BiographyTwo hours after birth Benjamin was diagnosed with transposition of the greater arteries and was seriously ill.
Ben was transferred to Glenfield for small operation balloon septosmy to keep him alive and put on a prostin to keep the hole open.
Ben was due to have open heart surgery a week later, at 6 days old Ben had a tonic clonic seizure which left him brain damaged. To begin with we didn't know the affects and was told he may never walk or talk and may also have autism. Benjamin also developed a chest infection.
In November 2012, Benjamin had his open heart surgery which was to swap the main arteries around in his heart to the correct place. Ben was in surgery for 8.5 hours. Once back in picu the operation was successful
Ben's chest was closed within 3 days, and wires removed and was doing well. Ben's right lung then collapsed and needed physio to sort the problem. After a week of recovering on the 16/11/12 we came home nearly a month after Ben was born.
Ben developed slower then other kids and at his 2 year check in February 2015 he failed all areas. We then faced a new challenge, Ben was showing signs of autism and was non verbal.
Having spoke really early he lost all speech with in a month. Ben had lots of blood test,s eye test, hearing test, Mri and on the 9th September 2015 we got full diagnosis - Autism non verbal social and communication difficulties hyper mobility and low muscle tone, mobility difficulties.
Benjamin takes all this in his stride and battles on, nothing stops him at all. Like most 3 year olds he is in to every thing and lives life to the full.