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LoveQuilts UK News

News 02 May 2011 - 08 May 2011

Quilt News
This week, Katherine completed Scott's quilt, and it has been delivered:

Photo of Scott Ws quilt

Anna has completed Toni's quilt and it has been delivered, but we have not yet received a photo. Thank you to all who stitched for Scott and Toni!

Quilts in progress at the moment are: Lotty's quilt (Katherine), Tilly Lucy's quilt (Gaynor) and Brooke N quilt (Mary)

We continue to receive offers of quilting help - thank you very much to all and welcome to LoveQuiltsUK :)

Quilts opened/closed
We re-opened to new applications this week.

Lilly Mae S's quilt was opened and closed (Butterflies, Flowers and Dragonflies)
Jayden K's quilt was opened (Toy Story characters)
Edward Y's quilt was opened (Sea Life)

5 sign-up guideline
Katherine and Gaynor have had a long chat about sign-ups and we'd like to ask stitchers to commit themselves to a maximum of five sign-ups at any one time. We don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, it's just in case someone breaks an arm etc and is unable to complete their squares. A large number of missing sign-ups would leave us in a tight spot and we're sure you can appreciate that. :)

Square News
We have had a number of new stitchers in the last two weeks - presumably from World of Cross Stitching magazine. Welcome to LoveQuiltsUK! We're glad to have you with us. :)

We have received 16 squares this week. Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Squares were received from:

    Deb, Clitheroe, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Butterflies)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Faith M)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Rhea T)
    Freda, Morecombe, England (for Patrick C)
    Helen, Mellor, UK (for Jack B)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, United Kingdom. (for Faith M)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, United Kingdom. (for Seraphina)
    Karen Guy, Corby Glen, United Kingdom. (for Rhea T)
    Lis Nielsen, Corby Glen, UK (for Brooke H)
    Lorraine, Spain (for Kelli G )
    Patricia, Northern Ireland, UK (for Rhea T)
    Patricia, Northern Ireland, UK (for Matty H)
    Sarah, Lytham St Annes, UK (for Jack B)
    Sue, BC, Canada (for Faith M)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Ann, Kingsbridge, UK for the Teddies category
    Sue, Birmingham, England for the Dogs and Cats category

    Thank you to all who sent cash/Paypal donations this week, it is really appreciated.

    News 23 Apr 2011 - 02 May 2011

    Quilt News
    Katherine has completed Scott's quilt and it will be delivered during the coming week. Gaynor has completed Lilia Rania's quilt and it has been delivered, but since Rania has been away at her Gran's over the Bank Holiday we are awaiting a photo! Gaynor has also made a start on Tilly-Lucy's quilt.

    Magazine stardom!
    It has been a big week for LoveQuiltsUK, with us appearing in World of Cross Stitching magazine with a full-page article on p74! We are also appearing in Popular Patchworking magazine!

    If you would like to purchase these magazines, it is World of Cross Stitch Issue 177 with "Fizzy Moon" on the cover. The Popular Patchwork is the June 2011 issue with quilted handbags on the cover. Both are currently available on general sale from good newsagents!

    New Quilters
    It is with great pleasure that we can tell you that we have had no fewer than nine offers of quilting help as a result Popular Patchwork magazine! We really can't believe it as we have long wanted to recruit more quilters, to relieve the pressure on Katherine and Gaynor and in time to reach more children.

    Anna and Mary are the first two ladies who will work on Toni C's quilt and Brooke N's quilt respectively. Joanne in Scotland will be working on the World Landmarks squares which we will keep in stock as an emergency quilt.

    Gaynor is in contact with the other ladies and we hope to put their skills to use for LoveQuiltsUK in the near future!

    Thank you to all the ladies who have contacted us for their generous offers of help, we appreciate it very much indeed.

    Katherine and Gaynor will be discussing what extra quilting help will mean in terms of re-opening to new child applications and making a decision on that soon.

    Late Squares
    We have three quilts that now have squares past their due dates - Seraphina's is three squares short, Faith and Jack B are 5 squares short and Max is 4 squares short. We have noticed a growing trend of late squares, and in recent months we have had to dip into the Any Child Squares more and more and also reduce some 15 square quilts to 12 squares.

    Please, please could you try to get your signed up squares in on time, now that we have more quilters, we will be able to start quilts very soon after the squares deadline. It is particularly concerning when children are very sick because nobody wants to be in the situation that the child sadly passes away before the quilt arrives. Thanks :)

    Square News
    We have received 3 squares this week. Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Catherine, Blackpool, England (for Jack B)
    Joanne, Wigan, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Mr Men and Little Miss)
    Susan, Ontario, Canada (for Stitch-a-long: Hello Kitty)

    Gaynor has raised £69.25 through trading in used ink-jet cartridges this week. Also thank you to those who have sent donations through cash or Paypal, it is very much appreciated.

    Bank Account
    LoveQuiltsUK now has a formal bank account. If you would like to make donations via UK Cheque, please make payable to LoveQuiltsUK.

    News 16 Apr 2011 - 23 Apr 2011

    Quilt News
    This week, Katherine has been working on Scott's quilt and Gaynor has been working on Lilia Rania's quilt.

    Laura's quilt was received this week. Many thanks to all of you who stitched and donated a square. Here is a picture - you can just make out the top of Laura's head in the ball pool!

    Quilts opened/closed
    We have opened two new Stitch-a-longs with themes that are particularly popular with kids at the moment:

    Stitch-a-long: Hello Kitty's quilt was opened
    Stitch-a-long: Disney Pixar Cars's quilt was opened

    World of Cross Stitching Article
    About two months ago, Katherine and Gaynor were contacted by Iona Lister of World of Cross Stitching magazine with a view to doing an article on LoveQuiltsUK. We were very excited by this and provided Iona with information and photographs, obtaining permission from the children's parents.

    We are pleased to tell you that we are appearing in World of Cross Stitching magazine Issue 177 where we have a full-page spread. Please note that Issue 177 is not on general sale until next week, but those of you who order it by post will already have received it. (It's the issue with "Fizzy Moon" Bear and Rabbit on the front cover)

    Many thanks to World of Cross Stitching magazine for providing us with such great publicity. :)

    Square News
    We have received 14 squares this week! Many thanks to all those who stitched them!

  • Quilt Squares were received from:

    Gaynor, Swansea, Wales (for Tilly Lucy)
    Gaynor, Swansea, Wales (for Lilia Rania)
    Hannah , Wirral, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Butterflies)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Lilia Rania)
    Jan, Enid, Oklahoma, USA (for Lilia Rania)
    Jessica, Majorca, Spain (for Brooke H)
    Joanna Jennings, Carnforth, England (for Jack B)
    Joanne, Wigan, UK (for Stitch-a-long: Disney Characters)
    Karen, Majorca, Spain (for Lilia Rania)
    Katherine, Lincolnshire, England (for Scott W)
    Mariann, USA (for Matty H)
    Suzanne, Peacehaven, United Kingdom (for Poppy)
    Victoria, Sleaford, England (for Brooke N)

  • Any child squares were received from:

    Magda, Glasgow, Scotland for the Girls category

    Thank you to those who have sent cash/Paypal donations this week, it is very much appreciated. We are in the process of setting up a formal bank account, so we will soon be able to take donations via cheque also.

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