BiographyRhea was born at 29 weeks gestation due to a rare placenta disorder. The first few months saw us battle sepsis, feeding issues, bowel issues and failure to thrive.
When Rhea was a year old and had missed all of her milestones we contacted her paediatrician as we were very concerned. He referred us for an MRI.
Rhea's MRI results came back very quickly, she has severe bilateral periventricular leukomalacia, thinning of the corpus callosum and enlargement of the lateral ventricles.
Subsequently Rhea has spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. This means her legs are affected more than the rest of her. She has low tone in her trunk which also affects her bowels. She has a severe tremor in both arms, her hips and legs have very tight (spastic) muscles.
In addition to her CP Rhea has a visual impairment, sensory processing disorder, complex motor stereotypies and global development delay. She has lots of issues around feeding and drinking too.
Despite all of her challenges Rhea is a determined, funny little girl.