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LoveQuiltsUK - Latest News

LoveQuilts UK News

News 22 Jan 2012 - 29 Jan 2012

Quilt News

100 quilts!
Benjamin S's Emergency quilt was delivered this week and became our 100th delivered quilt! This is great achievement and we would like to thank all involved. Here's to the next 100 quilts!

Thank you to Anna for quilting Benjamin's quilt. We are awaiting a photo of Benjamin with his quilt.

Jennifer M's quilt was delivered (Quilted by Katherine)

We have three quilts that are completed and will be delivered this coming week:

We have decided to send an emergency quilt for a little girl called Caitlin who is currently ungoing treatment for leukaemia and is having quite a hard time. Caitlin will receive the butterfly quilt which was quilted by Marion. As an emergency quilt, there is no label incorporated into the quilt, so Gaynor has been stitching Caitlin's name on to a small label(kindly sent in by Kaye) and stitching it to the back of the quilt.

Additionally, Liz R has completed Leroy's quilt and Yvonne has completed Daniel's quilt. Thank you, ladies!

We have heard that Rhea T who received a quilt from us last summer is not very well at the moment, and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Trinity Church Craft Fayre
We would like to thank Zahra and Trinity Church who have raised for us the magnificent sum of £226.40! Zahra held a craft fayre just before Christmas and the total was matched by Trinity Church. We are so grateful for the support, it will help us very much, thank you again!

Square News
We have received 17 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK (for Samuel W)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Harry)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Jack B)
    Joyce Hodkinson, Rochdale, UK (for Harry)
    Joyce Hodkinson, Rochdale, UK (for Amelia Rose)
    Julie Moody, Newark, UK (for Jessica S)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Caitlin F)
    Monika, Bedford, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Lickle Ted)
    Monika, Bedford, UK (for Tahlia-Annikki)
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants (for Dean B)
    Rebecca, Kettering, Northants (for Isla)
    Rebekah Quinn, Doncaster, UK (for Aaron F)
    Shirley, Worthing, Sussex, England (for Jessica S)
    Sid, Edinburgh, Scotland (for Jack K)
    Steph, Loughborough, UK (for Jack K)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Sid, Edinburgh, Scotland for the Cute animals category

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Shirley, Worthing

    (See Fabric page for details)

    A big thank you to the company Bauer, and also to Joyce Hodkinson and Anita Smith, all of whom have sent in stamps this week.

    Also thank you to everyone who has sent in small cash donations this week, it is very much appreciated :)

    News 15 Jan 2012 - 22 Jan 2012

    Quilt News
    Marion has completed an emergency quilt for us, that we will keep in stock until it is needed. Thank you Marion and all the stitchers who kindly donated the butterfly squares :)

    Erin's quilt has been delivered:

    We are putting together an emergency quilt for Benjamin S with squares from the Disney Cars Stitch-a-long. Anna has been working hard on the quilt all week and hopes to post it on Monday or Tuesday.

    Katherine has completed Jennifer's quilt and also hopes to post out on Monday or Tuesday.

    We have now delivered 99 quilts since 2008, so Benjamin and Jennifer's quilts are in a race to become the 100th quilt! Exciting!

    Hannah P, who received her quilt last week, has taken her quilt into hospital with her this week, where she is to undergo an operation. We have received this photo of Hannah with her quilt:

    Quilts opened/closed
    Sienna S's quilt was closed.

    Square News
    We have received 23 squares this week! Thank you to everyone for their stunning work!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK (for Forget-Me-Not Quilt)
    Claire, Nottingham, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Lickle Ted)
    Eileen Toy, London, England (for Elizabeth P)
    Ginny Pledger, Earls Barton, UK (for Christopher J)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Samuel W)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Dean B)
    Heather, Littleborough, England (for Harry)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (for William E)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (for Amelia E)
    Jean, Buckinghamshire, England (for Elizabeth P)
    Jeneen, PA, USA (for Nicola H)
    Julie, Anglesey, Wales (for Isla)
    Karen Burton, Peterborough, UK (for Amelia F)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, UK (for Forget-Me-Not Quilt)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, UK (for Isla)
    Katy, Nottingham, UK (for Adelaide W)
    Sandra, England (for Harry)
    Sandra, England (for Forget-Me-Not Quilt)
    Sandra, England (for Jack B)
    Tracey, Cardiff, Wales (for William E)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Carol Ayling, Copthorne, UK for the Teddies category
    Marion, UK for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Pauline, Broughton, for the Cute animals category

    Account Audit/Gift Aid
    We would like to thank Mrs Jean Powell who has very kindly undertaken the auditing of our accounts for free. Thank you Jean!

    Gaynor has been completing a claim form for Gift Aid, and we believe we are eligible for £161, which is very good news indeed.

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Karen, Corby Glen
    Lisa, USA
    Vicky, Sleaford

    (See Fabric page for details)

    Thank you to everyone for your donations this week, it is really appreciated!

    News 08 Jan 2012 - 15 Jan 2012

    Quilt News
    Brandon's quilt was delivered (our first quilt of 2012!):

    Hannah P's quilt was delivered:

    Quilts opened/closed
    Kyle V's quilt was opened
    Jack R's quilt was closed
    William E's quilt was closed

    We have had a Twitter account for a while with the aim of building up our search engine rankings. However, we keep forgetting to update it! Gaynor has been integrating our Twitter account with our website behind the scenes this week so it should be easier to update from now on. If you are on Twitter, please would you consider following us @lovequiltsuk :)

    Square News
    We have received 22 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Elaine, Raby, NSW, Australia (for Stitch-a-long: Owls)
    Ellie, London, UK (for Adelaide W)
    Ellie, London, UK (for Christopher J)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Daniel C)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Iona)
    Joanne, Wigan, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Hearts)
    Karen, Majorca, Spain (for Jessica S)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Samuel W)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Forget-Me-Not Quilt)
    Kita , Northampton, UK (for Shona G)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (for Amelia F)
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK (for Tahlia-Annikki)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (for Jack B)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (for William E)
    Nicola, St Albans, UK (for Any child)
    Sue, Birmingham, England (for Shona G)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK for the Cute animals category
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Miss Debbie Elkington, Boston, Lincs, UK for the Vehicles category
    Newhall Methodist Church, Derbyshire, for the Flowers/Bugs category
    Nicola, St Albans, UK for the Teddies category

    Mini Squares
    We have had a number of mini squares sent in this week. Although we do occasionally have too-small squares in which we are saving up to use in their own quilt eventually, we prefer not to take them as a matter of course. Smaller squares mean much more work making up a quilt as much more patchworking is required, so we are committed to 13" x 13" squares.

  • Donated fabric was received from:

    Jan, Oklahoma USA - thank you, Jan!

    (See Fabric page for details)

    Thank you to the Higham Piecemakers for donating the wadding for Leroy's quilt!

    Also thanks as always to those who have sent in cash, cheque or Paypal donations this week :)

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    Showing results 190 to 192 of 246

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