The first job was to decide on the colours of fabrics to use for the quilt. We already had some donated Noah's Ark fabric, and a donated duvet cover to use for the back. So it was a matter of choosing plain fabrics for the front of the quilt and the binding to match in with the Noah's Ark fabric.
It is sometimes difficult to imagine the fabric colours in the final quilt, so the quilt was mocked up in Adobe Photoshop to help decide:

Once I had decided on green and orange, the next job was to go shopping for fabric. In Swansea, we are fortunate to have Lee Mill Fabrics which does not charge as much as specialist quilting shops.
My mother and I shopped for fabric and purchased ¾ metre green and ¾ orange at a cost of £7.48 total. We also purchased some cotton threads (green, orange and light blue at a cost of £4.50)
Here is my mother in the shop!

And the final fabric choice:

The fabric was then cut out into the required pieces, ready for the patchworking process:

Meanwhile, the squares had arrived from Katherine. They were gently washed and then hung up to dry:

Next, the order of the squares on the quilt was decided. This is more complicated than it might seem, for example, the square of Noah pulling the cart had to be on the left hand side, otherwise he would look like he was walking out of the quilt! Other considerations include colour, rough shape of square etc.

Next the squares were measured to 11 inches:

And cut down ready for patchworking: