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LoveQuiltsUK - Mila-Boo's quilt

Mila-Boo's quilt    (Quilt Closed)

Illness: Congenital heart disease

Theme: Mixture

Date opened: 8th Feb 2025
Date closed: 16th Feb 2025
Deadline: 26th Jun 2025

Photo of Mila-Boo

Theme details

Mixture - Emojis, hearts, ducks, monkeys, teddies, toothbrushes, lollies. A good mixture please, 1-2 of each.

A stethoscope on the label

Child Interests

All colours, bright, multi-colours, she just loves colour.

Emojis, Alderhey elephant mascot, hearts, ducks, monkeys, teddies, toothbrushes, lollies, Baby Shark.

Stethoscopes are her favourite (obsessed with doctors equipment)


Mila-Boo was diagnosed with congenital heart disease whilst still in mummy's tummy. She was taken straight to Alderhey where she was made stable until she was able to have her 1st open heart surgery.

Her 1st time under general anaesthetic was at less than 24 hours old and her 1st major open heart surgery at 5 days old. These surgeries have carried on over the years and up to now she has received 4 major open heart surgeries and a 5th surgery to her diaphragm. In her 2 and a half years she has been put to sleep 12 times and is constantly at hospital for different appointments and check ups.

2023 was the hardest year yet, she went into hospital for her 2nd stage heart surgery when something went wrong and she was on the operating table for 12 hours. She was on ICU on 4 different kinds of life support including a bypass machine and ventilator. As she slowly got better we spent a gruelling 5 months in hospital.

One and half years on and more surgeries later she's an amazing, sassy, strong little girl. She was called in before Christmas where we spent another 3 months in hospital due to her oxygen levels being at 40% but we were lucky to be discharged on oxygen 2 weeks before Christmas and she's since been thriving. Although we have a few surgeries left to complete we are all enjoying the life we have right now and I wouldn't change her for the world.

All the hospital stays and all the people who have supported us and made her the little person she is today amaze me every single day.


1.Own design Heart filled with heartsStitcher: Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK
In Progress

2.Stoneycreek Teddies of the Year Teddy in raincoat with 2 little ducksStitcher: Rosemary Binnie, Macclesfield, UK
In Progress

3.Heart, nordic folk art spring with ducks, from Happinesst Stitcher: Julie Robbins, Bromsgrove , UK
In Progress

4.World of cross stitch Tatty Teddy with chocolate Stitcher: Roisin, Amersham, England
In Progress

5.Monkey playing with a Banana by Donna and Margaret on Etsy Stitcher: Val Gilbert, Coningsby , UK
In Progress

6.DM C Loveable Bears - Good Friends 2 teddies cuddling each othetStitcher: Pauline, Broughton, UK
In Progress

7.Patchwork Heart designed by Linda Teare. Patchwork Heart from an old Quick&Easy cross Stitch magazine. Stitcher: Sharon, Kenilworth, UK
In Progress

8. Cute duck by CraftiboCross on Etsy Stitcher: Karen Burton, Peterborough, UK
In Progress

9.Pollyanna Pickering cross stitch kit Duck in rain Stitcher: Alison, Ormskirk, UK
In Progress

10.Etsy EllyAndStitch 30 Emoji Cross Stitch Collection Variety of emojis Stitcher: Gabriele Pearson, Cromarty, UK
In Progress

11.Climbing Goat spiral lolly Stitcher: Sharon Hill, Billinge, Wigan, UK
In Progress

12.Label Stitcher: Jodie Balaam, Lawshall, England
In Progress

Squares received

None yet. (Quilt opened on 8th Feb 2025)

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