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LoveQuilts UK News

News 15 Jan 2011 - 22 Jan 2011

Quilt News
This week, Katherine has been working on Krystal's quilt. She is nearly finished, just finishing off the binding.

Lennon Georgie's quilt was delivered this week. We have not yet received a photo of Lennon with the quilt, but here is a photo of the finished quilt. Thanks to all of you who stitched the fab Noah's Ark squares!

Square News
We have received 10 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Freya P)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Toni C)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Any child)
    Gaynor, Swansea, Wales (for Jayden C)
    Katherine, Lincolnshire, England (for Bradley)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Aaron H)
    Kaye, St Albans, England (for Poppy)
    Susan, Ontario, Canada (for Jayden C)
    Vicki, Prosperity, SC, USA (for Scott W)
    Victoria, Sleaford, England (for Stitch - a - long)

    Many thanks to all who have sent cash donations to help with the making up of quilts this week, it is very much appreciated. Also thanks to Lesley in Bristol who sent us a load of used stamps!

    News 08 Jan 2011 - 15 Jan 2011

    There were three quilts delivered this week!

    Corey-Jack's emergency quilt:

    Amber-Rose's quilt:

    Lillie Mae's quilt:

    We had a few hairy moments when the twins' quilts appeared to be lost in the post, but fortunately they arrived safely in the end (phew!) Thank you very much to all the stitchers who contributed both squares and cash donations towards these quilts!

    Gaynor has completed Lennon Georgie's Noah's Ark quilt which has just been posted, so we hope to bring you news about his quilt next week.

    Katherine has just started working on Krystal S's quilt.

    Quilts opened/closed

    Patrick C's frog quilt was opened and closed (sign-ups went very quickly!)

    Also, Brooke H's quilt was opened, Poppy's quilt was closed and Rhea's quilt was also closed.

    Square news

    We have received a whopping 27 squares this week! Many thanks to everyone those who stitched them and sent them in!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Emily, London, England (for Poppy)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Scott W)
    Jessica Valles Fairless, C´an Picafort, Majorca (for Stitch - a - long)
    Karen, Majorca, Spain (for Stitch - a - long)
    Mariann, USA (for Aaron H)
    Mariann, USA (for Eleanor G)
    Mariann, USA (for Eleanor G)
    Mariann, USA (for Freya P)
    Mariann, USA (for Lotty B)
    Mariann, USA (for Eleanor G)
    Mariann, USA (for Stitch - a - long)
    Mariann, USA (for Stitch - a - long)
    Mariann, USA (for Laura W)
    Mariann, USA (for Stitch - a - long 2)
    Mariann, USA (for Bradley)
    Mariann, USA (for Faith M)
    Patricia, Northern Ireland, UK (for Lotty B)
    Sandy, USA (for Aaron H)
    Sandy, USA (for Eleanor G)
    Sandy, USA (for Laura W)
    Sylvia, Germany (for Krystal S)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Gayle, USA for the Angels/Fairies category
    Gayle, USA for the Cartoon Characters category
    Jeneen, PA, USA for the Angels/Fairies category
    Kay R, Pennsylvania, USA for the Cartoon Characters category
    Kay R, Pennsylvania, USA for the Cartoon Characters category
    Liz, UK for the Angels/Fairies category

    Square deadlines for Aaron H and Eleanor G are now approaching, just to remind you!


    We would like to thank everyone who has sent cash donations big and small this week. In particular we would like to thank Rosemary for her very generous donation towards fabric. We are very grateful and it will help us to keep our heads above water for the next few months!

    News 31 Dec 2010 - 08 Jan 2011

    Quilt News
    This week, Katherine has been working on an Emergency Quilt for Corey-Jack which is being made with some Any Child squares and some patchwork panels. Corey-Jack will be spending a lot of time in hospital during January and February.

    Gaynor has just started working on Lennon-Georgie's Noah's Ark quilt - shopping for fabric and washing the squares in preparation!

    The quilts for Lillie Mae and Amber Rose have now been posted so we are waiting to hear about those.

    Also this week, Abigail's Flower Fairy quilt was received. This lovely picture was taken by Amanda, Abigail's mum:

    Photo of Abigail''s quilt

    Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine
    LoveQuiltsUK is now appearing under the list of cross stitch clubs printed in Cross Stitch Crazy magazine:

    Welcome to any stitchers who have joined us based on this advert! Also thanks to Victoria for sorting out the free advertising.

    Square News

    We have received 13 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Gaynor, Swansea, Wales (for Lennon Georgie)
    Gillian Bickerstaff, Liverpool, UK (for Elizabeth)
    Gilly, Ellesmore Port, England (for Jayden C)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Rhea T)
    Jessica Valles Fairless, C´an Picafort, Majorca (for Aaron H)
    Karen, Majorca, Spain (for Eleanor G)
    Katherine, Lincolnshire, England (for Aaron H)
    Sharon, Colorado, USA (for Seraphina)
    Susan, Ontario, Canada (for Krystal S)
    Susan, Hamilton, USA (for Jayden C)
    Susan, Hamilton, USA (for Lennon Georgie)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Gaynor, Swansea, Wales for the Teddies category
    Gillian Bickerstaff, Liverpool, UK for the Girls category

    Donated fabric was received from: Victoria, Sleaford

    (See Fabric page for details)

    Also many thanks to those who have sent cash donations this week, it is very much appreciated.

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