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LoveQuiltsUK - Zoe T's quilt

Zoe T's quilt    (Quilt Completed)

Illness: genetic mutation of USP9X gene

Theme: Specific

Quilt delivered: 19th Nov 2017
Photo of Zoe T

Thank you

Thank you so much for Zoe’s wonderful quilt. She has opened it but so far has declined to let me take any photos of her with the quilt but here it is. I feel rather overwhelmed by the kindness and work from others. Thank you and I will post a photo of Zoe with her quilt when she lets me!

Finished photos

Photo of Zoe Ts quilt

Photo of Zoe Ts quilt

Quilted by: Tracey E

Individual squares

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Alison Wells (+)
Submitted: Jul 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Elaine (+)
Submitted: Aug 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Jeanne (+)
Submitted: Aug 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Kate (+)
Submitted: Oct 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Katie Lacy (+)
Submitted: Sep 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Maria (+)
Submitted: Mar 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Monika (+)
Submitted: Sep 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Monika Bascombe (+)
Submitted: Oct 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Nicola Dove (+)
Submitted: Sep 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Penny Thatcher (+)
Submitted: Sep 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Sarah W (+)
Submitted: Oct 2017

Cross stitch square for Zoe T's quilt
Stitched by: Sue Torode (+)
Submitted: Sep 2017


Card for Zoe T
Stitched by: Diane Clifford


Zoe was born 5 days late, there were no issues spotted during my pregnancy. When she was born her left hand was under her chin and her face was wonky because of this and this meant she had trouble sucking. Her feet were turned up also right against her legs.

At the initial check she was found to have hip dysplacia and was fitted with a pavlick harness for 12 weeks. She was also diagnose with "rocker bottom foot" and we were referred to a specialist orthopaedic hospital as this was very rare. She has splints for her feet and they also said she had tortilcolis and she was not trying to stand and crawl like the other babies were. She was also get hysterically upset when she heard loud noises, especially babies screaming and crying and it was hard to take her to NCT groups and play groups.

At 6 months the paediatrician saw her and told me I wasn't playing with her properly and that was why she wasn't developing. She learnt Makaton at 18 months and didn't talk until she was gone 4. She walked, with a wobble at 3 and still walks with a wobble now!

At 2 she saw a physio who said she thought she might have some additional needs and we then had access to Speech therapists and OT and reviews. She was diagnosed with global developmental delay.

At 6 years old she developed epilepsy and at 8 was diagnosed with Autism. We have seen a geneticist from the age of 2 but they couldn't find anything and her brain and spine MRI didn't show any abnormalities.

At 10 she had a full spinal fusion as her scoliosis was so bad it was squashing her stomach and lungs and she has had various castings and tendon transfer operations on her feet. Her spinal surgery was a success and she grew 5 inches overnight!

She has very high levels of anxiety and has been under camhs on and off since she was 2.

We entered the DDD genetic study and in 2015 got a letter to come and see the geneticist. Her genetic condition has been found in 16 other children across the world so far and little is know about it at the moment.

She was diagnosed in 2016 with OCD.

She attends a special school and sleeps there several nights a week due to her complex mental health needs which can result in changing behaviour.

She is a wonderful young lady who can be so kind and caring, she doesn't miss a trick and hears everything and anything and she loves to catch up on "gossip" with her obsession being people and what they are up to!

She has a wicked sense of humour and has been amazing coping with her operations and medication she takes. She makes everyone laugh and those that meet her love her!

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