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LoveQuilts UK News

2023 Review of the Year

Welcome to our review of 2023!

This was the 15th year of LoveQuiltsUK - let's have a look back!

Here are some statistics about 2023 and what we achieved:

Total squares received in 2023: 1941 squares

We are now well over 25,000 squares - 26,795 squares at the time of writing.

Total quilts delivered in 2023: 169 quilts (2 of these were emergency quilts and 21 were backfilled quilts)

There are a also a number of quilts waiting to be posted that we held back due to the Christmas post chaos!

Our overall quilt total is 2081 quilts since 2008. :)

A massive THANK YOU to everyone involved, through stitching, quilting, creating patterns, fundraising for us this year!

Thank you so much for your support - it's lovely to see people working on our quilt projects - some have contributed over many years and others have found us and joined us more recently, but it's all one big happy LQ family:)

We have a few people that we would like to mention specifically for their efforts this year:

Kat has received and uploaded all the nearly 2,000 squares we have received (no small task!) and sent out quilt packs to quilters each month. This has been done while working in a full-time caring job with very long hours. Well done Kat for everything you do for LQUK!

Gaynor has continued sourcing fabric to send on to Kat, doing the administration and generally keeping things going on the IT front. Thank you, Gaynor.

Mrs T
Mrs T is now in her 80s, but has still washed quite a few of the duvet covers for the quilt backings this year (to account for colour runs and cotton shrinkage.) Thank you Mrs T for all your help.

Leanda and Heather
Leanda and Heather support Gaynor and Kat a lot in the background - for example tracking down duplicate uploads of squares, locating squares that have jumped on to the wrong quilt page on the website, tidying up the contents of the kids' webpages, approving new members to the Facebook group, helping to suggest sets of squares for backfills and more. Thank you very much ladies!

Spotting duplicate signups Thanks to Sandra, Jan G, Leanda and Heather who have been helping Gaynor to spot duplicate signups this year and helping to keep the quilts in order.

Thank you Sandra (Wright) for organising the cards we send out with the quilts via our Facebook group, and chased them up so that they all come in on time, and made other arrangements when necessary, sometimes at short notice!

Backfilled quilts
A big thank you to Jan Garton who has created many of the labels for backfilled quilts this year. We did a lot of backfilled quilts in the first half of 2023 in particular and Jan helped us out - sometimes at very short notice!. This made an extra 21 quilts possible. Thank you Jan!

Also, thank you to those who sent in cards to be held in reserve for backfilled quilts, and to Sandra for organising these, it is really appreciated.

Pattern creators
Thank you so much for those who created patterns for our Pattern listing this year. We have a large collection of legal charts now which makes popular themes such as Disney and Harry Potter possible. Some really lovely patterns have appeared this year, thank you so much for your efforts!

Pattern listing
We maintain a separate Pattern Listing of patterns created for LQUK. Christina McDonald has been keeping it maintained for us and linking pictures of stitched patterns to them so that stitchers can look through them to find patterns of interest. A big thank you to Christina for her work on this resource!

Chart permission
A massive thank you to Clare Bray for her high success rate in approaching companies for permission to chart our own patterns of their copyrighted characters - this year's success stories are Paramount for Spongebob and Paw Patrol and CBeebies characters too. Thank you, Clare!

Emergency Quilts
Many thanks to Leanda and Heather for continuing to store the emergency quilt stash and sending them out quickly, sometimes at extremely short notice.

LQ Calendar 2024
Thank you so much to Clare Bray for designing and printing our LQ Calendar. Also thank you to those who bought a calendar. The calendars are now with their new owners ready for the year ahead!

We have managed to keep funds sufficient to keep us going this year! We really appreciate the support with this, especially in difficult economic times. - we really could not carry on without donations!

A special mention to the below who organised specific fundraising efforts (Please let us know if we've left anyone out so we can add you)

  • Jan Simmons, Heather, Leanda and Sandra have raised hundreds of pounds between them this year for lap-quilts, bags/pouches and other items. Thank you, ladies! Also thank you to those who donated panels which were incorporated into these items.
  • Krystie for her hand made Christmas cards.
  • Elaine Martin for selling magazines on eBay for us
  • We received £71.98 from "GiveBack Weekend" - thank you to all who voted for us!
  • Several people have offered charts, books and other items in return for a donation to LQUK
  • A few people have donated to us in lieu of sending Christmas cards - thank you very much!
  • Many thanks to those who have organised donations from their work to us. A massive thank you to the above for their efforts of LQUK.

    Thank you to everyone who has used the this year, and also those who have taken part in the Easyfundraising "extra" competitions like Spin the Wheel and Advent Calendar in December. This year we received a huge £732.84 from Easyfundraising - with 2023 Quarter 4 still to come. All the small cashbacks really do add up!

    Also, a massive thank you for everyone who has quietly sent in cash, cheques, Paypal donations, etc. this year it has been very gratefully received.

    Thank you so much once again to you all!

    Support from Businesses - Aida
    Thank you to Kim Hubble who has offered discount Zweigart Aida via our Facebook group.

    Thank you to Zoe's Gifts and Crafts who have catered to LQUK stitchers by doing a special price for 13" x 13" squares.

    Also thank you to Katzstitch and Kate of Lakeside Needlecraft who have catered to LQUK stitchers by selling Aida in our required size (13 x 13 inches).

    In Memoriam
    We would like to pay tribute to the following children who sadly passed away in 2023: Jack C Jamie S

    We send their families lots of love.

    And finally...
    No year review would be complete without taking a look back at the quilts that were delivered this year. A vast amount of time and effort has gone into the following quilts, thank you so much to everyone who contributed to them!

    January 2023

    Neve T's quilt
    Neve T's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Luca G's quilt
    Luca G's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Jackson L's quilt
    Jackson L's quilt
    (Emergency vehicles)
    Quilted by Mary
    Frankie's quilt
    Frankie's quilt
    (Various Characters)
    Quilted by Katie
    Dylan B's quilt
    Dylan B's quilt
    (Thomas the Tank and friends/Fireman Sam)
    Quilted by Heather
    Ellè S's quilt
    Ellè S's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Layla B's quilt
    Layla B's quilt
    (Hearts, Flowers Butterflies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Charlie M's quilt
    Charlie M's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Liberty W's quilt
    Liberty W's quilt
    (Flowers with Butterflies and Dragonflies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Teejay's quilt
    Teejay's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Tia C's quilt
    Tia C's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Lewis W's quilt
    Lewis W's quilt
    Quilted by Linda
    Musa's quilt
    Musa's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Lily-Faye's quilt
    Lily-Faye's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Alfie C's quilt
    Alfie C's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    S E's quilt
    S E's quilt
    (Princesses and Angels)
    Quilted by Mary
    Sapphire R's quilt
    Sapphire R's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Milo R's quilt
    Milo R's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Anthony C's quilt
    Anthony C's quilt
    (Teddy Bears and Woody)
    Quilted by Heather
    Jason's quilt
    Jason's quilt
    (Music and musical instruments)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Reuben C's quilt
    Reuben C's quilt
    (Monkeys and cartoon characters)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Leon W's quilt
    Leon W's quilt
    (Superheroes and Music)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Nial M's quilt
    Nial M's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Kane R's quilt
    Kane R's quilt
    (Star Wars)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Hayden H's quilt
    Hayden H's quilt
    (Star Wars)
    Quilted by Heather
    Harry S's quilt
    Harry S's quilt
    (Thomas the Tank and friends)
    Quilted by Mary
    Lily G's quilt
    Lily G's quilt
    (Flowers Butterflies Hearts)
    Quilted by Heather
    Lennie S 2's quilt
    Lennie S 2's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Owain C's quilt
    Owain C's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Amelia T's quilt
    Amelia T's quilt
    (Flowers with Butterflies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Mirren H's quilt
    Mirren H's quilt
    (Princesses, Mermaids and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    J A's quilt
    J A's quilt
    (Angels and Fairies)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)

    February 2023

    Thomas M's quilt
    Thomas M's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lily D's quilt
    Lily D's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Tia T's quilt
    Tia T's quilt
    (Disney specific)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Scarlett L's quilt
    Scarlett L's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Isabel P's quilt
    Isabel P's quilt
    (Fairies and Flamingos)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lola A's quilt
    Lola A's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Archie B's quilt
    Archie B's quilt
    (Colourful Jungle Animals)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Rhiannon C's quilt
    Rhiannon C's quilt
    (Cats and Kittens)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Harley B's quilt
    Harley B's quilt
    (Toy Story)
    Quilted by Heather
    Cooper's quilt
    Cooper's quilt
    (Lion King)
    Quilted by Jill
    Joel W's quilt
    Joel W's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Mia M's quilt
    Mia M's quilt
    (Mickey and Friends + Postman Pat)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)

    March 2023

    Mary A's quilt
    Mary A's quilt
    (Sealife/Beach scenes)
    Quilted by Leanda
    William T's quilt
    William T's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Harley D's quilt
    Harley D's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Jessica G's quilt
    Jessica G's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Daisy G's quilt
    Daisy G's quilt
    (Mermaids and Unicorns)
    Quilted by Ann
    Cody S's quilt
    Cody S's quilt
    (Animals mixture)
    Quilted by Jill
    Maisy G's quilt
    Maisy G's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Dottie J's quilt
    Dottie J's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Shifa T's quilt
    Shifa T's quilt
    (Unicorns, Fairies)
    Quilted by Ann
    Faye B's quilt
    Faye B's quilt
    (Minnie and Mickey Mouse)
    Quilted by Katie
    Maisy-Leigh's quilt
    Maisy-Leigh's quilt
    (Princesses (Minnie Mouse on Label))
    Quilted by Carol
    Khadijah's quilt
    Khadijah's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Florence C's quilt
    Florence C's quilt
    (Fairies, Angels And Flowers)
    Quilted by Heather
    Imogen S's quilt
    Imogen S's quilt
    (Fairy Tales)
    Quilted by Heather
    Jamie's quilt
    Jamie's quilt
    (Stars & Rainbows)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Edward F's quilt
    Edward F's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Scott A's quilt
    Scott A's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Billy L's quilt
    Billy L's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Jacob H's quilt
    Jacob H's quilt
    Quilted by Mary

    April 2023

    Harvey K's quilt
    Harvey K's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Maisie M's quilt
    Maisie M's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Layla A's quilt
    Layla A's quilt
    (Hello Kitty)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Reuben S's quilt
    Reuben S's quilt
    (Constellations etc)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Cole S's quilt
    Cole S's quilt
    (Supercars/racing/high end cars)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Oliver J's quilt
    Oliver J's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Sofia C's quilt
    Sofia C's quilt
    (Moana/Encanto characters)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Edward T's quilt
    Edward T's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Toby Y's quilt
    Toby Y's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Gregory B's quilt
    Gregory B's quilt
    Quilted by Carol

    May 2023

    Theodore S's quilt
    Theodore S's quilt
    (Fairy Tales/Traditional Book Characters)
    Quilted by Jill
    Ethan C's quilt
    Ethan C's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    C N's quilt
    C N's quilt
    (Mickey and friends)
    Quilted by Seren
    Eleni S's quilt
    Eleni S's quilt
    (Bumble bees/flowers)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Avi's quilt
    Avi's quilt
    (Specific Disney/London Underground)
    Quilted by Mary
    Leela B's quilt
    Leela B's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Edith-Rose's quilt
    Edith-Rose's quilt
    (Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Imogen M's quilt
    Imogen M's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Cole M's quilt
    Cole M's quilt
    (Toy Story)
    Quilted by Heather
    Camiyah B's quilt
    Camiyah B's quilt
    (Soft animals)
    Quilted by Jill
    Asharla A's quilt
    Asharla A's quilt
    (Flowers and Feathers)
    Quilted by Jill
    Liam F's quilt
    Liam F's quilt
    (Music and musical instruments)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Esme C's quilt
    Esme C's quilt
    (Flowers, fairies, bunnies)
    Quilted by Leanda

    June 2023

    Maisie C's quilt
    Maisie C's quilt
    (Dancing & Butterflies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Aimee H's quilt
    Aimee H's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Sadie S's quilt
    Sadie S's quilt
    (Princesses and Hearts)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Yasmin's quilt
    Yasmin's quilt
    (Birds Of Prey And Snakes)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Abu-bakr's quilt
    Abu-bakr's quilt
    (Toy Story)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Charlie W's quilt
    Charlie W's quilt
    Quilted by Mary

    July 2023

    Jake B's quilt
    Jake B's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Noah S's quilt
    Noah S's quilt
    (African Wild Animals)
    Quilted by Heather
    Anaya C's quilt
    Anaya C's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Harrison S's quilt
    Harrison S's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Daisy W's quilt
    Daisy W's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Libby S's quilt
    Libby S's quilt
    (Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Charlie F's quilt
    Charlie F's quilt
    (Marvel Characters (+Spongebob?))
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Dáithí M's quilt
    Dáithí M's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Joseph C's quilt
    Joseph C's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Bailey R's quilt
    Bailey R's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Harry's quilt
    Harry's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Sara G's quilt
    Sara G's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Tilly C's quilt
    Tilly C's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Jamie N's quilt
    Jamie N's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Phoenix H's quilt
    Phoenix H's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Abigail N's quilt
    Abigail N's quilt
    (Disney Princesses)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Archie N's quilt
    Archie N's quilt
    (Zoo and Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Ebony G's quilt
    Ebony G's quilt
    (Princesses/unicorns (Anna on the label?))
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Logan's quilt
    Logan's quilt
    Quilted by Heather

    August 2023

    Betsy C's quilt
    Betsy C's quilt
    Quilted by Ann
    Noah G's quilt
    Noah G's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Isla A's quilt
    Isla A's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Mackenzie B's quilt
    Mackenzie B's quilt
    (Circles 1 (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Darryl
    Elianna F's quilt
    Elianna F's quilt
    (Fairies and Unicorns (Mermaid on label))
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Esmé A's quilt
    Esmé A's quilt
    (Fairies, Unicorns, Mermaids, Flowers, Princesses)
    Quilted by Katie
    Isabelle W's quilt
    Isabelle W's quilt
    (Music and Hearts)
    Quilted by Heather
    Charlie O's quilt
    Charlie O's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Megan E's quilt
    Megan E's quilt
    (Animals (specific))
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Shae-John's quilt
    Shae-John's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Rupert D's quilt
    Rupert D's quilt
    (Winnie the Pooh and friends)
    Quilted by Heather

    September 2023

    Leo W's quilt
    Leo W's quilt
    (Trains And Buses)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Lucas R's quilt
    Lucas R's quilt
    (Mr Tumble)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Seraphina A's quilt
    Seraphina A's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Araya N's quilt
    Araya N's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Jishnu M's quilt
    Jishnu M's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Ioan H's quilt
    Ioan H's quilt
    (Planes, Space, Planets)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Iolan R's quilt
    Iolan R's quilt
    (Dinosaurs and sharks)
    Quilted by Seren
    Matthew B's quilt
    Matthew B's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Suzi G's quilt
    Suzi G's quilt
    (Hearts, Flowers, Horses)
    Quilted by Katie
    Lucia S's quilt
    Lucia S's quilt
    (Wild/Zoo/Woodland Animals)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Sophie M's quilt
    Sophie M's quilt
    (Moana, Encanto and Frozen)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    McKenna H's quilt
    McKenna H's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Carol
    Aubree-Blossom's quilt
    Aubree-Blossom's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Charlie M's quilt
    Charlie M's quilt
    (Soft animals)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Fergus H's quilt
    Fergus H's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Jenson W's quilt
    Jenson W's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Noah K's quilt
    Noah K's quilt
    Quilted by Ann

    October 2023

    Jacob C's quilt
    Jacob C's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Abby R's quilt
    Abby R's quilt
    (Nature scenes)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Noah A's quilt
    Noah A's quilt
    (Doctor Who)
    Quilted by Heather
    Abdurrahman S's quilt
    Abdurrahman S's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Amelia P's quilt
    Amelia P's quilt
    (Baby Animals (kittens, puppies, bunnies))
    Quilted by Jill
    Millie-Mae's quilt
    Millie-Mae's quilt
    (Minnie Mouse)
    Quilted by Mary

    November 2023

    Kylian L's quilt
    Kylian L's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Jenson A's quilt
    Jenson A's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    No photo
    Ezra R's quilt
    Ezra R's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Heather
    James P's quilt
    James P's quilt
    (Favourite things)
    Quilted by Jill
    Lincoln S's quilt
    Lincoln S's quilt
    (Lemurs, monkeys and apes)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Rosalind M's quilt
    Rosalind M's quilt
    (Nature Scenes)
    Quilted by Heather
    Maddie-Rose's quilt
    Maddie-Rose's quilt
    (Thomas and friends)
    Quilted by Seren
    William M's quilt
    William M's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Samuel G's quilt
    Samuel G's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Emma K's quilt
    Emma K's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Cellan E's quilt
    Cellan E's quilt
    (Trains, cars and giraffes)
    Quilted by Mary
    Alfie B's quilt
    Alfie B's quilt
    (Dinosaurs and Ducks)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)

    December 2023

    No photo
    Casey's quilt
    Casey's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Ethan D's quilt
    Ethan D's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Zac B's quilt
    Zac B's quilt
    (Vehicles (construction))
    Quilted by Leanda
    Alfie J's quilt
    Alfie J's quilt
    (Superman + Disney)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Ethan M's quilt
    Ethan M's quilt
    (Harry Potter)
    Quilted by Heather
    Jake D's quilt
    Jake D's quilt
    (Buses, cars and trains)
    Quilted by Ann
    Zaylan M's quilt
    Zaylan M's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Noah G's quilt
    Noah G's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Alia M's quilt
    Alia M's quilt
    (Disney Specific)
    Quilted by Jill

    Once again, a very big thank you to you all. We look forward to continuing the LQUK work into 2024, which will be our 16th year!

    A very Happy New Year 2024 to you all!

    Katherine and Gaynor x

    News 19 Oct 2023 - 29 Dec 2023

    Hello everyone and compliments of the season! :)

    Just having a catch-up of the last several weeks, thank you all for your continuing support.

    Gaynor and Kat have been very busy of late, but now enjoying a few days to wind down and catch up over Christmas and New Year. We hope you have had a lovely Christmas season and look out for the LQ Review of the Year 2023 coming over the next few days!

    Quilt News

    21 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Alfie B's quilt (Dinosaurs and Ducks) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Alfie B's quilt

    Alfie J's quilt (Superman + Disney) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Alfie J's quilt

    Alia M's quilt (Disney Specific) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Alia M's quilt

    Casey's quilt (Trains) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Casey's quilt

    Cellan E's quilt (Trains, cars and giraffes) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Cellan E's quilt

    Emma K's quilt (Rainbows) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Emma K's quilt

    Ethan D's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ethan D's quilt

    Ethan M's quilt (Harry Potter) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ethan M's quilt

    Ezra R's quilt (Sea life) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Ezra R's quilt

    Jake D's quilt (Buses, cars and trains) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Jake D's quilt

    James P's quilt (Favourite things) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of James P's quilt

    Jenson A's quilt (Dinosaurs) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Jenson A's quilt

    Kylian L's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Kylian L's quilt

    Lincoln S's quilt (Lemurs, monkeys and apes) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Lincoln S's quilt

    Maddie-Rose's quilt (Thomas and friends) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Maddie-Rose's quilt

    Noah G's quilt (Spongebob/Superheroes) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Noah G's quilt

    Rosalind M's quilt (Nature Scenes) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Rosalind M's quilt

    Samuel G's quilt (Football) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Samuel G's quilt

    William M's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of William M's quilt

    Zac B's quilt (Vehicles (construction)) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Zac B's quilt

    Zaylan M's quilt (Football) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Zaylan M's quilt

    Thank you so much to everyone for your efforts in creating these quilts!

    2024 Calendar
    Thank you to everyone who bought the LQUK Calendar for 2024 and to Clare Bray for creating the calendar and organising the printing! It is a good fundraiser for us too and will help us to continue to make quilts into 2024. Well done to all involved.

    If you missed out, we still have 3 calendars left for £14, please get in touch if you need one for the New Year!

    Christmas cards
    Many thanks to Krystie who has been making Christmas cards for sale for us again this year. For full details, please see our Facebook group.

    Square News
    We have received 300 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alanis, Lancaster, UK
    Alexia, Minnesota, USA
    Alison, Ormskirk, UK (3)
    Amelia Heaford, London, UK (2)
    Angela, New Zealand
    Ann, Billericay, UK (5)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (3)
    Becky M, Warrington, UK
    Becky McLinn, Ulverston, UK (2)
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (5)
    Claire Dickie, Aldershot, England
    Claire Haydon-Jones, Lee on Solent, UK
    Claire Skinner, Boston, UK
    Claire Tobias, Staines Upon Thames, UK (2)
    Clare Brunyee, Rotherham, S.Yorks, UK (5)
    Diana, Sussex, UK (2)
    Diana Lettice, Spalding, UK (5)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (7)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (2)
    Ellie, London, UK
    Emma, Stevenage, UK (2)
    Emma Robson, Doncaster, England (6)
    Gabriele Pearson, Cromarty, UK (2)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland (3)
    Gill, Taunton, UK
    Gwen, Kent, UK (3)
    Hannah P, Poole, UK (5)
    Hattie Allen, Bristol, England (2)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (10)
    Helen, Swindon, UK (4)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK
    Helen Irwin, Hull, UK (2)
    Jackie, York, England
    Jan G, Hull, UK (8)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA
    Jannine Hall, Stourbridge, England (2)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland
    Jenny, Rushden, UK (2)
    Jessica, Cambridge, ON, Canada
    Jill Smith, Taunton, England
    Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England (15)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (5)
    Karen Burton, Peterborough, UK (4)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (3)
    Karen Radford, Shillington, Hitchin, UK (2)
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK (2)
    Kate, Anglesey, UK
    Kate, Berkshire, UK
    Katherine, Oxford, UK (2)
    Kay, Doncaster, UK (2)
    Kay Parke, Wells, UK (2)
    Kelli, Neath, Wales
    Laura Brown, Reading, UK (3)
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham, England (3)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (8)
    Linda, Penrith, Cumbria, UK (3)
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England
    Lindsay, Northwich, UK (2)
    Lisa, Bristol, UK (2)
    Lorna Simpson, Southampton, UK (5)
    Louise wilkinson, Mildenhall, Uk
    Lucy, London, United Kingdom
    Lydia Love, Leamington Spa, UK (2)
    Lyn, Doncaster, UK (2)
    Lynda Ashcroft, Weston-super-Mare, England
    Marie, Yeovil, UK (5)
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (6)
    Martha O, Frome, UK
    Merete, Allerød, Denmark (4)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (6)
    Nicky, Mytchett, UK (5)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (8)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (11)
    Nicola Fisher, Redbourn, UK
    Paula, Swinford, UK (2)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (2)
    Pauline, Broughton, UK (5)
    Pru, Les Adjots, France (3)
    Rachel, Maidstone, United Kingdom
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants, UK (3)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (4)
    Sally, Hull, UK
    Sam, Leicestershire, UK
    Sam Strand, Irchester, England
    Sandra, Shefford, England (8)
    Sandra Thomas, Sheffield, South Yorkshire England
    Sarah, Grantham, UK
    Sarah, St. Albans, UK (3)
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (3)
    Sharon, Doncaster, UK (4)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England
    Sid, Edinburgh, Scotland (7)
    Sue, Cambridge, UK (3)
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (4)
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby, UK (9)
    Verity, Manchester, England (2)

    Thank you so much to all who have sent us donations over this period, it is really appreciated and keeps our organisation going!

    News 02 Jul 2023 - 19 Oct 2023

    Apologies for the long time without a news update! Gaynor has had quite a summer preparing for her wedding on September 9th and since then she has been buried in work for her day job.

    Gaynor and Mike got married on September 9th! Kat and her husband were at the wedding, as was Emily J, one of our stitchers!

    Here are Gaynor and Kat at the wedding and what a lovely day it was:

    Quilt News
    42 quilts have been delivered since our last update:

    Abby R's quilt (Nature scenes) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Abby R's quilt

    Abdurrahman S's quilt (Space) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Abdurrahman S's quilt

    Abigail N's quilt (Disney Princesses) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Abigail N's quilt

    Amelia P's quilt (Baby Animals (kittens, puppies, bunnies)) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Amelia P's quilt

    Araya N's quilt (Horses) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Araya N's quilt

    Archie N's quilt (Zoo and Farm Animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Archie N's quilt

    Aubree-Blossom's quilt (Fairies) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Aubree-Blossom's quilt

    Betsy C's quilt (Pink) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Betsy C's quilt

    Charlie M's quilt (Soft animals) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Charlie M's quilt

    Charlie O's quilt (Dinosaurs) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Charlie O's quilt

    Ebony G's quilt (Princesses/unicorns (Anna on the label?)) - quilted by Gaynor:

    Photo of Ebony G's quilt

    Elianna F's quilt (Fairies and Unicorns (Mermaid on label)) - quilted by Gaynor:

    Photo of Elianna F's quilt

    Esmé A's quilt (Fairies, Unicorns, Mermaids, Flowers, Princesses) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Esmé A's quilt

    Fergus H's quilt (Dinosaurs) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Fergus H's quilt

    Ioan H's quilt (Planes, Space, Planets) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Ioan H's quilt

    Iolan R's quilt (Dinosaurs and sharks) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Iolan R's quilt

    Isabelle W's quilt (Music and Hearts) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Isabelle W's quilt

    Isla A's quilt (Ballet) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Isla A's quilt

    Jacob C's quilt (Dogs) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Jacob C's quilt

    Jamie N's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Jamie N's quilt

    Jenson W's quilt (Space/assorted) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Jenson W's quilt

    Jishnu M's quilt (Superheroes) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Jishnu M's quilt

    Leo W's quilt (Trains And Buses) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Leo W's quilt

    Logan's quilt (Space) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Logan's quilt

    Lucas R's quilt (Mr Tumble) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Lucas R's quilt

    Lucia S's quilt (Wild/Zoo/Woodland Animals) - quilted by Tracey E:

    Photo of Lucia S's quilt

    Mackenzie B's quilt (Circles 1 (Emergency Quilt)) - quilted by Darryl:

    Photo of Mackenzie B's quilt

    Matthew B's quilt (Sharks) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Matthew B's quilt

    McKenna H's quilt (Disney Characters) - quilted by Carol:

    Photo of McKenna H's quilt

    Megan E's quilt (Animals (specific)) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Megan E's quilt

    Millie-Mae's quilt (Minnie Mouse) - quilted by Mary:

    Photo of Millie-Mae's quilt

    Noah A's quilt (Doctor Who) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Noah A's quilt

    Noah G's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Seren:

    Photo of Noah G's quilt

    Noah K's quilt (Vehicles) - quilted by Ann:

    Photo of Noah K's quilt

    Phoenix H's quilt (Dogs/Puppies) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Phoenix H's quilt

    Rupert D's quilt (Winnie the Pooh and friends) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Rupert D's quilt

    Sara G's quilt (Rainbows) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Sara G's quilt

    Seraphina A's quilt (Disney) - quilted by Leanda:

    Photo of Seraphina A's quilt

    Shae-John's quilt (Space) - quilted by Heather:

    Photo of Shae-John's quilt

    Sophie M's quilt (Moana, Encanto and Frozen) - quilted by Sandra (Beds):

    Photo of Sophie M's quilt

    Suzi G's quilt (Hearts, Flowers, Horses) - quilted by Katie:

    Photo of Suzi G's quilt

    Tilly C's quilt (Unicorns) - quilted by Jill:

    Photo of Tilly C's quilt

    Thank you all so much for the team effort that made these lovely quilts possible :)

    LoveQuiltsUK Calendar 2024
    Our fundraising calendar, once again kindly designed by Clare Bray is now on sale! Please order now for a mid-November delivery. You can buy one (or more!) on this page: LoveQuiltsUK 2024 Calendar

    Fundraising Sales
    Thank you very much to those who have been making and buying lapquilts, bags etc. Your efforts are very much appreciated and very valuable to our funds. If you would like to see what is currently on sale, please see our Facebook Fundraising Page

    Square News
    We have received a mind-blowing 653 squares since our last update! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alanis, Lancaster, UK (4)
    Ali, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
    Alison, South Gloucestershire, UK (3)
    Alison, Ormskirk, UK (7)
    Alison, Market Drayton, UK (4)
    Alison Forsyth, Aberdeen , UK (2)
    Amelia Heaford, London, UK (2)
    Angela, New Zealand (5)
    Angie, Belper, UK (4)
    Ann, Billericay, UK (11)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (4)
    Anne G, Glasgow, Scotland
    Anne Hanley, Edinburgh, Scotland
    BNH, NV, USA (3)
    C McDonald, Altrincham, UK (7)
    Cairine, Grantown on Spey, UK
    CGH, Edinburgh, Scotland (2)
    Chantal, Gloucester, UK
    Christine Mennie, Aberdeen, UK (3)
    Claire Haydon-Jones, Lee on Solent, UK
    Claire Tobias, Staines Upon Thames, UK
    Clare, Wickford, UK (7)
    Clare Brunyee, Rotherham, S.Yorks, UK (6)
    Deborah, Leeds, UK (3)
    Diana, Sussex, UK (3)
    Diana Lettice, Spalding, UK (5)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (7)
    Eileen, Newcastle, UK (4)
    Elaine Dixon, Athens, Greece (3)
    Elaine Martin, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK (2)
    Elizabeth, Shipley, UK (2)
    Ellie, London, UK (3)
    Emma, Solihull, UK (2)
    Emma, Crediton, UK (3)
    Emma, Stevenage, UK
    Emma Bottrell, Par, UK (5)
    Emma Robson, Doncaster, England (11)
    Emma Swift, Aberdeen, UK (6)
    Erin, Neath, Wales (3)
    Fran, WI, USA (2)
    Gabriele Pearson, Cromarty, UK (4)
    Gail, Lochgelly, Scotland (5)
    Gemma.H, Glos, UK (5)
    Gill, Taunton, UK
    Ginny D, Canterbury, UK (5)
    Grace, Caldicot, UK
    Grace Bowles, Southampton , UK (2)
    Hannah P, Poole, UK (5)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (14)
    Heather C, London, UK (3)
    Helen, Thrapston, UK (4)
    Helen, Swindon, UK (4)
    Helen Cheape, Sunderland, UK (3)
    Helen Irwin, Hull, UK
    Jan G, Hull, UK (13)
    Jan Hingley, Desborough, Northants
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (4)
    Jannine Hall, Stourbridge, England (3)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England
    Jean, Ohio, USA
    Jeanne, Pennsylvania, USA (4)
    Jennifer Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland
    Jenny, Rushden, UK (3)
    Jenny, Cyprus (2)
    Jessica, Cambridge, ON, Canada (2)
    Jill Smith, Taunton, England (5)
    Jo, Eastleigh, Hampshire , UK
    Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England (15)
    Judith Chamberlain, Welwyn Garden City, UK (4)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (5)
    Julie Robbins, Bromsgrove , UK (8)
    Karen Burton, Peterborough, UK (2)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (5)
    Karen Stephenson, Cambridgeshire, UK (4)
    Kate, Anglesey, UK (2)
    Kate Roberts, Shefford, UK
    Katie, Leek, England
    Katie, Birbeck, UK (2)
    Kay, Doncaster, UK (10)
    Kay Parke, Wells, UK
    Kaz Bowen, Wakefield, UK (14)
    Kelli, Neath, Wales (3)
    Kerry, Aldershot, UK
    Kerry Brabbs, Rotherham, UK (4)
    Kez, UK
    Kizzy, Skegness, UK (5)
    Krystie, Cambridge, UK (2)
    Laura, Thetford, UK (2)
    Laura Anderson, Chard, Somerset, UK (3)
    Laura Brown, Reading, UK (9)
    Lauren Laird, Lancaster, UK (3)
    Lauren Tandy, Havant, UK
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (25)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (8)
    Linda Cropper, Atherstone, England (5)
    Lindsay, Northwich, UK (2)
    Lorna Simpson, Southampton, UK (16)
    Louise, Haverhill, Suffolk, UK (2)
    Luisa Evans, Gateshead, England
    Lyn, Doncaster, UK (4)
    Margaret, Wolverhampton, UK (3)
    Marie, Yeovil, UK (3)
    Marilyn Foyle, Biggleswade, UK (8)
    Marion, Coventry, UK (2)
    Mary Ann, MO, USA (2)
    Maz Spruce, Abingdon, UK (2)
    Merete, Allerød, Denmark (2)
    Merrilie, Geddington, UK
    Michele, Derby, Connecticut , USA (4)
    Michelle Beckett, Prestwood, UK (2)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (14)
    Nicky, Mytchett, UK (6)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (13)
    Nicola, Elland, UK (20)
    Nicola Hargreaves, Barnsley , UK (6)
    Pat Brown, Warminster, England (7)
    Pauline, Broughton, UK (3)
    Pippa, Surrey, UK (6)
    Pru, Les Adjots, France (13)
    Rachel Powell, Leicester, UK (2)
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants, UK (3)
    Rebecca Andreae, Southampton, UK
    Roisin, Amersham, England (4)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (6)
    Ruth Horn, Co Durham, UK (6)
    Sally, Hull, UK (5)
    Sam, Leicestershire, UK (2)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (27)
    Sandra Thomas, Sheffield, South Yorkshire England (2)
    Sarah, St. Albans, UK (8)
    Sarah, Wagga Wagga, Australia (2)
    Seren Senior, Derby, UK (4)
    Sharon, Doncaster, UK (8)
    Sharon, Kenilworth, UK (3)
    Sharon Hill, Billinge, Wigan, UK (2)
    Sue, Cambridge, UK (4)
    Sue Torode, Long Buckby, UK
    Sylvia, Clacton, England (11)
    test, test, test (3)
    Tina, Warboys, UK (2)
    Toni Smith, Rotherham, UK
    Tracy D, Bristol, UK (2)
    Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK (9)
    Vicky, Kent, UK
    Yvonne, Devon, UK (2)

    As always, thank you to everyone who has sent in donations to us, it is really appreciated. We could not keep going without you!

  •  <<Newer   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82  Older>>

    Showing results 7 to 9 of 246

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