The next stage is to stitch all three layers together. This is done carefully so as not to stitch through the cross stitch designs.
The machine was set up with a walking foot and a quilting needle, and sewn along the lines I have Photoshopped in black below:

*Note: This quilting pattern is not set in stone. There are many possible variations. For example, some quilters quilt around the cross-stitch design in a square and then do a cross at each junction. As long as the quilt is held securely together we are quite flexible on the quilting pattern chosen.

As the width of the squares is approximately 10.5 inches at this point, it is also necessary to quilt on the squares themselves, in order that they are held firmly in place:

Now there are many dozens of loose ends - these must be pulled through to the back of the quilt, and tied in out of sight: