BiographyI didn’t know Alice had any issues until she was six weeks old. She wouldn’t sleep and made a funny noise all the time but never cried (never has). Our GP sent her to see a paed who sent her for tests. By 17 months she couldn’t sit up but was always happy. She had an MRI and was diagnosed with agenesis of the corpus callosum (no bridge in her brain). The neuro didn’t think she would sit, walk or talk, a month later she sat up! She was also diagnosed with epilepsy, a floppy voice box, eyesight issues, hearing problems, low muscle tone and a low immune system at this time. She bum shuffled everywhere and started special needs nursery at three. At 5 and a half she walked! Her mobility is limited and unfortunately getting worse now. She was diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder at 6. She was diagnosed with a sickness syndrome at 11 after throwing up 24 times a day. Alice is on The Genome Project as her paed thinks something else is going on. She’s the happiest girl I know and will give anything a try.