 Review of the Year

Welcome to our review of 2019! This was the 11th year for LoveQuiltsUK and it has, as ever, been another busy one!

Here are some statistics on what we have achieved in 2019:

Total squares received in 2019: 2519 squares

Total quilts delivered in 2019: 201 quilts (2 of these were emergency quilts and 37 were backfilled quilts)

This brings our overall total to 1340 quilts since 2008. 2019 was another record year, with 201 quilts against last year's total of 190 :)

A massive THANK YOU to every one of you who have sent in your lovely squares, quilted them together into fab quilts, or fundraised for us this year!.

We thank you for your generosity in donating your time, materials and kindness :) We never take your time and effort for granted and we are so thankful for your continuing support so that we can keep donating quilts to children to help them through difficult times. The feedback we get from parents is always brilliant, with some children going to bed happily for the first time in years and others using the quilts for comfort in hospitals, and also as an ice-breaker with doctors and nurses. We are grateful for each and every person who has helped us!

We have a few people that we would like to mention specifically for their efforts:

Kat has dealt with a massive number of squares this year, despite still being in a full-time job with very long hours, well done Kat for keeping everything in order!

Gaynor has continued her efforts in sourcing fabric, doing the administration and maintaining the website. Well done, Gaynor.

Mrs T
Mrs T (Gaynor's Mum) has washed a lot of the fabric and duvet covers used for LQUK once again this year, before sending out to quilters.

Thank you to Sandra who has organised the cards we send out with the quilts via our Facebook group, and chased them up so that they all come in on time!

Pattern creators
Thank you so much for those who created patterns for our Pattern listing this year. It has really made it a lot easier to create quilts for themes such as Disney and Harry Potter with legal charts!

Emergency Quilts
Many thanks to Leanda and Heather for continuing to store the emergency quilt stash and sending them out quickly. Also thanks to the others who are storing emergency quilts they have made.

Labels and cards for backfilled quilts
A big thank you to those who have undertaken labels for backfilled quilts at short notice this year - this made an extra 37 quilts possible. Also, thank you to those who sent in cards to be held in reserve for backfilled quilts, it is really appreciated.

Clare Bray
A massive thank you to Clare Bray for continuing to approach companies for permission to chart our own patterns of their copyrighted characters.

We'd like to thank Jean of Swansea who very kindly audited our accounts for free at the beginning of 2019. We'd also like to thank David Moss of Swansea for assisting with our bank account.

Superhero squares from Poland
LQUK received a brilliant package from Poland to start 2019 - containing 111 Superhero Logo squares! There were 40 Green Lantern logos, 33 Captain America logos and 38 The Flash logos! These have certainly taken the pressure off producing Superhero quilts in 2019 and we still have many to use into 2020. Many thanks to the Polish Comfort Pillow Group, headed up by Magda and Celina.

Love Quilts Canada
LQUK helped one of our stitchers, Dana, to set up Love Quilts Canada this year - the fifth chapter of LoveQuilts worldwide (with Brazil, Australia and the USA)

Magazine Appearances
We appeared in Quilt Now magazine in March 2019!

We cannot thank those who have undertaken fundraising for us this year enough - we really could not keep going without you! THANK YOU!! In no particular order: (please do let us know if we've left anyone out so we can add you!)

  • Alison Wells ran a secret raffle for us at Bradford Stitch Retreat and raised £100
  • Leanda, Heather and Vanessa raised £576.96 at the 7th Annual Patchwork Quilting and Craft Fayre in March in Oldham - also many thanks to those who created lap quilts and other items to sell at the fayre
  • Rebecca Powers ran a "Win a Bear" competition and raised £40
  • Krystie D sold Christmas cards for us on eBay
  • Jo Geaney donated Aida
  • Nicola Bailey kindly brought back and donated Star Wars and Harry Potter fabric during a trip to the USA
  • Sandra Wright has held a cake stall in work and raised £176
  • Leanda Vickers has made weighted lap blanket and shoulder snakes and raised £45
  • We raised £445.81 from Easyfundraising in 2019 - thanks so much to everyone who remembered to visit them before shopping on the Internet, it really does mount up!
  • We were nominated in the CapGemini Community Spirit Awards by our stitcher Christina McDonald and were awarded £500!
  • We were nominated in the OneFamily Community Grants by our stitcher Pat Brown in November and we were awarded £5000!
  • Everyone who has quietly sent in cash, cheques, Paypal donations, text donations etc. this year it has been very gratefully received!

    Thank you so much once again to you all!!

    Support from Businesses
    A big thank you to Morton Post Office for their continuing support in 2019 - always a pleasant chat and £1 off every parcel for LQUK - open on Sundays too!. Thank you very much!

    Thank you Katzstitch who have catered to LQUK stitchers by selling Aida in our required size (13 x 13 inches) and offering a discount on top.

    Thank you to Kim Hubble who has offered discount Zweigart Aida via our Facebook group.

    Also thank you to Kate of Lakeside Needlecraft who has also started selling Aida in sizes suitable for us and for running some free Aida competitions via our Facebook group too!

    We are grateful to for allowing us to accept credit/debit card for free.

    In Memoriam
    We would like to pay tribute to the following children who sadly passed away in 2019: Daisy L, Jenson B, Josh T, K, Kieran M, Luke H

    We send their families our very best wishes and hope that 2020 will bring them happier times.

    And finally...
    No year review would be complete without taking a look back at the 201 quilts that were delivered this year. A vast amount of time and effort has gone into the following 201 quilts, thank you so much to everyone who contributed to them:

    January 2019

    Ella-Lee's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Ella-Lee's quilt
    Evie R's quilt
    (Unicorns and Roses)
    Quilted by Heather
    Evie R's quilt
    Sophie R's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Heather
    Sophie R's quilt
    Daisy E's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Daisy E's quilt
    Cody S's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Cody S's quilt
    Tyler R's quilt
    (Sea Life)
    Quilted by Seren
    Tyler R's quilt
    Alice R's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    Alice R's quilt
    Owen C's quilt
    (Mr Men)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Owen C's quilt
    Elisia B's quilt
    (Rainbows, Unicorns, Hearts, Butterflies)
    Quilted by Jill
    Elisia B's quilt
    Khayden H's quilt
    (Vehicles and Red Balloons)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Khayden H's quilt
    Asher H's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Asher H's quilt
    Dylan G's quilt
    (Various Characters)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Dylan G's quilt
    Henry B's quilt
    (Safari Animals)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Henry B's quilt
    Oliver T's quilt
    (Soldiers and related)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Oliver T's quilt
    DD's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    DD's quilt
    Nihaal T's quilt
    (Sports Cars (other cars if not enough patterns!))
    Quilted by Heather
    Nihaal T's quilt
    Aleeza T's quilt
    (Minnie Mouse)
    Quilted by Heather
    Aleeza T's quilt
    Theo S's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Theo S's quilt
    Amy-Rose's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Amy-Rose's quilt
    Ethan M's quilt
    (Toy Story, Frozen and Moana)
    Quilted by Carol
    Ethan M's quilt
    Poppy K's quilt
    (Rabbits, fairies, flowers, hearts)
    Quilted by Jill
    Poppy K's quilt

    February 2019

    Josey L's quilt
    (Rainbows, dragonflies, butterflies and flyagaric mushrooms)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Josey L's quilt
    Alfie M's quilt
    (Mickey and Friends)
    Quilted by Ann
    Alfie M's quilt
    Adam S's quilt
    (Space and Star Wars)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Adam S's quilt
    Sofia T's quilt
    (Fairies and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Pat
    Sofia T's quilt
    Scott H's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Scott H's quilt
    Tilleasha's quilt
    (Fairies and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Tilleasha's quilt
    James R's quilt
    (Male Disney characters)
    Quilted by Leanda
    James R's quilt
    Bella-Rose P's quilt
    (Fairies and unicorns)
    Quilted by Carol
    Bella-Rose P's quilt
    Kaydee W's quilt
    (Hearts and Princesses)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Kaydee W's quilt
    Angel K's quilt
    (Hearts (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Seren
    K's quilt
    Scarlett H's quilt
    (Unicorns, fairies and hearts)
    Quilted by Heather
    Scarlett H's quilt
    Phoebe C's quilt
    (Soft animals)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Phoebe C's quilt
    Ellie-Jae's quilt
    (Angels and Fairies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Ellie-Jae's quilt
    Evalyn C's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Evalyn C's quilt
    Regan G's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Regan G's quilt
    Amber K's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Amber K's quilt

    March 2019

    Aaron B's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Aaron B's quilt
    Lillie-Mai's quilt
    (Unicorns and Princesses)
    Quilted by Ann
    Lillie-Mai's quilt
    Michael L's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Michael L's quilt
    Henry S's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Henry S's quilt
    Ami-Grace's quilt
    (Vehicles and Tigers)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Ami-Grace's quilt
    Jack B's quilt
    Quilted by Katie
    Jack B's quilt
    Jadyn V's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Jadyn V's quilt
    Tommy M's quilt
    (Animals (mainly farm))
    Quilted by Jill
    Tommy M's quilt
    Levi C's quilt
    (Space, especially Aliens)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Levi C's quilt
    Penelope C's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Penelope C's quilt
    Blake M's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Blake M's quilt
    Zara B's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Zara B's quilt
    Nathan W's quilt
    (Thomas the Tank and friends)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Nathan W's quilt
    Michael B's quilt
    Quilted by Judith
    Michael B's quilt
    Joey W's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Joey W's quilt
    Katie S's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Katie S's quilt
    Neve J's quilt
    (Hearts, Butterflies and Birds)
    Quilted by Mary
    Neve J's quilt
    Joshua W's quilt
    (Space, stars and moon)
    Quilted by Carol
    Joshua W's quilt
    Charlie C's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Charlie C's quilt
    Curtis D's quilt
    (Theme not set)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Curtis D's quilt
    Leland's quilt
    (Music and soft animals)
    Quilted by Jill
    Leland's quilt
    Frankie H's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Frankie H's quilt
    Grace B's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Heather
    Grace B's quilt
    Harry B's quilt
    (Space and Star Wars)
    Quilted by Heather
    Harry B's quilt

    April 2019

    Seren W's quilt
    (Fairies and Hearts)
    Quilted by Seren
    Seren W's quilt
    Elliot H's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Elliot H's quilt
    Rachel H's quilt
    (Hearts and Teddy bears)
    Quilted by Carol
    Rachel H's quilt
    Scarlett S's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Scarlett S's quilt
    Willow H's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Willow H's quilt
    Alfie P's quilt
    (Emergency vehicles)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Alfie P's quilt
    Ellis G's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Ellis G's quilt
    Zander S's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Zander S's quilt
    Paris N's quilt
    (Fairies and Roses)
    Quilted by Heather
    Paris N's quilt
    Hago B's quilt
    (Trains, especially Thomas the Tank)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Hago B's quilt
    Joseph B's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Joseph B's quilt
    Jasmine A's quilt
    (Bees and butterflies)
    Quilted by Jill
    Jasmine A's quilt

    May 2019

    Ashlee C's quilt
    (Space and Star Wars)
    Quilted by Seren
    Ashlee C's quilt
    K's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    K's quilt
    Sameer A's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Sameer A's quilt
    Lydia A's quilt
    (Fairies and Princesses)
    Quilted by Mary
    Lydia A's quilt
    Everley's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Everley's quilt
    Kaleesi's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Kaleesi's quilt
    Poppy W's quilt
    Quilted by Julie E
    Poppy W's quilt
    Jake H's quilt
    (Doctor Who)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Jake H's quilt
    Ameeliah G's quilt
    (Hearts, Unicorns and Hello Kitty)
    Quilted by Kita
    Ameeliah G's quilt
    Samuel S's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Samuel S's quilt
    Alexander D's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Alexander D's quilt

    June 2019

    Jack H's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Jack H's quilt
    Libby T's quilt
    (Horses and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Jill
    Libby T's quilt
    Niva P's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Niva P's quilt
    Reggie A's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Reggie A's quilt

    July 2019

    Matthew F's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Matthew F's quilt
    Lexi T's quilt
    (Minnie Mouse)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lexi T's quilt
    Steven L's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Julie E
    Steven L's quilt
    Charlie L's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Charlie L's quilt
    Laura C's quilt
    (Hearts and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Laura C's quilt
    Amy C's quilt
    (Gymnastics and Hearts)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Amy C's quilt
    Sophie F's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Heather
    Sophie F's quilt
    Dilly's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Dilly's quilt
    Jacob R's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Jacob R's quilt
    Lillie S's quilt
    Quilted by Katie
    Lillie S's quilt
    Paige R's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Paige R's quilt
    Evie P's quilt
    (Hearts and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Evie P's quilt
    Isla-Rose's quilt
    (Fairies, Princesses and Roses)
    Quilted by Jill
    Isla-Rose's quilt
    Lacey D's quilt
    (Dance and Gymnastics)
    Quilted by Carol
    Lacey D's quilt
    Jacob A's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Jacob A's quilt
    Cameron A's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Cameron A's quilt
    Alex C's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse)
    Quilted by Heather
    Alex C's quilt
    Aleja M's quilt
    (Rainbows and unicorns)
    Quilted by Mary
    Aleja M's quilt
    Logan N's quilt
    Quilted by Katie
    Logan N's quilt
    Amelia B's quilt
    (Unicorns and Mermaids)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Amelia B's quilt
    Noah E's quilt
    (Creative/art items)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Noah E's quilt
    Oliver W's quilt
    (Thomas the tank,
    Ten Pin bowling and Aeroplanes)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Oliver W's quilt
    Edie's quilt
    (Fairies etc)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Edie's quilt
    Reuben B's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Reuben B's quilt

    August 2019

    Anabelle C's quilt
    (Butterflies and Owls)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Anabelle C's quilt
    Summer L's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Summer L's quilt
    Thomas B's quilt
    (Paddington and London)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Thomas B's quilt
    Brodie P's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Brodie P's quilt
    Shaira S's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Shaira S's quilt
    Jaeden J's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Jaeden J's quilt
    Darcey's quilt
    (Frozen/Winnie the Pooh characters)
    Quilted by Carol
    Darcey's quilt
    Kian L's quilt
    (Vehicles that Fly)
    Quilted by Heather
    Kian L's quilt
    Scarlett C's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Scarlett C's quilt
    Esmae L's quilt
    (Dolls and Princesses)
    Quilted by Heather
    Esmae L's quilt
    Gabriel's quilt
    (Jungle/Safari Animals)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Gabriel's quilt
    Haimish P's quilt
    (Safari/Jungle Animals)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Haimish P's quilt
    Ted T's quilt
    (Toy Story Characters)
    Quilted by Seren
    Ted T's quilt
    William S's quilt
    (Star Wars and Jet Planes)
    Quilted by Julie E
    William S's quilt
    Jake G's quilt
    (Dr Who)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Jake G's quilt
    Khalen S's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Khalen S's quilt
    Harry's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    Harry's quilt

    September 2019

    Katie D's quilt
    (Realistic Dogs)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Katie D's quilt
    Caleb D's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Caleb D's quilt
    Alistair's quilt
    (Specific characters)
    Quilted by Heather
    Alistair's quilt
    Bobby M's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Bobby M's quilt
    Benjamin N's quilt
    (Farms/Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Benjamin N's quilt
    Lois B's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    Lois B's quilt
    Rosa C's quilt
    (Fairies and Flowers)
    Quilted by Carol
    Rosa C's quilt
    Kenneth B's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Kenneth B's quilt
    Harriet C's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Harriet C's quilt
    Jamie S's quilt
    (Rainbows and balloons)
    Quilted by Jill
    Jamie S's quilt
    Logan C's quilt
    (Specific characters)
    Quilted by Carol
    Logan C's quilt
    Alyssa P's quilt
    Quilted by Julie E
    Alyssa P's quilt
    Grace G's quilt
    (Positive quotes)
    Quilted by Heather
    Grace G's quilt
    Dylan E's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Dylan E's quilt
    Connor M's quilt
    (Darts and Football)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Connor M's quilt
    Alanna S's quilt
    (Hearts and Rainbows)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Alanna S's quilt
    Ruby H's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Mary
    Ruby H's quilt
    Shaylee's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Shaylee's quilt
    Harrison H's quilt
    (Thomas the Tank and Pixar Cars)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Harrison H's quilt
    Sophia G's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Sophia G's quilt
    Lana B's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Melanie
    Lana B's quilt
    Akira K's quilt
    (Unicorns and hearts)
    Quilted by Heather
    Akira K's quilt
    Chloe F's quilt
    (Music and Horses)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Chloe F's quilt
    Harley W's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Harley W's quilt

    October 2019

    Charlie P's quilt
    (Football and other sports)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Charlie P's quilt
    Isabelle B's quilt
    (Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Isabelle B's quilt
    Moosa S's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Moosa S's quilt
    Reuben S's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Jill
    Reuben S's quilt
    Evie P's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Evie P's quilt
    Bee F's quilt
    (Toy Story Characters)
    Quilted by Katie
    Bee F's quilt
    Mollie H's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Carol
    Mollie H's quilt
    Alishah S's quilt
    Quilted by Pat
    Alishah S's quilt
    Mabel E's quilt
    (Farm animals)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Mabel E's quilt
    Bailey Y's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Bailey Y's quilt
    Alfie G's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse and Friends)
    Quilted by Jill
    Alfie G's quilt
    Leo S's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Leo S's quilt
    Kayden S's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Kayden S's quilt
    Nathan W's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Nathan W's quilt
    Amberley C's quilt
    (Unicorns and Fairies)
    Quilted by Linda
    Amberley C's quilt

    November 2019

    David B's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    David B's quilt
    Oscar E's quilt
    (Spiders and Ladybirds)
    Quilted by Heather
    Oscar E's quilt
    Rihana Z's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Carol
    Rihana Z's quilt
    Aryan S's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Aryan S's quilt
    Ali N's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Ali N's quilt
    Alex F's quilt
    (Jungle animals)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Alex F's quilt
    Phillippa-Rae's quilt
    (Angels and Fairies)
    Quilted by Mary
    Phillippa-Rae's quilt
    Mason B's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Mason B's quilt
    Sienna O's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Sienna O's quilt
    Katie A's quilt
    (Music and Dragons)
    Quilted by Heather
    Katie A's quilt
    Dylan J's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Dylan J's quilt
    Stephanie C's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Stephanie C's quilt
    Adam C's quilt
    (Dragons and Dinosaurs)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Adam C's quilt
    Daisy C's quilt
    (Squirrels, bunnies, tabby cats and robins)
    Quilted by Heather
    Daisy C's quilt
    Elena-Rose's quilt
    (Fairies and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Elena-Rose's quilt
    Matilda S's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Jill
    Matilda S's quilt
    Savannah's quilt
    (Unicorns and Fairies)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Savannah's quilt
    Jack W's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Jack W's quilt
    Violet J's quilt
    (Unicorns, mermaids and fairies)
    Quilted by Pat
    Violet J's quilt

    December 2019

    Jake C's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    No photo
    Zainab F's quilt
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Zainab F's quilt
    Finley C's quilt
    (Disney Characters (all))
    Quilted by Seren
    Finley C's quilt
    Jordon S's quilt
    (Thomas the Tank and friends)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Jordon S's quilt
    Oakley P's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Jan S (Lincs)
    Oakley P's quilt
    Ella M's quilt
    (Flowers and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Ella M's quilt
    Cooper R's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Cooper R's quilt
    Angel Luke H's quilt
    (Jungle Animals)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Luke H's quilt
    Reece C's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Reece C's quilt
    Arran C's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Arran C's quilt
    Jacob C's quilt
    (Male Disney characters)
    Quilted by Katie
    Jacob C's quilt
    Jaxon G's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    Jaxon G's quilt
    Theo W's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Theo W's quilt
    Ella R's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Ella R's quilt

    Once again, a very big thank you to you all. We look forward to continuing the LQUK work into the next decade! A Happy New Year to you all!

    Katherine and Gaynor x

    News 14 Nov 2019 - 29 Dec 2019

    It's been a busy time in the run-up to Christmas, lots of quilts have been delivered and we have some good news for our fundraising too!

    Quilt News
    29 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Adam C's quilt (Dragons and Dinosaurs) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Adam C's quilt

    Alex F's quilt (Jungle animals) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Alex F's quilt

    Ali N's quilt (Sea life) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Ali N's quilt

    Arran C's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Arran C's quilt

    Cooper R's quilt (Football) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Cooper R's quilt

    Daisy C's quilt (Squirrels, bunnies, tabby cats and robins) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Daisy C's quilt

    Dylan J's quilt (Space) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Dylan J's quilt

    Elena-Rose's quilt (Fairies and Butterflies) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Elena-Rose's quilt

    Ella M's quilt (Flowers and Butterflies) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ella M's quilt

    Ella R's quilt (Fairies/butterflies/rainbows) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ella R's quilt

    Finley C's quilt (Disney Characters (all)) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Finley C's quilt

    Jack W's quilt (Space) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Jack W's quilt

    Jacob C's quilt (Male Disney characters) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Jacob C's quilt

    Jake C's quilt (Space) - quilted by Leanda:

    - we have not yet received a photo, but we will post it to Jake C's page when we do.

    Jaxon G's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Sarah:

    Photo of Jaxon G's quilt

    Jordon S's quilt (Thomas the Tank and friends) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Jordon S's quilt

    Katie A's quilt (Music and Dragons) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Katie A's quilt

    Luke H's quilt (Jungle Animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Luke H's quilt

    Mason B's quilt (Dogs) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Mason B's quilt

    Matilda S's quilt (Enchanted World) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Matilda S's quilt

    Oakley P's quilt (Sea life) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Oakley P's quilt

    Phillippa-Rae's quilt (Angels and Fairies) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Phillippa-Rae's quilt

    Reece C's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Reece C's quilt

    Savannah's quilt (Unicorns and Fairies) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Savannah's quilt

    Sienna O's quilt (Dance) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Sienna O's quilt

    Stephanie C's quilt (Rabbits) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Stephanie C's quilt

    Theo W's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Theo W's quilt

    Violet J's quilt (Unicorns, mermaids and fairies) - quilted by Pat:

    Photo of Violet J's quilt

    Zainab F's quilt (Princesses) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Zainab F's quilt

    Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to these quilts! We never lose sight of the amount of work involved in each one and it is very much appreciated.

    OneFamily Community Grant of £5000!
    One of our stitchers, Pat Brown, nominated us for a Community Grant in November with OneFamily. We were delighted to hear in early December that we had been successful in their lottery and have been awarded £5000! This is the biggest grant LoveQuiltsUK has every received. Many, many grateful thanks to OneFamily and to Pat! We will be spending it on quilting materials early in the New Year (in fact, we've spent a bit already!)

    Lakeside Needlecraft
    We have recently been in touch with Lakeside Needlecraft who are kindly selling Aida to our specifications on the following link:

    Lakeside Needlecraft Aida

    Kate from Lakeside Needlecraft also ran free Aida competitions on our Facebook group recently with nine lucky winners receiving 6 13x13 inch squares. Many thanks to Kate for her generosity and congrats to the winners!

    Square News
    We have received 252 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them and thank you Kat for patiently uploading them all to the website!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alysa, Warwick, UK (3)
    Amanda Simmance, Theydon Bois , UK (3)
    Ann Woods, Crimplesham, England (2)
    Anthea, Northampton, UK
    Audrey, Fife, Scotland
    Barbara, Midhurst , UK (3)
    Becky McLinn, Ulverston, UK (2)
    Beth Cotton, Wallasey , UK
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (7)
    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK
    Clare, Southampton, England
    Clare Blandy, Meppershall, England
    Comfort Pillow Group, Poland (9)
    Dana Wagner, Buck Creek, Canada (4)
    Diana, Sussex, UK (2)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (6)
    Elaine Dixon, Athens, Greece
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK
    Elizabeth, Shipley, UK
    Emma, Bedford, UK (3)
    Emma, Stevenage, UK (2)
    Emma bottrell, Par, Uk (3)
    Erica Turner, Penarth, Wales (4)
    Fee, Fife, Scotland
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland (4)
    Gemma.H, Glos, UK (4)
    Ginny D, Canterbury, UK
    Grace Bowles, Southampton , UK (2)
    Hannah Garner, Manchester , UK
    Heather, Littleborough, England (5)
    Heather Joyce, Sandiacre, UK (2)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK
    Ilana, Oxford, UK (4)
    Jackie, York, England
    Jan, Lincs, UK
    Jan G, Hull, UK (6)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (3)
    Jane, Ramsey, Isle of Man (3)
    Jane Senior, Morecambe, UK
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (2)
    Jeanne, Texas, USA (3)
    Jennie, Worcester, England
    Jennie, Dundee, UK (3)
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland (2)
    Jenny Elkington, Boston, UK (3)
    Jo, Eastleigh, Hampshire , UK
    Joanne Heap, Liverpool, UK (2)
    Jodi Maple, Niagara Park, Australia (2)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (2)
    Julie Edgcumbe, Haverhill, Suffolk, UK (4)
    Julie Robbins, Bromsgrove , UK (5)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (2)
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK (4)
    Kate, Leics, UK (2)
    Kate Roberts, Shefford, UK
    Kathryn, Wellington , New Zealand
    Katie, York, England (2)
    Kaz Bowen, Wakefield, UK (5)
    Kelli, Neath, Wales (3)
    Laura Brown, Horley, UK
    Laura sedgebeer, Bridgend, Wales
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (7)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (4)
    Lian Hughes, Burnham-on-Sea , UK
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (3)
    Loraine, Perth W.A, Australia (2)
    Louise B, Surrey, UK (2)
    Louise Mackin, Tamworth , UK
    Lyn, Doncaster, UK (2)
    Lynda Ashcroft, Weston-super-Mare, England (2)
    Marie, Yeovil, UK (2)
    Mark Grogan, Oldham , UK
    Martha O, London, UK
    Michelle Hillier, Sault Ste Marie, Canada (2)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (2)
    Moira Anne Jeffcoat, Birmingham, England
    Nancy Lowe, Tamworth, UK (2)
    Natasha, Norfolk, Uk
    Nicky F, Luxembourg
    Nicola, Elland, UK (5)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (9)
    Nicola Dove, Barnsley, UK
    Nisha Chauhan, Leicester, UK (2)
    Pam Codman, Tunbridge Wells, UK
    Pat Brown, Fareham, England (3)
    Patricia, Northern Ireland, UK (2)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK (2)
    Rachael Banda, Cambridge, UK (2)
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants, UK (2)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (2)
    Ruth Horn, Co Durham, UK (3)
    Sally, Hull, UK (2)
    Sam Strand, Irchester, England (2)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (4)
    Sarah, York, UK
    Sarah, Gosport, Hampshire (3)
    Shirley, Ipswich, UK (2)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (5)
    Tracey Black, Doncaster, Uk (2)
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby, UK (5)

    Thank you so much so all who have sent donations or used, it is massively appreciated!

    News 03 Sep 2019 - 14 Nov 2019

    Quilt News

    Hello everyone and hope you are enjoying this autumnal weather!

    We haven't updated for a while, so let's see what we've all been up to!

    38 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Akira K's quilt (Unicorns and hearts) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Akira K's quilt

    Alanna S's quilt (Hearts and Rainbows) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Alanna S's quilt

    Alfie G's quilt (Mickey Mouse and Friends) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Alfie G's quilt

    Alishah S's quilt (Hearts) - quilted by Pat:

    Photo of Alishah S's quilt

    Alyssa P's quilt (Unicorns) - quilted by Julie E:

    Photo of Alyssa P's quilt

    Amberley C's quilt (Unicorns and Fairies) - quilted by Linda:

    Photo of Amberley C's quilt

    Aryan S's quilt (Stars) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Aryan S's quilt

    Bailey Y's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Bailey Y's quilt

    Bee F's quilt (Toy Story Characters) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Bee F's quilt

    Charlie P's quilt (Football and other sports) - quilted by Sarah:

    Photo of Charlie P's quilt

    Chloe F's quilt (Music and Horses) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Chloe F's quilt

    Connor M's quilt (Darts and Football) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Connor M's quilt

    David B's quilt (USA) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of David B's quilt

    Dylan E's quilt (Dogs) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Dylan E's quilt

    Evie P's quilt (Animals) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Evie P's quilt

    Grace G's quilt (Positive quotes) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Grace G's quilt

    Harley W's quilt (Space) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Harley W's quilt

    Harriet C's quilt (Butterflies) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Harriet C's quilt

    Harrison H's quilt (Thomas the Tank and Pixar Cars) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Harrison H's quilt

    Isabelle B's quilt (Disney Princesses) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Isabelle B's quilt

    Jamie S's quilt (Rainbows and balloons) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Jamie S's quilt

    Kayden S's quilt (Penguins) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Kayden S's quilt

    Kenneth B's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Kenneth B's quilt

    Lana B's quilt (Enchanted World) - quilted by Melanie:

    Photo of Lana B's quilt

    Leo S's quilt (Space) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Leo S's quilt

    Logan C's quilt (Specific characters) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Logan C's quilt

    Mabel E's quilt (Farm animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Mabel E's quilt

    Mollie H's quilt (Female Disney Characters) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Mollie H's quilt

    Moosa S's quilt (Space) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Moosa S's quilt

    Nathan W's quilt (Owls) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Nathan W's quilt

    Oscar E's quilt (Spiders and Ladybirds) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Oscar E's quilt

    Reuben S's quilt (Sea life) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Reuben S's quilt

    Rihana Z's quilt (Disney Characters) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of Rihana Z's quilt

    Ruby H's quilt (Enchanted World) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Ruby H's quilt

    Shaylee's quilt (Football) - quilted by Jan S (Lincs):

    Photo of Shaylee's quilt

    Sophia G's quilt (Princesses) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Sophia G's quilt

    Heather has also completed a Birds emergency quilt - thank you very much Heather!

    Photo of (QUILTED) Birds's quilt

    Bernadette has also completed a Hearts emergency quilt - thank you very much Bernadette!

    Photo of (QUILTED) Hearts's quilt

    Many thanks to everyone who was involved in the huge amount of work involved in creating these quilts!

    Ecclesiastical Giving
    Ecclesiastical Giving is once again doing "12 Days of Giving" - please could you nominate LoveQuiltsUK here Our charity number is 1168404, "Other" as the charity type. You never know, we might be lucky and win £1000!

    Aida donation
    Many thanks to Jo Geaney and Kate from Lakeside who have donated Aida to us - Kate is offering 4 lucky stitchers the chance to win 6 squares. Pop along to our Facebook group and add your name into the draw!

    Christmas Cards
    Krystie Driver is once again selling Christmas cards with all profits to LQUK :) If you would like to get in early for Christmas, they can be purchased here Thank you Krystie!

    Square News
    We have received a staggering 455 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alisha, Birmingham, UK
    Alison, Oldham, UK (3)
    Alison Forsyth, Aberdeen , UK (2)
    Alysia, Kings Langley, UK
    Angie, Belper, UK (5)
    Ann, Billericay, UK (5)
    Ann Woods, Crimplesham, England (2)
    Anonymous Donation,
    Barbara, Midhurst , UK
    Becky McLinn, Ulverston, UK (3)
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (5)
    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK (3)
    Charity L., Minnesota, USA
    Christine, Nuneaton, UK
    Claire Dickie, Aldershot, England (2)
    Claire Skinner, Boston, UK
    Clare, Southampton, England
    Clare Blandy, Meppershall, England (2)
    Clare Brunyee, Rotherham, S.Yorks, UK
    Comfort Pillow Group, Poland (12)
    Debbie May, Worthing, West Sussex, UK
    Deborah Found-Bloodworth, Uxbridge, Middx, UK (3)
    Diana, Sussex, UK (7)
    Donna Sharpe, Chesterfield, UK (6)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (8)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (9)
    Elaina, Sutton Coldfield, England (3)
    Elaine Dixon, Athens, Greece (2)
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK
    Elizabeth, Shipley, UK
    Ellie, Leicester, UK (4)
    Ellie, London, UK (2)
    Emma, Bedford, UK
    Emma Robson, Doncaster, England (5)
    Emma Swift, Aberdeen, UK (5)
    Erica Turner, Penarth, Wales (4)
    Fiona, Harrogate, UK (2)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland (4)
    Gemma.H, Glos, UK (4)
    Gill, Taunton, UK (2)
    Gloria, Sallanches , France (2)
    Grace, Caldicot, UK (2)
    Grace Bowles, Southampton , UK (2)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (11)
    Heather Joyce, Sandiacre, UK (3)
    Heidi Pemberton, Leven, Scotland
    Helen, Thrapston, UK
    Helen, Swindon, UK (4)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK
    Helen Irwin, Hull, UK (2)
    Jackie, Corby, UK (5)
    Jackie Billington, Birmingham , UK (4)
    Jade Kenny, Ballinasloe, Ireland (3)
    Jan, Lincs, UK (3)
    Jan G, Hull, UK (11)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (8)
    Jane Ashley, Milnrow, England (2)
    Jane Senior, Morecambe, UK
    Janet T, South Wales, UK
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (2)
    Jeanne, Texas, USA (3)
    Jeneen, PA, USA
    Jennie, Dundee, UK (3)
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland
    Jenny, Rushden, UK (3)
    Jenny Elkington, Boston, UK (4)
    Jill Smith, Taunton, England (4)
    Jo, York, UK (2)
    Jodi Maple, Niagara Park, Australia (3)
    Judith Chamberlain, Welwyn Garden City, UK (2)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (3)
    Julie, Sidcup, England
    Julie, Portgordon, Scotland (7)
    Julie Edgcumbe, Haverhill, Suffolk, UK (3)
    Karen, St Leonards on Sea , UK
    Karen Burton, Peterborough, UK (6)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (3)
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK (2)
    Kathryn, Wellington , New Zealand (4)
    Katie Lacy, Leamington Spa, UK (2)
    Kay, Southminster, Essex, UK (3)
    Kaye S, Bangor, Northern Ireland (2)
    Kelli, Neath, Wales
    Laura, Thetford, UK
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (12)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (2)
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (2)
    Lisa Toner, Shanghai, China (2)
    Liz, York, UK (6)
    Loraine, Perth W.A, Australia (3)
    Lorna Wray, Huddersfield, UK (2)
    Louise B, Surrey, UK (2)
    Louise Mackin, Tamworth , UK
    Lyn, Doncaster, UK (4)
    Marie, Yeovil, UK (5)
    Marilyn, Birmingham, UK
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (5)
    Marion, Coventry, UK (2)
    Martha, UK
    Martha Oster, London, Uk
    Melanie Seymour, Nairn, Scotland
    Merete, Allerød, Denmark (4)
    Michele, Derby, Connecticut , USA (2)
    Michelle Beckett, Prestwood, UK
    Michelle Hillier, Sault Ste Marie, Canada
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (5)
    Moira Anne Jeffcoat, Birmingham, England (3)
    Nancy Lowe, Tamworth, UK (2)
    Natalie Hardman, Burscough, UK (2)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (4)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (7)
    Nicola Dove, Barnsley, UK (2)
    Nisha Chauhan, Leicester, UK (3)
    Pat Brown, Fareham, England (4)
    Patricia, Northern Ireland, UK (3)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (11)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK (3)
    Rachael, Newcastle under Lyme, England
    Rachael Skinner, Southampton , Hampshire (2)
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants, UK (3)
    Rebecca, Nantwich, UK (3)
    Ria, Weston-Super-Mare, UK
    Roberta H, King's Lynn, England (3)
    Roisin, Amersham, England (4)
    Ros, Norfolk, UK (2)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (4)
    Sally, Hull, UK (2)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (8)
    Sarah, York, UK (2)
    Sarah, Gosport, Hampshire (5)
    Sarah W, Northants, England
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (7)
    Sharon Hill, Billinge, UK
    Shirley, Ipswich, UK (2)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England
    Sian Yeoman, Newport, Wales
    Sue Dickie, Aldershot, England
    Susan, Cheshire, UK (4)
    Suzie, Hengoed, Wales (2)
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (8)
    test, test, test
    Tracey, Cardiff, Wales (4)
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK (9)
    Wendy, Lesmahagow, UK
    Yvonne, Devon, UK (2)

    Many, many thanks to everyone who continues to send in donations, we really could not keep going without you!

  •  <<Newer   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82  Older>>

    Showing results 40 to 42 of 246

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