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LoveQuiltsUK - Latest News

LoveQuilts UK News

News 1st Jan 2016 - 18 Jan 2016

Quilt News
Hello everyone and welcome to our first update of the year!

Two quilts have been delivered since the start of the year, we have another 2 in the post, and there are a lot very nearly complete to be posted shortly, so watch out for our next update for those!:

Harvey T 2's quilt (Enchanted World) - quilted by Mary:

Photo of Harvey T 2's quilt

Jessica E's quilt (Butterflies) - quilted by Tracey E:

Photo of Jessica E's quilt

Thank you so much to everyone involved in these quilts!

Signups 2016
Now that we are completing more quilts, we are going to trial opening to new signups on Wednesdays and Saturdays rather than randomly as we were doing before. Please keep an eye on the website on those days for new signups.

Lottery 2016
The lottery for quilts has now been re-set and anyone in it last year will NOT be carried over - however, all you need do is reapply here: Enter quilt lottery. We re-start the lottery every year on January 1st as sometimes child's circumstances have changed, and often contact details for parents have changed too.

Love Quilts USA
We have heard lately that the original LoveQuilts based in the USA temporarily closed and has now re-opened as "Love Quilts USA" with new organisers drawn from the original. Thank you to Cathy who founded the original LQ and best wishes. There is a new URL for LQ USA which is here: Love Quilts USA

Square News
We have received 147 squares since our last update, so everyone has been very busy over Christmas! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alisha, Birmingham, UK
    Alison, Ashford, UK
    Alison Carter, Heacham, England
    Ann, Ayrshire, UK (2)
    Anne, Sandefjord, Norway (3)
    Carol West, Bury St Edmunds, UK (3)
    Clare, Basildon , UK
    Diana Tanner, Perth WA, Australia (4)
    EE(Beth)Filmer, Adelaide, Australia (4)
    Elizabeth, Shipley, UK
    Emily Baker, Rhyl, Denbighshire, Wales
    Fiona, Harrogate, UK (2)
    Gaynor, Swansea, Wales (3)
    Ginny Pledger, Earls Barton, UK (7)
    Gloria, Sallanches , France (2)
    Hannah, Wirral, UK (3)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (5)
    Jan, Hull, UK (2)
    Jan S, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (5)
    Jane Senior, Morecambe, UK (2)
    Janet Ramsden, Brisbane, Australia (2)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (3)
    Jenny Elkington, Boston, UK
    Jill Smith, Taunton, England (2)
    Joanne, Bathgate, Scotland (7)
    Julie, Portgordon, Scotland (4)
    Karen Hockin, Southampton, England (2)
    Kaye S, Bangor, Northern Ireland (3)
    Kirsty Edgcumbe, Haverhill, Suffolk , UK (3)
    Laura Tremble, Kingsway, Gloucestershire, UK
    Leanda Vickers, Oldham , England (11)
    Leanne Malcolmson, Romsey, UK (2)
    Lisa Toner, Morecambe, UK (2)
    Lou B, Surrey, UK (2)
    Louise, Haverhill, Suffolk, UK
    Lynda Nelson, Swindon , Uk
    Marilyn, Birmingham, UK
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (3)
    Moira Anne Jeffcoat, Birmingham, England
    Nicola, Huddersfield Yorkshire , UK (7)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (2)
    Pat Brown, Fareham, England (4)
    Paula, Heathfield, UK (2)
    Paula Dewar, Glasgow, Scotland (6)
    Rita Turner, Shipston, Warwickshire, UK (3)
    Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK (2)
    Sandra, Shefford, England (5)
    Sarah Sanford, New Invention, Willenhall, UK
    Sarah W, Barnwell, England (2)
    Sue, Milton Keynes, UK
    Susan, Cheshire, UK (3)
    Susan Miller, Bathgate, Scotland
    Tracey, Cardiff, Wales (3)

    Thank you very much to everyone who has sent in donations, small or large, it is really appreciated! Particular thanks to Marie Firth for her fete fundraising which raised £250! Well done, Marie.

    2015 Review of the Year

    Welcome to our review of 2015!

    We have all been very busy stitching, quilting and fundraising this year - we passed the 8000 square milestone and we also passed our 500 quilt milestone in June!

    THANK YOU to every one of you who have sent in beautiful squares and/or quilted them together into gorgeous quilts this year. We are humbled by your kindness and generosity of spirit.

    Let's have a look at the numbers for this year:

    Total squares received in 2015: 2157 squares
    Total quilts delivered in 2015: 176 quilts (14 of these were emergency quilts and 23 were backfilled quilts)

    This brings our overall total to 572 quilts since 2008. We would never have believed this could be possible when we started out with just a few quilts in 2008, so a massive thank you to you all!

    We have a few people that we would like to mention specifically for their efforts:

    Kat has dealt with a massive number of squares this year, well done Kat for keeping everything in order!

    Mrs T
    Mrs T (Gaynor's Mum) has washed the majority of the fabric and duvet covers used for LQUK once again this year, before sending out to quilters. There has been a massive amount of fabric to be dealt with this year, thank you Mrs T for your largely unseen efforts!

    Clare Bray - Calendar
    A massive thank you to Clare Bray for organising, designing our fundraising calendar this year, and also getting it printed - a great effort from Clare and such a professional finish to the calendar!

    Emergency Quilts
    Many thanks to Leanda and Heather for continuing to store the emergency quilt stash and sending them out quickly. Also thanks to the others who are storing emergency quilts they have made.

    Thank you to Sandra and Debbie who organise the cards we send out with the quilts via our Facebook group.

    Labels and cards for backfilled quilts
    A big thank you to those who have undertaken labels and cards for backfilled quilts at short notice this year - this made an extra 23 quilts possible.

    We'd like to thank Jean of Swansea who very kindly audited our accounts for free at the beginning of 2015. We'd also like to thank David Moss of Swansea for assisting with our bank account.

    Support from Businesses
  • A big thank you to Morton Post Office for their continuing support in 2015 - always a cheerful smile and a chat and £1 off every parcel for LQUK. Thank you very much!
  • We would like to thank Lee Mill Fabrics in Swansea for offering LQUK a discount on cotton fabrics this year.
  • Thank you Katzstitch who have catered to LQUK stitchers by selling Aida in our required size (13 x 13 inches) and offering a discount on top.
  • Thank you to Kim Hubble who has offered discount Aida via our Facebook group.
  • We are grateful to BTMyDonate and Just Text Giving from Vodafone for allowing us to accept credit/debit card and SMS donations for free.
  • We would also like to thank Anbo and Ebor fabrics for accepting LQUK as a wholesale customer in 2015.

    We cannot thank those who have undertaken fundraising for us this year enough - we really could not keep going without you! THANK YOU!! In no particular order: (please do let us know if we've left anyone out so we can add you!)

  • Magda's Celtic Heart Pattern fundraising
  • Freyja's hair cut
  • Lisa's library display
  • David Hall half marathon
  • Leanda, Heather and Nessa's fete in May
  • Clare Bray production of leaflet to support our fundraising
  • Nessa and friends Zumbathon in September
  • Elizabeth Lewis who did a sweet sale at her school
  • Donations in lieu of Christmas cards
  • Gift Aid - £395.45 was reclaimed on donations made in 2015 - well worth doing and thank you to everyone who has sent their Gift Aid declaration in.
  • We raised £907.87 from Easyfundraising this year - thanks so much to everyone who remembered to visit them before shopping on the Internet, it really does mount up!
  • Everyone who has quietly sent in cash, cheques, Paypal donations, text donations etc. this year it has been very gratefully received!

    Magazine Appearances
    This year we appeared in Cross Stitch Collection Magazine in August and we have an appearance in World of Cross Stitching come up in early 2016.

    In Memoriam
    We would like to pay tribute to the following children who sadly passed away in 2015. We wish them and their families our very best wishes and hope that 2016 will bring them happier times.

    Chantelle J, Chloe W, Harry G, Imogen A, Nelle F, Robert S

    We would also like to pay tribute to our stitcher, Judith Saebel, who passed away in January 2015.

    And finally...
    No year review would be complete without taking a look back on the quilts that were delivered this year. An incredible number of man and woman hours have gone into the following quilts, thank you so much to everyone involved:

    December 2015

    Abbie E's quilt
    (Cute Animals)
    Quilted by Rebecca
    Abbie E's quilt
    Abbie S's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Abbie S's quilt
    Abigail E's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Abigail E's quilt
    Abigail H's quilt
    (Butterflies and Fairies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Abigail H's quilt
    Alex W's quilt
    (Vehicles that Fly (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Vicky
    Alex W's quilt
    Alexander C's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Alexander C's quilt
    Alfie H's quilt
    (Safari animals (Cute and cuddly))
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Alfie H's quilt
    Alfie J's quilt
    (Animals (Realistic))
    Quilted by Vicky
    Alfie J's quilt
    Amara K's quilt
    (Minnie Mouse)
    Quilted by Katherine
    Amara K's quilt
    Amber J's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Amber J's quilt
    Amelia S's quilt
    (Minnie Mouse and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Heather
    Amelia S's quilt
    Amy L's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Amy L's quilt
    Amy M's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Amy M's quilt
    Amy W's quilt
    Quilted by Helle
    Amy W's quilt
    Angel S's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Angel S's quilt
    Anthony-Jack's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Anthony-Jack's quilt
    Antoni S's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Antoni S's quilt
    Arran P's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Arran P's quilt
    Arthur W's quilt
    (Farm animals)
    Quilted by Heather
    Arthur W's quilt
    Ava C's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Ava C's quilt
    Ava M's quilt
    Quilted by Darryl
    Ava M's quilt
    Ava M's quilt
    (Witzies (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Seren
    Ava M's quilt
    Bailey K's quilt
    (Cats and Superheroes)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Bailey K's quilt
    Ben B's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Ben B's quilt
    Benjamin M's quilt
    Quilted by Katherine
    Benjamin M's quilt
    Bethany C's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Bethany C's quilt
    Bethany H's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Bethany H's quilt
    Bethany L's quilt
    (Cats and Kittens)
    Quilted by Evelyn
    Bethany L's quilt
    Bobby James R's quilt
    (Monkeys and Gorillas)
    Quilted by Heather
    Bobby James R's quilt
    Bobby W's quilt
    (Teddy Bears and Stars)
    Quilted by Heather
    Bobby W's quilt
    Bobby-Lee N's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Bobby-Lee N's quilt
    Bradley H's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Bradley  H's quilt
    Bradley J's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Bradley J's quilt
    Bridie G's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Bridie G's quilt
    Caiden G's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Caiden G's quilt
    Cait D's quilt
    (Crowns and Princesses)
    Quilted by Mary
    Cait D's quilt
    Charlie A's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Charlie A's quilt
    Charlie B's quilt
    (Cartoon characters)
    Quilted by Kita
    Charlie B's quilt
    Charlie S's quilt
    (Cartoon Characters)
    Quilted by Heather
    Charlie S's quilt
    Charlotte A's quilt
    (Camper Vans And Scooters)
    Quilted by Kita
    Charlotte A's quilt
    Charlotte C's quilt
    (Dogs and puppies)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Charlotte C's quilt
    Chloe E's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Chloe E's quilt
    Angel Chloe W's quilt
    (Hello Kitty)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Chloe W's quilt
    Clarice P's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Clarice P's quilt
    Cody S's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Cody S's quilt
    Connie P's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Connie P's quilt
    Connor S's quilt
    (Animals - Wild/Jungle)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Connor S's quilt
    Daisy F's quilt
    (Butterflies and Flowers)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Daisy F's quilt
    Danielle L's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Danielle L's quilt
    Darien G's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Darien G's quilt
    Donna B's quilt
    (Circle-themed squares (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Donna B's quilt
    Donna E's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Mary
    Donna E's quilt
    Dylan A's quilt
    Quilted by Anna
    Dylan A's quilt
    Effie H's quilt
    (Disney Characters and Peppa Pig)
    Quilted by Rebecca
    Effie H's quilt
    Elahna W's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Elahna W's quilt
    Eleanor N's quilt
    (Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Eleanor N's quilt
    Elizabeth R's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Elizabeth R's quilt
    Ella H's quilt
    Quilted by Sarah
    Ella H's quilt
    Elliot S's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Elliot S's quilt
    Ellis F's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Ellis F's quilt
    Emily U's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Emily U's quilt
    Emma C's quilt
    Quilted by Karen
    Emma C's quilt
    Eric A's quilt
    (Cars, Planes and Trains)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Eric A's quilt
    Esmae L's quilt
    (Mickey, Minnie, Daisy)
    Quilted by Karen
    Esmae L's quilt
    Evie Jean B's quilt
    (Flowers and Butterflies)
    Quilted by Carol
    Evie Jean B's quilt
    Evie-Rose's quilt
    (Fairies and Princesses)
    Quilted by Valerie
    Evie-Rose's quilt
    Ezmae's quilt
    Quilted by Katherine
    Ezmae's quilt
    Finley T's quilt
    Quilted by Janet T
    Finley T's quilt
    Finley W's quilt
    Quilted by Helle
    Finley W's quilt
    Frances W's quilt
    Quilted by Melanie
    Frances W's quilt
    Freddie F's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Heather
    Freddie F's quilt
    Freddie G's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Freddie G's quilt
    George D's quilt
    (Various characters)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    George D's quilt
    Grace H's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Anna
    Grace H's quilt
    Gracie D's quilt
    (Disney characters (all))
    Quilted by Helle
    Gracie D's quilt
    Hannah M's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Hannah M's quilt
    Angel Harry G's quilt
    (Disney Characters
    (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Sue W
    Harry G's quilt
    Harry R's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Harry R's quilt
    Harvey C's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Harvey C's quilt
    Angel Harvey M's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Harvey M's quilt
    Harvey T 1's quilt
    (Disney Pixar characters and Minions)
    Quilted by Melanie
    Harvey T 1's quilt
    Hayden C's quilt
    (Jungle animals)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Hayden C's quilt
    Holly C's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Holly C's quilt
    Isabel Rose C's quilt
    Quilted by Katherine
    Isabel Rose C's quilt
    Isabella E's quilt
    (Female Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Isabella E's quilt
    Isla J's quilt
    (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Isla J's quilt
    Isla Mae's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse)
    Quilted by Seren
    Isla Mae's quilt
    Jack C's quilt
    (Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Sarah
    Jack C's quilt
    Jack M's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Jack M's quilt
    Jack S's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Jack S's quilt
    Jacob H's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra G
    Jacob H's quilt
    Jade A's quilt
    (Angels and Fairies)
    Quilted by Carol
    Jade A's quilt
    Jaiden J's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Jaiden J's quilt
    Jakoby H's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Jakoby H's quilt
    James H's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    James H's quilt
    Jamie B's quilt
    (Cartoon characters)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Jamie B's quilt
    Jamie W's quilt
    Quilted by Seren
    Jamie W's quilt
    Jayden W's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Jayden W's quilt
    John William B's quilt
    (Shaun the Sheep and Timmy Time)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    John William B's quilt
    Johnathon L's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Johnathon L's quilt
    Jonathan M's quilt
    Quilted by Gaynor
    Jonathan M's quilt
    Junaid B's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Anna
    Junaid B's quilt
    Katy Rose's quilt
    (Angels and Fairies)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Katy Rose's quilt
    Kyla M's quilt
    Quilted by Rebecca
    Kyla M's quilt
    Kyron H's quilt
    Quilted by Jill
    Kyron H's quilt
    Lauren M's quilt
    (Cats & Big Cats)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Lauren M's quilt
    Leia M's quilt
    (Hello Kitty)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Leia M's quilt
    Leo M's quilt
    (Dragons and dinosaurs)
    Quilted by Seren
    Leo M's quilt
    Leo W 1's quilt
    Quilted by Leanda
    Leo W 1's quilt
    Leo W 2's quilt
    (Jungle Animals)
    Quilted by Carol
    Leo W 2's quilt
    Lewis C 1's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Lewis C 1's quilt
    Lewis C 2's quilt
    (Sea Life)
    Quilted by Seren
    Lewis C 2's quilt
    Lewis M's quilt
    (Disney Characters - all)
    Quilted by Judith
    Lewis M's quilt
    Lexi-Jean T's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Lexi-Jean T's quilt
    Liam G's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Liam G's quilt
    Lilia F's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Lilia F's quilt
    Lily F's quilt
    (Lilies and hearts)
    Quilted by Heather
    Lily F's quilt
    Lincoln R's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Heather
    Lincoln R's quilt
    Louie B's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Louie B's quilt
    Louie D's quilt
    (Bugs and insects)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Louie D's quilt
    Lucas K's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Lucas K's quilt
    Lucy M's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Lucy M's quilt
    Maia S's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    Maia S's quilt
    Maisie S's quilt
    Quilted by Darryl
    Maisie S's quilt
    Maisy Hope's quilt
    (Flower Fairies)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Maisy Hope's quilt
    Mali B's quilt
    Quilted by Yvonne C
    Mali B's quilt
    Mallie W's quilt
    (Flowers and hearts)
    Quilted by Carol
    Mallie W's quilt
    Mari H's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Mari H's quilt
    Marley V's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Marley V's quilt
    Matilda L's quilt
    (Garden Theme)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Matilda L's quilt
    Matilda W's quilt
    Quilted by Mary
    Matilda W's quilt
    Matthew B's quilt
    (Male Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Matthew B's quilt
    Matthew C's quilt
    (Cartoon characters)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Matthew C's quilt
    Matthew D's quilt
    (Farm Animals (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Sarah
    Matthew D's quilt
    Megan L's quilt
    (Butterflies And Hearts)
    Quilted by Carol
    Megan L's quilt
    Melanie M's quilt
    (Rainbows and Hearts)
    Quilted by Vicky
    Melanie M's quilt
    Mia M's quilt
    (Me to You Bears (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Darryl
    Mia M's quilt
    Mimi K's quilt
    (Hearts (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Jill
    Mimi K's quilt
    Myles S's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Myles S's quilt
    Nicole S's quilt
    (Forever Friends (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Karen
    Nicole S's quilt
    Niesha's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Niesha's quilt
    Noah B's quilt
    Quilted by Tracey E
    Noah B's quilt
    Noel T's quilt
    (Lickle Ted (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Vicky
    Noel T's quilt
    Ocean H's quilt
    (Toadstools and Fairies)
    Quilted by Seren
    Ocean H's quilt
    Oliver W's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse)
    Quilted by Carol
    Oliver W's quilt
    Olivia G's quilt
    (Dogs and Puppies)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Olivia G's quilt
    Oscar S's quilt
    (Farm Animals)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Oscar S's quilt
    Oscar W's quilt
    (Pooh and friends (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Joanne
    Oscar W's quilt
    Phoebe F's quilt
    Quilted by Heather
    Phoebe F's quilt
    Rhys M's quilt
    (Cartoon characters)
    Quilted by Kita
    Rhys M's quilt
    Riley J's quilt
    (Cartoon characters and Superheroes)
    Quilted by Judith
    Riley J's quilt
    Ryan H's quilt
    Quilted by Vicky
    Ryan H's quilt
    Ryan N's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse and friends)
    Quilted by Mary
    Ryan N's quilt
    Sam R's quilt
    Quilted by Liz R
    Sam R's quilt
    Samuel H's quilt
    Quilted by Liz R
    Samuel H's quilt
    Sarah-Grace K's quilt
    (Disney Characters (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Janet T
    Sarah-Grace K's quilt
    Seren T's quilt
    (Enchanted World)
    Quilted by Deborah
    Seren T's quilt
    Shannon's quilt
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Shannon's quilt
    Sophia C's quilt
    Quilted by Evelyn
    Sophia C's quilt
    Summer E's quilt
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    Summer E's quilt
    Tayen Tots's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Tayen Tots's quilt
    Taylor W's quilt
    Quilted by Katherine
    Taylor W's quilt
    Tegan E's quilt
    (Music and Teddy Bears)
    Quilted by Alison and Janine
    Tegan E's quilt
    Thomas B's quilt
    (Winnie the Pooh)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Thomas B's quilt
    Thomas B's quilt
    (World Landmarks)
    Quilted by Seren
    Thomas B's quilt
    Toby O's quilt
    (Frogs (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Sandra G
    Toby O's quilt
    Toby P's quilt
    (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy)
    Quilted by Mary
    Toby P's quilt
    Ty S's quilt
    (Disney Characters (Emergency Quilt))
    Quilted by Janet T
    Ty S's quilt
    Tyler R's quilt
    Quilted by Kita
    Tyler R's quilt
    Violet C's quilt
    (Disney Mickey Mouse Club Characters)
    Quilted by Valerie
    Violet C's quilt
    William E's quilt
    (Sea life)
    Quilted by Leanda
    William E's quilt
    William K's quilt
    Quilted by Carol
    William K's quilt
    William M's quilt
    (Disney Characters)
    Quilted by Vicky
    William M's quilt
    William W's quilt
    (London Landmarks/Union Jacks)
    Quilted by Sandra (Beds)
    William W's quilt
    Wyatt C's quilt
    (Teddies and Hearts)
    Quilted by Karen
    Wyatt C's quilt
    Zoe C's quilt
    (Disney characters and Peppa Pig)
    Quilted by Leanda
    Zoe C's quilt

    Once again, a very big thank you to you all. We look forward to continuing the LQUK work into 2016! A Happy New Year to you all!

    Katherine and Gaynor x

    News 23 Dec 2015 - 31 Dec 2015

    Many thanks to those who have sent in squares at the tail end of 2015:

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Alannah Waters, Ammanford, Wales
    Alice Watts, Edinburgh, UK
    Charlotte, Nottingham, UK
    Elaine, Ammanford, South Wales
    Ellie, London, UK
    Gillian Muir, Edinburgh, UK
    Marie, Yeovil, UK
    Sid, Edinburgh, Scotland (3)
    Thorgunnur Anna Ingimundardottir, Reykjavik, Iceland

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