Thank youWow wow wow!!!
I cant thank everyone enough for their stunning work and time given to produce Joelles beautiful quilt. I am so overwhelmed with the quality and detail. Thank you all so very much. A perfect addition to her new relaxing chair when it arrives. In the meantime, a lovely cosy and fun way to stay warm in her wheelchair when we go out and about or for snuggling up with in bed.
You have made us both very happy :)
Huge appreciation,
Fiona and Joelle x
BiographyJoelle is a happy, fun loving 13 year old girl. Where congenital CMV damaged her brain during pregnancy causing quadriplegic cerebral palsy and global development delays and later resulting in epilepsy and being reliant on peg feeding, it didn't affect her sense of humour. While she is unable to communicate verbally she can laugh, giggle, shout and express herself in other ways.
She loves our pet cats, George and Dave, and enjoys looking after many dogs at her Dad's house where he has kennels. Her little brother Sonny and sisters Orlaith, Eden and Alivia and step sisters Nicole and Kourtney are her best friends and biggest helpers. From painting Joelle's nails, playing peekaboo or just causing a riot to entertain her she expresses so much love and trust with them.
Joelle spent lots of her 1st year in hospital and has continued therapies throughout her 13yrs but we are very lucky that her health is good so hospital admissions are generally planned surgeries. Having undergone teeth removal, peg fitting, double hip reconstruction surgeries and now dealing with severe scoliosis, Joelle is a little trooper and rarely complains. She is strong in character as well as physically. Her new challenge is now to hone her eyegaze skills on her new eyegaze computer system which will open up the world around her to new experiences and allow for full communication both in school and at home.
While Joelle's future will be very different from her siblings, it will be full of excitement and new adventures.